30 lbs by christmas



  • KetoZombies
    KetoZombies Posts: 63 Member
    Will there be a group for this? I'm in!!
  • Liss8179
    Liss8179 Posts: 2 Member
    I also would love to join.
  • bchucks
    bchucks Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! Losing weight for my mom's wedding - the photos from the last family event are terrible and I don't want to be looking at similar ones for another 5 years :s
  • maemommy813
    maemommy813 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in! If I can lose 29 pounds by Christmas I'll be at my goal weight!
  • denise_teddy
    denise_teddy Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in sent friend request.
  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    Down to 161.8 since my initial post of bouncing between 166 and 168. How is everyone else coming along?
  • I'm in... Starting up a little late, but I have high hopes.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    tinta1683 wrote: »
    Down to 161.8 since my initial post of bouncing between 166 and 168. How is everyone else coming along?

    What did you do to break the plateau?

  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    I usually will go off my diet for a day or two then fast for a half a day to a whole day and that usually breaks it for me.
  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    Will there be a group for this? I'm in!!

    Im new to this so for now until i can figure out how all this works i'd say just update your progress here.
  • Count me in. So determined to loose weight at least 30 lbs before Christmas. Currently 170 and always been hopping between 170 -174 but never got to 160's. Hope to get some inspiration from you guys
  • meloyellow27
    meloyellow27 Posts: 29 Member
    Count me in! I'm currently at 157. Let's do this!
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited September 2017
    30lbs!? That would take an average loss of 2lbs per week since there are 15 weeks until 25th December 2017.

    That means you would need the discipline required to be at a ~7,000 calorie deficit every week until Christmas.
    That is 1,000 calorie deficit every day...

    A long-term average loss of 2lbs a week -even with near pinpoint diet and a proper exercise program- is not likely.

    Maybe consider setting realistic goals instead.

    Even with the 4 or 5 weeks gone by since the start of this thread, this is unrealistic and just setting oneself up for failure and disappointment.
  • JesseM28
    JesseM28 Posts: 10 Member
    Is it too late to join? I'd love to lose 30 pounds by Christmas!
  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    30lbs!? That would take an average loss of 2lbs per week since there are 15 weeks until 25th December 2017.

    That means you would need the discipline required to be at a ~7,000 calorie deficit every week until Christmas.
    That is 1,000 calorie deficit every day...

    A long-term loss of 2lbs a week -even with near pinpoint diet and a proper exercise program- is not likely.

    Maybe consider setting realistic goals instead.

    Even with the 4 or 5 weeks gone by since the start of this thread, that is unrealistic.

    Depepnding on how much you currently weigh, you can actually lose more then 2 lbs a week and it be healthy. Of course not everyone will lose that amount by Christmas, especially if they are just joining. However, that is my goal and anyone else that is determined to do so may also accomplish this goal. Or get close to that. I am already down 7 pounds from my initial post so even if i do not hit 30lbs i still know that I am giving this everything I have. So yes this is realistic for me and your more then welcome to join in the challenge just to stay motivated. Thank you for the advice.
  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    Anyone is more then welcome to join, however since you are joining now you may not be able to accomplish this goal of 30lbs by Christmas. But you are more then welcome to keep us updated on your progress any progress toward this goal shows that you are trying and also determined as I am to lose weight and live a healthier slimmer life. Thank you and I look forward to hearing your progress. Also any advice is welcome here to help each other achieve our goals.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited September 2017
    tinta1683 wrote: »
    Depepnding on how much you currently weigh, you can actually lose more then 2 lbs a week and it be healthy. Of course not everyone will lose that amount by Christmas, especially if they are just joining. However, that is my goal and anyone else that is determined to do so may also accomplish this goal. Or get close to that. I am already down 7 pounds from my initial post so even if i do not hit 30lbs i still know that I am giving this everything I have. So yes this is realistic for me and your more then welcome to join in the challenge just to stay motivated. Thank you for the advice.
    Losing "more than 2lbs per week" if you are clinically obese (say over 31% body fat for a woman) is possible for 2 or 3 months but then one will reach homeostasis and the weight loss will slow down and become more difficult.
    The less you have to lose, the sooner the losses will slow.
    Either way, it still requires a sizable calorie deficit to achieve.

    Furthermore without a proper weight training routine, women are going to be losing additional bone density and muscle mass along with fat.
    This will make it harder to keep the weight off, harder to lose additional weight and easier to put even more fat on later.

    I have been a coach for over 25 years and I am rather familiar with what is practical for this sort of thing.
    I was also a personal trainer -for women- back in the day.

    Thank you for the invitation to "join" but a 30lb loss would probably leave me looking something like a famine victim, in my opinion.
    I am more concerned with adding muscle than losing "weight" anyway.
    My body fat percentage is low enough for me to compete in my weight class as it is.

    I am just concerned at the number of clearly misguided "Me too!" posts here. To each his|her own.

    I strongly advise that anyone interesting in "losing weight" look into one of the beginner weight training routines and follow it, regardless of what you feel your goals are now.
    Do this in conjunction with using MFP to log everything you eat, every day.

    StrongLifts5x5, Thinner Leaner Stronger, or ones like those are good choices to start with.
    I recommend "Thinner Leaner Stronger" to women because it teaches you about proper diet and effective exercise while also pointing out the kind of BS and fads you need to look out for.
  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    tinta1683 wrote: »
    Depepnding on how much you currently weigh, you can actually lose more then 2 lbs a week and it be healthy. Of course not everyone will lose that amount by Christmas, especially if they are just joining. However, that is my goal and anyone else that is determined to do so may also accomplish this goal. Or get close to that. I am already down 7 pounds from my initial post so even if i do not hit 30lbs i still know that I am giving this everything I have. So yes this is realistic for me and your more then welcome to join in the challenge just to stay motivated. Thank you for the advice.
    Losing "more than 2lbs per week" if you are clinically obese (say over 30% body fat for a woman) is possible for 2 or 3 months but then one will reach homeostasis and the weight loss will slow down and become more difficult.
    The less you have to lose, the sooner the losses will slow.
    Either way, it still requires a sizable calorie deficit to achieve.

    Furthermore without a proper weight training routine, women are going to be losing bone density and muscle mass along with fat.
    This will make it harder to keep the weight off, harder to lose additional weight and easier to put even more fat on later.

    I have been a coach for over 25 years and I am rather familiar with what is practical for this sort of thing.
    I was also a personal trainer -for women- back in the day.

    Thank you for the invitation to "join" but a 30lb loss would probably leave me looking something like a famine victim, in my opinion.
    I am more concerned with adding muscle than losing "weight".

    I am just concerned at the number of clearly misguided "Me too!" posts here. To each his|her own.

    I strongly advise that anyone interesting in "losing weight" look into one of the beginner weight training routines and follow it, regardless of what you feel your goals are now.
    Do this in conjunction with using MFP for everything you eat, every day/

    StrongLifts5x5, Thinner Leaner Stronger, or ones like those are good choices to start with.

    I completely agree with you, hense the reason why i added another post after responding to yours that it is not likely that anyone joining at this point will not likely accomplish this goal. Everyone needs to go at this at a healthy pace. However, everyone is welcome to post there progress throughout the next 30 days whether they only lose 5lbs in the next 30 days or more.
  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    tinta1683 wrote: »
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    tinta1683 wrote: »
    Depepnding on how much you currently weigh, you can actually lose more then 2 lbs a week and it be healthy. Of course not everyone will lose that amount by Christmas, especially if they are just joining. However, that is my goal and anyone else that is determined to do so may also accomplish this goal. Or get close to that. I am already down 7 pounds from my initial post so even if i do not hit 30lbs i still know that I am giving this everything I have. So yes this is realistic for me and your more then welcome to join in the challenge just to stay motivated. Thank you for the advice.
    Losing "more than 2lbs per week" if you are clinically obese (say over 30% body fat for a woman) is possible for 2 or 3 months but then one will reach homeostasis and the weight loss will slow down and become more difficult.
    The less you have to lose, the sooner the losses will slow.
    Either way, it still requires a sizable calorie deficit to achieve.

    Furthermore without a proper weight training routine, women are going to be losing bone density and muscle mass along with fat.
    This will make it harder to keep the weight off, harder to lose additional weight and easier to put even more fat on later.

    I have been a coach for over 25 years and I am rather familiar with what is practical for this sort of thing.
    I was also a personal trainer -for women- back in the day.

    Thank you for the invitation to "join" but a 30lb loss would probably leave me looking something like a famine victim, in my opinion.
    I am more concerned with adding muscle than losing "weight".

    I am just concerned at the number of clearly misguided "Me too!" posts here. To each his|her own.

    I strongly advise that anyone interesting in "losing weight" look into one of the beginner weight training routines and follow it, regardless of what you feel your goals are now.
    Do this in conjunction with using MFP for everything you eat, every day/

    StrongLifts5x5, Thinner Leaner Stronger, or ones like those are good choices to start with.

    I completely agree with you, hense the reason why i added another post after responding to yours that it is not likely that anyone joining at this point will not likely accomplish this goal. Everyone needs to go at this at a healthy pace. However, everyone is welcome to post there progress throughout the next 30 days whether they only lose 5lbs in the next 30 days or more.

    So for the sake of everyones health especially those joining now. And since you are a professional and obviously I am not, so I respect what you have to say. What would be a healthy goal by Christmas, for those who have recently joined?
  • tinta1683
    tinta1683 Posts: 13 Member
    JesseM28 wrote: »
    Is it too late to join? I'd love to lose 30 pounds by Christmas!

    Not to late to join and post progress. However, because you are just now joining it will notbe practical to lose 30lbs by Christmas but would still love to see your progress.