Giving Up Calorie Counting After 5 Years?

Hey everyone! So here's my situation. When I was a sophomore in high school (I am currently a sophomore in college) I used MyFitnessPal to lose weight & go from 224 pounds to 133 pounds. However, counting calories has led to a really nasty binging problem. I've gone from 133 (which wasn't healthy for me anyway, I'm shooting for 140 now) to 165-170. I'll count calories & do very well for a few days, & then binge and eat grotesque amounts of food. Sometimes I'll have a binge week & absolutely demolish everything. The cycle has been continuing for years. It's not a healthy way to live for me & I know the calorie counting needs to go because everything I've tried always leads back to calorie counting being the issue. This is in NO way attacking the success others have had with losing & keeping the weight off with MyFitnessPal, but my question to the wonderful people on this forum is if any of you have any different life style changes that are sustainable? My mental health has deteriorated a LOT because of this but I'm simply not the type to lay around moping all day & I'd really like to find a way to end this cycle :) I'm thinking of going vegan as one possible alternative to lose the weight. I'm 6 foot, 165-170 pounds, and a 19 year old man. I definitely would like to build some muscle because I have a lot of flab, but right now diet is my main concern. Also, if anyone has any suggestions on how often/if to weigh myself, that'd be great too because I have an issue with obsessive weighing and I think it's playing a huge part in this. Thank you all so much :)


  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I'm glad to hear you're getting help. Absolutely you do not need to track calories - you might actually want to poke around in the maintainers forum for posts about quitting counting - they pop up from time to time and may have a lot of good advice for you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thank you for the comments about getting counseling, and I think I should've elaborated in the OP. I have been getting counseling and I'm aware of the dangers of binge eating. That's actually why I'm here, because my therapist told me to pursue new concrete ways to manage weight without triggering bingeing like through calorie counting. I definitely should've included that in the OP but thank you for being so kind about it, it's definitely not an easy topic to discuss & I appreciate your kindness so much <3

    I'm glad you're in therapy. Are you learning Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to help get your food issues under control? This really helped me.
  • GottaluvFood
    GottaluvFood Posts: 65 Member
    At 19, you are still growing. Men grow until age 21. When I enter your height, age, gender into, 170 IS a healthy weight. The top end of healthy, but healthy. Bone structure plays a role, too. I'm real concerned that 140 (your goal) is not a healthy goal.

    I'm glad you're seeing a counselor. Unfortunately, I must disagree that you need another method to monitor your weight loss. Maybe you should see a nutritionist. Don't know.

    I don't think the issue is how you should restrict your intake. I think you need to come to peace with food. Is it like your at war with food?
  • seashellbabe
    seashellbabe Posts: 12 Member
    At 19, you are still growing. Men grow until age 21. When I enter your height, age, gender into, 170 IS a healthy weight. The top end of healthy, but healthy. Bone structure plays a role, too. I'm real concerned that 140 (your goal) is not a healthy goal.

    I'm glad you're seeing a counselor. Unfortunately, I must disagree that you need another method to monitor your weight loss. Maybe you should see a nutritionist. Don't know.

    I don't think the issue is how you should restrict your intake. I think you need to come to peace with food. Is it like your at war with food?

    Not at all like I'm at war, if anything I love food too much. I don't avoid it. My counselor believes that when I do diet & count calories it puts this rigid systematic image into my mind & once that image is messed up (I go over my calories, I get super hungry so I have to eat more, etc.) all hell breaks loose.
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thank you for the comments about getting counseling, and I think I should've elaborated in the OP. I have been getting counseling and I'm aware of the dangers of binge eating. That's actually why I'm here, because my therapist told me to pursue new concrete ways to manage weight without triggering bingeing like through calorie counting. I definitely should've included that in the OP but thank you for being so kind about it, it's definitely not an easy topic to discuss & I appreciate your kindness so much <3

    I think a lot of us have been there (not necessarily underweight but binging/purging/feeling out of control).

    There are lots of threads out there from people strugging with BED; I'd recommend looking through the archives there's some great information out there. If you're looking to put on muscle, you'll need a lifting plan; it might help you get into a routine regarding eating/exercising.

    One tip I've seen that's great is to write down how you feel after a binge: what set you off? Were you starving? Were you around your trigger food? What was your emotional state? Better awareness might help you prevent dramatic fluctuations in diet/weight.

    If you want to log but you don't want to track calories, you can try using a paper log and writing down only WHAT you eat, not how much.

    And maybe lay off weighing yourself completely for now; when I find myself getting obsessive I find I have to put the scale away.

    Also start looking into "recomposition"; rather than losing weight being the focus (it could be what's making you hungrier) the focus is on gaining muscle/strength while losing fat.

    I think your intentions are all in the right place: it sounds like you want to achieve and maintain health and feel good, and you deserve to! It might take a while for you to figure out exactly how to go about doing so, but I'm confident you'll get there. In the meantime, make sure you're aiming for other goals as well: you've got a gift for expressing yourself, and I'm sure many other skills besides. Let yourself shine! <3<3<3
  • emailmehere1122
    emailmehere1122 Posts: 140 Member
    How many calories do you allow yourself?
    Are you working out...and if so are you eating those calories back?
  • seashellbabe
    seashellbabe Posts: 12 Member
    edited September 2017
    How many calories do you allow yourself?
    Are you working out...and if so are you eating those calories back?

    1400-1500, and no I'm not working out but I applied for a gym membership. I think in a lot of ways I'm scared of working out because I don't want to see the scale go up, even if it's muscle. It's irrational and makes little sense
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    timtam163 wrote: »
    Thank you for the comments about getting counseling, and I think I should've elaborated in the OP. I have been getting counseling and I'm aware of the dangers of binge eating. That's actually why I'm here, because my therapist told me to pursue new concrete ways to manage weight without triggering bingeing like through calorie counting. I definitely should've included that in the OP but thank you for being so kind about it, it's definitely not an easy topic to discuss & I appreciate your kindness so much <3

    I think a lot of us have been there (not necessarily underweight but binging/purging/feeling out of control).

    There are lots of threads out there from people strugging with BED; I'd recommend looking through the archives there's some great information out there. If you're looking to put on muscle, you'll need a lifting plan; it might help you get into a routine regarding eating/exercising.

    One tip I've seen that's great is to write down how you feel after a binge: what set you off? Were you starving? Were you around your trigger food? What was your emotional state? Better awareness might help you prevent dramatic fluctuations in diet/weight.

    If you want to log but you don't want to track calories, you can try using a paper log and writing down only WHAT you eat, not how much.

    And maybe lay off weighing yourself completely for now; when I find myself getting obsessive I find I have to put the scale away.

    Also start looking into "recomposition"; rather than losing weight being the focus (it could be what's making you hungrier) the focus is on gaining muscle/strength while losing fat.

    I think your intentions are all in the right place: it sounds like you want to achieve and maintain health and feel good, and you deserve to! It might take a while for you to figure out exactly how to go about doing so, but I'm confident you'll get there. In the meantime, make sure you're aiming for other goals as well: you've got a gift for expressing yourself, and I'm sure many other skills besides. Let yourself shine! <3<3<3

    Okay, TimTam pretty much wrote the post I was going to...

    I've been where you are, OP, at your age even, 'cept, I purged on top of the starving and binging. No fun, and my heart really goes out to you. I'm very glad you are seeing a counsellor. The tip for keeping a journal of how you feel is a really good one. Particularly see if you can do it before the binge. Actually stop and analyse what it is that you are feeling that is making you want to binge in the first place. It is really hard work confronting those emotions at first, but it is key to recovery. Find out what is causing the destructive coping mechanism (because that's what it is), and then find new, healthy ways to deal with the issues instead.

    Also endorsing looking into recomposition, because you don't need to lose weight. And yeah, don't weigh yourself.

    Best of luck to you, OP.
  • emailmehere1122
    emailmehere1122 Posts: 140 Member
    Are you a high energy type of person?
    Do a lot of walking?
  • emailmehere1122
    emailmehere1122 Posts: 140 Member
    Let me say congratulations on losing all that weight but you still have your calories set to lose weight. The calorie calculator I use says you need 2007 calories to maintain your weight
    You have already proven you have tremendous will power by being able to accomplish what you already you think your body might be trying to tell you that you need to eat more?