When achieving your goal isn't enough-- then what?

I feel silly even writing this, but hoping others have experienced the same and can tell me what they did.

So, I've hit my goals: all of them. I'm 5 lbs lower than the weight goal I had set, and I've hit my measurement goals for bust, waist, belly, hips, thighs, you name it. I should be thrilled but I find myself kind of empty-feeling.

I love that I'm able to fit my smallest clothes again, I'm healthier, I feel good... but somehow it's not enough? I don't know what I thought would happen if I achieved these magical numbers. Maybe I imagined I would be a different person, and now I find that I'm the same person, just in a smaller frame.

Has anyone else hit their goals and found themselves kind of "meh" about it? How did you turn that frown upside-down?


  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Find a new goal :) For me it was to complete a triathlon. Then comes improving times. Then increasing distances. I don't / can't run but we do monthly family 5Ks and shoot to improve times (and collect bling.). Try new activities. I just discovered that I LOVE the stand-up paddleboard. Who knew? Enjoy!
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    It's not a silly thing to say at all. You've probably been concentrating on these goals for quite some time so now that you've reached them you feel that your sense of 'purpose' in this aspect of your life has gone. But I agree with @Ironandwine69 and @sllm1 you need to refocus somewhere else. Is there a fitness goal or target that you'd like to go for? I had never run so decided to try that with the C25k program. I finally ran a 5k a week after my 41st birthday last year and it looks like I'm participating in a 10k later his month (though in fairness this one has kind of sprung up on me). If I can't run 10k it's ok, I can walk in places and to run it can be my next goal.

    You'll come up with something, best of luck! ;)
  • MarylandRose
    MarylandRose Posts: 239 Member
    So, I've hit my goals: all of them. I'm 5 lbs lower than the weight goal I had set, and I've hit my measurement goals for bust, waist, belly, hips, thighs, you name it. I should be thrilled but I find myself kind of empty-feeling.

    I love that I'm able to fit my smallest clothes again, I'm healthier, I feel good... but somehow it's not enough? I don't know what I thought would happen if I achieved these magical numbers. Maybe I imagined I would be a different person, and now I find that I'm the same person, just in a smaller frame.

    Has anyone else hit their goals and found themselves kind of "meh" about it? How did you turn that frown upside-down?

    Maybe fitness goals aren't the only goals you should set next?
    Was some part of you hoping that if you lost weight, some other things in your life would change? Or is there some other part of your life where you're unhappy?

    Historically, when I hit goals but was meh about the accomplishment, it was usually because on some level I wasn't happy with some other aspect of my life. I hated being unemployed, so it didn't matter that I'd hit my goal weight. My relationship was clearly ending but I didn't want to lose the friendship (although I knew I would), so I wasn't thrilled about a new PR. It wasn't exactly that I had some magical thinking that reaching the given goal would fix those things, but it felt like I was changing so much and it was weird that nothing else was changing.

    Separating these things by specifically celebrating the completed goal helped and reminded me how much work I'd put in to achieve it. That was really helpful to me in getting unstuck in other parts of my life: I am a person who works hard, as shown by achieving X goal, and I can apply that determination to Y problem and see if that shakes anything loose.

    Congrats on reaching your goals (and then some!) - I hope the dress debut is awesome.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    I did the Couch to 5K program, then ran a 5K race. That was really the only goal, aside from weight loss, that I'd set, and felt a little lost after I achieved it because I didn't know what to do with myself next. So I completely relate to what you're going through. I think the advice you've received from the other posters is spot on. I, too, will come up with some other goals. One thing you've probably discovered about yourself is that you are disciplined and determined. Whatever goals you set now, I'm sure you'll achieve them!
  • Yoyoghurt
    Yoyoghurt Posts: 52 Member
    So helpful reading this! Thank you and everyone who replied to SandraNancy. Some very interesting comments to reflect on.
  • darlamiller
    darlamiller Posts: 27 Member
    It's kinda like Christmas, you plan , decorate , shop, bake , shop more, write cards wrap gifts and then in one short day Christmas and that giddy feeling is gone!!! So what
    Do you do ?? Move on to the next holiday, project etc. just keep moving on , finding interests , and stay fit and healthy all along the way !!!

  • SandraNancy
    SandraNancy Posts: 127 Member
    Took the excellent advice from you fine people and signed up for that yoga 30 day challenge. Pretty excited about it! I already do yoga 4-5 times a week, but this will push me to do 30 classes in 30 days. Nice way to head into fall. Thanks guys!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Most of my goals are more fitness related.