Anyone else hypothyroid?

Hi, new here!

I was diagnosed in January 2011 with hypothyroid. I went on cytomel and synthroid, kept my regular workout routine and always ate about 1200 calories a day. Before meds I gained...slowly 242 pounds. After starting the meds and keeping my routine I lost 35 pounds.

I stopped working out when it got so hot out but it's time to start again and continue this weight loss.

I am addicted to Zumba! I do it 4 days a week minimum and the days I don't do it I walk on the treadmill for an hour.


  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Yes I also have hypothryoidism, but I take NOTHING. I want to, but I kinda avoid drugs if I can. So I attempt a heathier diet, it causes me no real problems. Good luck!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Yeah, once you're properly medicated, the problems with weight loss seem to disappear. (I'm hypo too.)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm in the club! I have things pretty well under control IS possible to lose weight, feel great, and be healthy if hypo!!!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm here. I take a generic of Synthroid, and when I'm on the right dose, life is wonderful, but honestly, I ask my doctor to test me more often than he generally wants to. Almost every time I feel like crap and want a test, it shows that I need more hormones.

    Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • rutharwen
    rutharwen Posts: 3 Member
    I am and according to my bloods it is under control and some of my symptoms are getting better......but I cant lose weight even with healthy diet and exercise, does anyone know about missing hormones in the synthetic thyroxin eg no T2 (which has been shown to help weight loss whilst maintaining muscle mass)
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I take Levothyroxin and have for about 20 years. Losing weight for me isn't any different than it would be for a person with a normal thyroid. Not sure why though.
  • Madgiebee
    Hey. I've been hypothyroid and was diagnosed 7 years ago. I definitely think it's harder for me to lose weight than for the normal person. My doctor recommended keeping carbs on the lower end and making sure to get plenty of lean protein. That helped me get back to a healthy weight. Recently gained 10 lbs and am workin to get it off starting now! Also remember that being hypothyroid makes you more likely to have higher cholesterol and triglycerides. Might be a good idea to get that tested the next time you get blood work done since you're recently diagnosed. Keep up the good work!
  • mrrodriguez
    Just went to the Dr. and my hypothyroid was a problem again. Have been treated for it for about 10 years. I had to go up from my previous dose of 75 mcg of levothyroxin to 88. Have to have a follow up after a six week follow up. Hope it helps with the weight loss. I just feel tired a lot when my thyroid is low. You will be fine.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    I have been hypothyroid for the last decade and I am a recent thyroid cancer SURVIVOR...I take Levoxyl 175mg and have no thyroid due to the cancer was on both sides and in one lymph node...if you truly have thyroid disease don't ignore it, it is necessary to take synthetic replacement to function properly as it can be fatal if not treated, please don't ignore this disease...your thyroid does so many really are playing with fire not taking medication for it
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    I have been hypothyroid for the last decade and I am a recent thyroid cancer SURVIVOR...I take Levoxyl 175mg and have no thyroid due to the cancer was on both sides and in one lymph node...if you truly have thyroid disease don't ignore it, it is necessary to take synthetic replacement to function properly as it can be fatal if not treated, please don't ignore this disease...your thyroid does so many really are playing with fire not taking medication for it

    Totally agree!!! I didn't know that it could be fatal until my daughter who is studying in the medical field pointed it out one night even though I always take my medicine. It can be extremely dangerous if you let it go. I can usually tell when my doctor is going to up my meds because I start having no energy what so ever and have a hard time even thinking for no reason.

    As for weight gain or loss... my view is take care of your body, mind and spirit and they will work together to take care of you!
  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    I had my thyroid removed when I was 13 so I take a thyroid supplement now (so yes, technically I'm hypo). As long as I keep it monitored I have no problems.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypo when I was 11. I've been on Synthroid ever since. Well, I switched to Levothyroxine when that became available, but it's the same thing. I have only gone off my medication once for about 2 weeks (I forget why..) and I have never been so mentally foggy and sleepy in my entire life. Horrible experience.. I felt like a zombie. I went back on it, and within a week, I was like a new woman. The thyroid truly has a HUGE role in our bodies and quality of life.

    I still don't believe my metabolism is functioning as well as it should, nor have my symptoms disappeared. I'm still FREEZING all the time, I'm still fatigued all day every day (but not narcoleptic like I am when off Levo), nails are brittle, hair is still falling out, and I don't feel my mind is working at maximum efficiency.

    I see you're on Cytomel along with Synthroid. I wish I could get my doctor to try me on both, but she won't mess with that stuff.. She thinks Synthroid is all I need just because my TSH and T4 levels are within range (not by much.. on the low side for T4 and higher side for TSH). I guess I should see an endocrinologist who would be more willing to work with me to lessen my symptoms.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I am. I've been takin meds for about 4 years now.... every so often I have to have them increased. I was always active in school but I could never lose weight, my mom had a scare and had to have part of hers removed so we figured I should have mine checked... low and behold! I think its extremely under diagnosed and Im glad that more and more people are askin their docs about it!