Time to say hi!

I've been back at MFP following IIFYM plan for 14 days now and down just over 6lbs! I'm a night shift nurse and a mom of 5 so it's not easy. Looking for friends in here to help keep me motivated and who need help being motivated!

Best of luck all!


  • BenInTheMode
    BenInTheMode Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking for new friends too - and I also work in health. I think a supportive community is one of the things that will help me the most, and has been missing the most in my past efforts to lose weight:)
  • EllaGmember
    EllaGmember Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me if you like! I'm just starting out on my journey too and all the motivation I can give/get is going to make this better :)
  • kyleighks
    kyleighks Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking for new friends too - and I also work in health. I think a supportive community is one of the things that will help me the most, and has been missing the most in my past efforts to lose weight:)

    Nice! What do you do in healthcare? I work in a mother/baby unit :)
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey! I am new to IIFYM and looking to make friends who are also doing it ...feels like I am making progress though not sure as yet as haven't weighed etc. Thinking of waiting a few weeks to give it time, and have been injured, but back to gym tonight :) Jenny
  • jamesmburns90
    jamesmburns90 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add for advice and motivation
  • adele012
    adele012 Posts: 78 Member
    Hey everyone! In for the motivation. :smile:
  • Daniellemh33
    Daniellemh33 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a nurse too. I feel awkward bringing in 12 hours worth of food. Ever feel like that?