Please Help Me Confused

I know you probably see these post all the time asking the same questions over and over. I appologize, just anyone who could assist me I would appreciate it.

I don't really know what is healthy to eat. My whole life I been eating food that wasn't the best for me now I'm trying to turn a new lettuce leaf and figure out what to eat. I don't know if I'm eating good or not so if anyone tell me what I should and shouldn't eat that would be great. All I see are these numbers that I'm not suppost to eat over not sure which ones I'm suppost to keep high or low. I'm confused. I'm ranting, not sure what is what

I don't eat meat by the way I eat seafood thou.

Hook me up with a website or another form post if possible, don't want you taking up your time.


  • fruits
    lean meats
    whole grains

    that's a good start
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Welcome to the place for all your answers, First off, your a Pescetarian.
    you will kind of figure out what is good and not as you track. I have my goal set, and track my sodium and a few other things. anything processed is bad for you.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    Hello.. and congratulations for taking the first step to health. It's the hardest part! Now that I'm done sounding like a help yourself b;ook i'll just be honest. It won't be easy. Here are some suggestions.
    start by cutting down portions of the foods you already eat.
    Add a fruit or vegetable to every meal
    If you drink soda a lot, try diet soda, or flavored water, or just go to plain water. THis is the toughest!!
    Most of all.. be kind to yourself! at the end of the day think of something positive you did and say it out loud. For example, I will say to myself tonight, "melanie, you did a great job today. It was freakin hot outside and you still got off your comfy chair, got the baby in the stroller and went walking" It might sound cheesy... but it does wonders for my self esteem!!
    Good luck and add me as a friend. I'd love to be helpful anytime!
  • JB1986
    JB1986 Posts: 4
    All i can do is offer what i do which has been working in healthier lifestyle changes and weight loss. here are a few tips:
    - try and eat something every 2-3 hours
    - make sure you eat breakfast EVERY DAY, this can be boiled or scrambled eggs, fruit, muesli, cereal (look on the back for ones with the least amount of sugar), yoghurt (again look for no fat ones)
    - fruit makes great snacks! Especially mandarins and strawberries i like!
    - low in sugar and fat muesli bars.

    I basically go down the aisles of the supermarket and look for low GI foods. Don't be tricked by "diet" or "lite". Read the label on a few things and compare. if you get stuck, look it up on MFP before you put it in the trolley.

    If you don't eat meat then you will need to get your protein elsewhere. Seafood is really good for you but the trick is not to buy it from the fish and chip shop battered and fried. baking fish is a good way (cover in lemon and wrap in foil, put in oven). Stir fry with prawns is another good one.
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 328 Member

    There are some vegetarian/vegan receipes in this blog. My Hubby is vegan so I try and make healthy meals where I can add meat later.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Turkey, chicken, seafood, fish
    Fresh fruits and vegetables
    Whole grains
    Water, water, and more water
    Green tea
    Low fat cheese
    Greek Yogurt
    Protein bars and shakes
    Cottage cheese

    Red meat
    Processed food that is high in sodium
    TV dinners
    Fast food
    Anything with refined sugar
    Fatty foods
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    ok, quick peek at your diary. Whats with the whole milk and all those pills?

    You only had one "bad" day with the pizza and dunkin. So not bad at all. you eat fine.
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    Change all your whites to wheat like bread and rice
    water water water
    get rid of empty calories like soft drinks
  • janiececreasy
    janiececreasy Posts: 11 Member
    Go to this site to read healthy food to eat. Hope this helps!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    I just read your food journal too and it looks fine. Maybe just add more veggies to dinner, and if you have pizza, have it with wheat crust. Oh.. also try sugar free red bull. I love those!! you're doing great!!
  • zeuse
    zeuse Posts: 15
    A few things you can do within moderation and gradually progress into is remove all processed foods from your diet, thats most all frozen foods you warm up, they're trash plain and simple.

    Learn portion control, and check labels before you buy foods - also, if you're shopping do peripheral shopping, hug the outside of the store and buy only the clean whole foods... vegetables, meats and FEW fruits, notice i say FEW - fruit is a very high GI food, it'll spike your blood sugar and cause a large spike in insulin... which in turn will store fat. Keep the fruits to berries.

    Keep your carbohydrates clean, clean means low GI index. Foods that will give you a sustained release of energy through the day, and not a SUDDEN burst of energy to raise insulin and store as fat. Examples: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats, whole wheats, and any vegetable you can think of!

    Drink lots of water, try to consume for starters 3-4 liters a day. You'll feel MUCH better, i promise.

    Find a personal trainer, or carefully look/plan your own workout routine... cardio/weight routine. Keep it simple, weight loss or weight gain is a simple matter, don't over complicate it with fad diets and new pills or workout machines. Consume lower than your daily BMR and you will lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • Finding this confusing cause I'm reading stuff and hearing stuff that leaves me wondering what is good? One person is like this is good for you then another person is like this is bad then an article is like this is great then anothers like, Hey you better not eat that. This stuff leaves my head spinning in confusion spitting up my veggie soup.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    remember the cardinal rule: everything in MODERATION
    There is nothing you CANT have. remember that. You SHOULDN"T have half a pizza, but a couple slices once a week is ok. have it with a big glass of water, add some berries and a salad to the side, and you will be fab!!!
  • Try & avoid any kind of fruit juice. It's just loaded with sugar and calories, and it won't keep you full. You're better off eating the actual fruit, which contains fibre.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    My rule of thumb is to stay away from the middle isles at the grocery store. Stick to the produce and dairy sections, go for whole grains.

    Stop with all the Red Bull, donuts and Starburst. They are fine every once in a while but I see them everyday in your diary. Fyi, Starburst are made with gelatin which is a meat product.
  • ladybugfrenzy
    ladybugfrenzy Posts: 30 Member
    I agree that diet is really confusing. I try to think whole grains and natural foods like veggies and fruits. I also try to drink at least 64 ounces a day. Once I did that I felt soooooo much better.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Turkey, chicken, seafood, fish
    Fresh fruits and vegetables
    Whole grains
    Water, water, and more water
    Green tea
    Low fat cheese
    Greek Yogurt
    Protein bars and shakes
    Cottage cheese

    Red meat
    Processed food that is high in sodium
    TV dinners
    Fast food
    Anything with refined sugar
    Fatty foods

    What Bob said.
    Don't change all at once that can be overwhelming. Pick one or two things to change each week and before long you will have made great changes. The cleaner you eat the better, so stay away from the middle isles, lots of water.

    Good luck and surf folks diaries for ideas.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    A few things you can do within moderation and gradually progress into is remove all processed foods from your diet, thats most all frozen foods you warm up, they're trash plain and simple.

    Learn portion control, and check labels before you buy foods - also, if you're shopping do peripheral shopping, hug the outside of the store and buy only the clean whole foods... vegetables, meats and FEW fruits, notice i say FEW - fruit is a very high GI food, it'll spike your blood sugar and cause a large spike in insulin... which in turn will store fat. Keep the fruits to berries.

    Keep your carbohydrates clean, clean means low GI index. Foods that will give you a sustained release of energy through the day, and not a SUDDEN burst of energy to raise insulin and store as fat. Examples: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats, whole wheats, and any vegetable you can think of!

    Drink lots of water, try to consume for starters 3-4 liters a day. You'll feel MUCH better, i promise.

    Congratulations! Your post has won you the Broscar!
