Keto help!

Hey! So my fiancé and I are wanting to try the keto diet. The more we looked into it, its good for initially losing a big chunk of weight, but not good for gaining muscle after the weight loss. So can we do keto to get down to our goal weights, then switch back to "normal" healthy eating and exercise to gain muscle?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You can do whatever you want. To lose weight, you need a consistent calorie deficit. The calorie deficit dictates the rate and amount of loss, diet prefernce does not. To build muscles, you need enough protein and a good strength training program. Following a diet you don't really like, will not make you want to eat a normal healthy diet afterwards, it makes you want to eat all the things and sit on the couch. Google yoyo-dieting, this is how it is, not something I just made up.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The initial weight you lose on any low carbohydrate diet will be from water.

    Apart from that: any diet that creates a calorie deficit and you can adhere to will be fine.
  • moralesj0805
    moralesj0805 Posts: 3 Member
    I been on keto since June now, and well I have now reached my goal weight after losing 20 lbs. I do plan on increasing my protein intake and amp up my strength training. Since Keto is a carb deficit diet it shouldn't affect muscle growth once you have a consistent strength training routine and consume more protein. Also since at this point I don't want to lose more weight I increase my carbs from 10% to 20% from my daily intake.
  • Antaste
    Antaste Posts: 20 Member
    Maybe take a look at r/ketogains.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    Hey! So my fiancé and I are wanting to try the keto diet. The more we looked into it, its good for initially losing a big chunk of weight, but not good for gaining muscle after the weight loss. So can we do keto to get down to our goal weights, then switch back to "normal" healthy eating and exercise to gain muscle?

    If the goal is just to lose weight, why not find something that you'll stick to after you lose the weight? If you latch onto a diet or way of eating like keto, paleo, vegan etc only to lose weight, odds are probably good that you'll just gain weight back when you go back to eating "normal". Eat "normal" now (however you choose to define that), just less of it.
  • elliekayy1211
    elliekayy1211 Posts: 2 Member
    If the goal is just to lose weight, why not find something that you'll stick to after you lose the weight? If you latch onto a diet or way of eating like keto, paleo, vegan etc only to lose weight, odds are probably good that you'll just gain weight back when you go back to eating "normal". Eat "normal" now (however you choose to define that), just less of it.

    What I more meant by normal is just eating fruits and veggies and stuff. With keto you can't have fruit, that's a huge thing I like. And adding pasta back because that's another thing. I gained my weight because post breastfeeding, I ate as if I were still breastfeeding and it caused me to gain weight. I want to lose the weight then eat normally, three meals instead of snacking a lot like I do now
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    If the goal is just to lose weight, why not find something that you'll stick to after you lose the weight? If you latch onto a diet or way of eating like keto, paleo, vegan etc only to lose weight, odds are probably good that you'll just gain weight back when you go back to eating "normal". Eat "normal" now (however you choose to define that), just less of it.

    What I more meant by normal is just eating fruits and veggies and stuff. With keto you can't have fruit, that's a huge thing I like. And adding pasta back because that's another thing. I gained my weight because post breastfeeding, I ate as if I were still breastfeeding and it caused me to gain weight. I want to lose the weight then eat normally, three meals instead of snacking a lot like I do now

    If you enjoy fruit and pasta then lose weight while continuing to eat fruit and pasta, just make sure you are careful with your portions to stay in a calorie deficit. You will be more successful with weight loss and maintenance if you don't eliminate foods you enjoy.