How to break the soda/sweet tea habit



  • Naughtlookin
    Naughtlookin Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone! I've been drinking a lot of plain water and using some flavor packets but not many cuz of the aspartame. I had completely forgotten about the already flavored water you can buy so I will definitely be getting some. I really can't stand diet soda because to me they taste salty, altho I do agree that Diet Mountain Dew is one of the better ones. I just really want to do my best to get away from soda altogether if possible. I will also be trying flavored and fruit infused tea mixtures. Thanks so much for all the info!!
  • If you enter them into your diary and see your calorie allocation disappearing, does that not deter you? I find it difficult to stick to my calorie limit, but would not waste them on sugary drinks!!
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    edited September 2017
    The struggle is real. Diet sodas are my last vice and so far the hardest to break. I have improved a lot, but I want to get to be completely diet soda-free.

    Positive vibes your way!
  • cuteruthie
    cuteruthie Posts: 5 Member
    I weened myself and our family from sodas by introducing sparkling water. Zero calories and no sodium and no fake sugars. Now it is a must at family celebrations. Try it you might like it. :smile:
  • descene
    descene Posts: 97 Member
    Yep, seems others have mentioned the way I did it. I switched to La Croix and recently just went all-in for water because I'm also worried about my dental health.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I drink diet. No it's not as good but I think you get used to it lol