why am I still gaining?

Just wanted to ask the question!, I asked the same question a few months back and got a lot of answers- one extreme to another!, presently I go spinning 2x weekly, Yoga 1 day and the gym, I have increased my calorie intake (as advised by some on here) so only to loose 1lb weekly with MFP... well it's not coming off....in fact its going on! I've worked out calories in and calories out, but just seem to keeping piling the weight on?
I'm honest and don't follow MFP 7/7 I do have at least 1-2 days a week off, but do not over indulge on these days, surely 5/7 and exercise should help me loose-or just maintain, but not put weight on??

Anyone who can please guide and advise me where I might be going wrong :-) :s:'(:|


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    First question you're going to get is how are you determining how much you're eating. If you're not weighing solids and semi-solids, and measuring liquids, it's quite possible you're overestimating how much you're actually eating. Somewhere, somehow you are eating more than your body is burning, unless it's constant water weight.
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    I am in the same boat as the original poster I think, in that 5 days a week I am relatively strict but I let it go maybe a bit too much at weekends. My food diary backs that up!!
    I find myself torn between really wanting to lose the bit of belly fat that I have but also enjoying a few beers and the odd treat meal. Both sides of me win at different times!! I guess you've just got to be happy with yourself really and find the right balance for you.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I am in the same boat as the original poster I think, in that 5 days a week I am relatively strict but I let it go maybe a bit too much at weekends. My food diary backs that up!!
    I find myself torn between really wanting to lose the bit of belly fat that I have but also enjoying a few beers and the odd treat meal. Both sides of me win at different times!! I guess you've just got to be happy with yourself really and find the right balance for you.

    Since you know you do this, can you regig your calories to cut a bit more off on week days, thus allowing some extras on weekends? Many people do this, treating their calorie goal as a weekly thing rather than a daily one. eg, eat 100 cals less each day on weekdays, which saves an extra 500 for the weekend.
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Nony! thanks for your reply.

    I think I do this and MFP shows that over the course of a week I am in deficit but that last stubborn bit of belly fat is still there and my weight seems at stay pretty constant at 86 kgs. But I have to accept that I am not as meticulous in recording calories in as I need to be which is why the original post, and the good replies made, struck a chord with me.

    I didn't quite understand the comment from Carl "As far as MFP goes don't put your exercise in either as it will adjust calories". I enter my exercise each day and it allows me more calories which I thought was okay until I read that comment.
  • meomai2
    meomai2 Posts: 21 Member
    Ok, thanks to all, now I've worked out my daily deficit which is 1368 to loose weight I have said I am lightly active, here goes my two weeks complete workouts & daily calories, just to say also, I have tried 1200cals per day without success so went back up to 1410 so lets see what an in between calorie intake can do for me :-) but this number goes against MFP recommendations
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Also, make sure the nutritional information is correct when you log it. Sometimes I've looked up an item on the database and the calories are way off! If that happens to 10 items in a day, you could be 100's over.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    Hi Nony! thanks for your reply.

    I think I do this and MFP shows that over the course of a week I am in deficit but that last stubborn bit of belly fat is still there and my weight seems at stay pretty constant at 86 kgs. But I have to accept that I am not as meticulous in recording calories in as I need to be which is why the original post, and the good replies made, struck a chord with me.

    I didn't quite understand the comment from Carl "As far as MFP goes don't put your exercise in either as it will adjust calories". I enter my exercise each day and it allows me more calories which I thought was okay until I read that comment.

    Exercise can be adjusted in 3 ways.
    1. Making it a part of activity level in settings
    2. Keeping activity level low in settings and logging intentional exercise manually.
    3. Syncing fitbit to mfp in which case the adjustments are automatic based on your activity level settings.

    The main point is to ensure that exercise is counted only once.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Hi Nony! thanks for your reply.

    I think I do this and MFP shows that over the course of a week I am in deficit but that last stubborn bit of belly fat is still there and my weight seems at stay pretty constant at 86 kgs. But I have to accept that I am not as meticulous in recording calories in as I need to be which is why the original post, and the good replies made, struck a chord with me.

    I didn't quite understand the comment from Carl "As far as MFP goes don't put your exercise in either as it will adjust calories". I enter my exercise each day and it allows me more calories which I thought was okay until I read that comment.

    @nickgolledge ignore Carl, he clearly doesn't understand how MFP works. You are indeed meant to eat the calories earned from exercise.

    Those last few kg can be hard, there's not a lot of leeway, so meticulous logging is often required to ensure you're at a deficit. If you're pretty close to goal, you may want to consider switching to a recomp. This is where you eat at maintenance, and do some sort of progressive strength training programme. The idea is that you will lose fat while gaining muscle, so essentially your weight stays the same, but because muscle is denser than fat, you look slimmer. Here's a nifty thread all about that: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10177803/recomposition-maintaining-weight-while-losing-fat#latest
  • amdsf
    amdsf Posts: 24 Member
    Nickgolledge, in my experience, and based on many google searches on the subject :-) , MFP really overestimates the calories burned while doing exercise. So if you eat those calories back, you are eating too many calories, and will likely not lose the weight. I spent a couple of frustrating months on MFP, with v. little weight loss because of this. And I only ate part of the exercise calories back, not all.

    Also, some people log everything as exercise (went for 15 minute walk, light cleaning, brushing hair etc), and then eat the calories back. I think that is a mistake, leading to a lot of unnecessary frustration with their lack of weight loss. I mean, even a sedentary calorie base line contains some movement.

    Last but not least, measuring and entering ALL food is critical! It's so easy to sneak in an extra 100-200 calories by eye-balling portions.

    Just my opinion/experience, of course. Everybody has to find their own way.
  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    Hi Nony! thanks for your reply.

    I think I do this and MFP shows that over the course of a week I am in deficit but that last stubborn bit of belly fat is still there and my weight seems at stay pretty constant at 86 kgs. But I have to accept that I am not as meticulous in recording calories in as I need to be which is why the original post, and the good replies made, struck a chord with me.

    I didn't quite understand the comment from Carl "As far as MFP goes don't put your exercise in either as it will adjust calories". I enter my exercise each day and it allows me more calories which I thought was okay until I read that comment.

    Also make sure you're mindful about what sorts of foods you're putting into your body. Beers won't be doing your belly (or liver) any good. I personally do put my exercise in, but I don't pay attention to what MFP says my remaining calories are. I just like seeing how much work I've done, but I still stay at my target calorie count daily.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    meomai2 wrote: »
    Ok, thanks to all, now I've worked out my daily deficit which is 1368 to loose weight I have said I am lightly active, here goes my two weeks complete workouts & daily calories, just to say also, I have tried 1200cals per day without success so went back up to 1410 so lets see what an in between calorie intake can do for me :-) but this number goes against MFP recommendations

    But you don't know that you need to lower your calories, because you don't actually know what your weekly calorie intake is. I would stick to the 1410 and do it properly. For a month, not two weeks.

    What are you basing lightly active on? You may be, but then again you may not be. Activity level with MFP is your non exercise activity. Exercise is logged on top of that, which will increase your calories. Since you indulge more at weekends, you might like to 'save' those calories for the weekend. You should also be cautious with exercise calories to begin with, only eating 50-75% back for the first month, then reassessing based on your weight loss (losing more than expected, increase calories, losing less, decrease). But you have to log. Everything.
  • meomai2
    meomai2 Posts: 21 Member
    thanks to all again, I've sat with a friend and gone through every thing together, I think now I have it in my head what's to be done, also I was told by my previous PT not to add my workouts so I will loose more as active on these days, (when I did enter the workouts, I couldn't eat all the calories anyway)
    thank you to all for your input, it was very helpful
    all I can say is watch this space for a more positive me :D;)
  • CaloricCountess
    CaloricCountess Posts: 202 Member
    edited September 2017
    meomai2 wrote: »
    thanks to all again, I've sat with a friend and gone through every thing together, I think now I have it in my head what's to be done, also I was told by my previous PT not to add my workouts so I will loose more as active on these days, (when I did enter the workouts, I couldn't eat all the calories anyway)
    thank you to all for your input, it was very helpful
    all I can say is watch this space for a more positive me :D;)

    Not including the exercise calories, means you'll be under eating; which's unhealthy! However exercise calorie burns're typically unrealistically high, so it's advisable to consume; 50 ~ 75% of them!

    How do you know that you were unable to consume, all of those exercise calories when you weren't even weighing & logging everything; you previously consumed? You don't! So plausibly you'd be able to easily consume, most of them; once you know for certain! In fact since you weren't achieving your weight riddance goals, it means that not only were you consuming; all of your exercise calories but over them as well!