The New Guy

Hello everyone!
My name is Nate, 46 and new to MFP. I've only been logging in for about a week now.
I live in OC California, and have 3 kids.

Wife just left a month ago, and one of the reason she said she was leaving is because I was fat and lazy. Or was it fat and crazy?.....
Anyways........I'm trying to change that now by working out 4 to 5 days a week sometimes 6 about 2 to 3 hours at the gym.

Hopefully when she see's me she will come back home along with my daughter.
Will need support and advise.

Thank you and God Bless.


  • melanie_005
    melanie_005 Posts: 154 Member
    If your looking for friends feel free to add me!!
  • thechiopodist
    thechiopodist Posts: 216 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good luck with your lifestyle changes, I hope you can turn things around. Try changing your feed to public so that others can see your log and offer support and advice.
    And on that note, don't over do it too soon with the workouts, you may do yourself an injury if you go at it too hard at first, which would then set you back. ☺
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Tracking your food is so helpful, Log everything accurately you can do this!! All the best!! Feel free to add me
  • SoCaLi4mTheVali
    SoCaLi4mTheVali Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome, and you can do it! I just started making changes too, use MFP everyday now, and went to the gym for the first time in my life about 3 weeks ago, I have been going nearly everyday since, and it feels great. Helps with my stress/mood, too.
  • Jancandoit7
    Jancandoit7 Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome! I just started here 2 weeks ago- this site has been super helpful. I'm very sorry to hear about your wife leaving- maybe she will come back; however, it's important that you do this for you! Feel free to add me as a friend
  • Yoyoghurt
    Yoyoghurt Posts: 52 Member
    Good luck Nate! You can do it, because many others have. Keep weighing food every day and yourself every few days at least, and logging daily. Aim for steady progress but also plan now how you are going to maintain the new you. Also, much as you are doing this to re-woo your wife and family, you will also achieve a massive improvement in health and wellbeing for yourself. Don't let that go, whatever happens.
    I agree very strongly with the other comment - don't overdo it in the gym and cause an injury.
    Reflect on your lazy and/or crazy side in case you need to make any changes there. Go slowly and thoughtfully in that area. Also don't forget to continue maintaining or build up some other regular activities and interests and general social contacts outside the gym.
  • Melisandray
    Melisandray Posts: 38 Member
    Add me!
  • mlconner1972
    mlconner1972 Posts: 7 Member
    Good Morning,
    My name is Michelle conner. Forgive me I am new at this. I been using this app for a while and nust found this part. Showes how much attention I pay. Lol..i see your looking for some friends.. if your still looking...i would be up for that. I am a single mom with 3 adult children. I look forward to hearing from you. Forgive me if it makes a bit to respond because I have to figure that part our