Vanity vs Health: A Young Woman's Battle

AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
edited 2:14PM in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! I'm uber new to this forum and hope you all enjoy reading my post! Essentially, I started this new diet because of well... A few things. First and foremost, I have a younger sister whom has dropped a whopping 100 lbs, she's slimmer, healthier, and drop dead gorgeous. Secondly, and more ashamedly admitted, I'm an envious actress. I have a few friends that tend to get more roles than I do, and they simply are not phenomenal actresses. They are, however, drenched in sex appeal. While it does seem the scapegoat to blame it on the scale, it's the truth. Facts are: even if I'm not the better actress, I certainly am (at the very least) they're equals. Which brings me to my question: Is it wrong to want to lose weight in order to be more attractive? I ask this because it isn't really a long term or motivating goal. I've never felt ugly, just fat, because I am fat. That really shouldn't place a wager on my talent. Suffice it to say I just feel overwhelmingly self-centered to think: "Man, once I drop this weight those batches will gag!"

What do you all think?


  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    No way, that's why I'm loosing weight. Because I know right now, I am perfectly healthy.
    just being sexier would be a bonus.
    So its perfectly resonable to want to loose weight to be more attractive. Just make sure it's also for yourself image, And not others image of you.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You should want to lose weight because it's healthier than being overweight. It will increase you life expectancey. And second, it's not a diet, it's a change in lifestyle. Eating healthier foods and getting some exercise.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    It's not wrong at all, just remember to always respect yourself.
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    There was no better feeling then When I was no longer shopping in plus size stores and looked good in everyday target and mall clothes. yea its healthy to work out and eat right but what keeps me going is the fact that I am no longer the fat friend. self centered maybe but what ever Im getting healthier and Im feeling awesome.
  • I don't think so. There are a lot of actresses in my country who are fat but has many projects although it depends on what kind of project. Because if you are used to get roles wherein you have to bare some skin then sad to say, but the directors may prefer other actresses who are slimmer but otherwise they can give you other roles and projects. As long as you are happy and comfortable with yourself then you can just stay where you are. IF you do wish to lose weight, do it for your health's sake and not for cosmetic reasons. The outside appearance are only one of the pleasant side effects of losing weight.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    Which brings me to my question: Is it wrong to want to lose weight in order to be more attractive?

    Actually I think many people are here because they want to be more attractive - whether it be the primary motivator or one of the secondary motivators. I don't see why that would be a bad reason as long as your view of what is attractive is also healthy (yes there are people out there who think the anorectic look is the most attractive - and there is the opposite end which find overly obese attractive).
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I don't think its a bad reason at all. I think its an honest reason. Some people will be all high horsey and say "health reasons should come first" blah blah blah but its your life and your hard work, you have to deal with the consequences negative and positive of your own decisions so I say what ever motivates you should be utilized to the fullest.

    That said, as your here I assume your going to go about losing weight the healthy way and not some crash diet or starving yourself. Just because aesthetics are your main concern / motivator does not be your have to be unaware of health (which I don't think you are, just mentioning it because not losing weight the healthy was isn't a long term solution)
  • AuderyNaomi
    AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
    No way, that's why I'm loosing weight. Because I know right now, I am perfectly healthy.
    just being sexier would be a bonus.
    So its perfectly resonable to want to loose weight to be more attractive. Just make sure it's also for yourself image, And not others image of you.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement! Also, if that's you in your pic, honey you are fiiieeerrrce!
  • AuderyNaomi
    AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
    You should want to lose weight because it's healthier than being overweight. It will increase you life expectancey. And second, it's not a diet, it's a change in lifestyle. Eating healthier foods and getting some exercise.

    Good luck in your journey.

    That's the thing, though, I know what I should do, what I should want... I'm just upset with myself for being driven by America's standard of beauty. Thanks for the well wishes! Much luck on your journey as well!
  • AuderyNaomi
    AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
    It's not wrong at all, just remember to always respect yourself.

    Oooh! I couldn't have said it lovelier if I tried! Thank you!
  • AuderyNaomi
    AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
    There was no better feeling then When I was no longer shopping in plus size stores and looked good in everyday target and mall clothes. yea its healthy to work out and eat right but what keeps me going is the fact that I am no longer the fat friend. self centered maybe but what ever Im getting healthier and Im feeling awesome.

    Man, I swear you and I are walking parallel paths in life! Great job on your success, cannot wait to be where you are!
  • AuderyNaomi
    AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think so. There are a lot of actresses in my country who are fat but has many projects although it depends on what kind of project. Because if you are used to get roles wherein you have to bare some skin then sad to say, but the directors may prefer other actresses who are slimmer but otherwise they can give you other roles and projects. As long as you are happy and comfortable with yourself then you can just stay where you are. IF you do wish to lose weight, do it for your health's sake and not for cosmetic reasons. The outside appearance are only one of the pleasant side effects of losing weight.

    God, where are you from! I must move there soon! Lol, the problem is that my friends and I tend to cast the same, so at the end of the day I know what the deal is. I will certainly try to look at it from a health stand point. Thanks for your thoughts!
  • AuderyNaomi
    AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
    Actually I think many people are here because they want to be more attractive - whether it be the primary motivator or one of the secondary motivators. I don't see why that would be a bad reason as long as your view of what is attractive is also healthy (yes there are people out there who think the anorectic look is the most attractive - and there is the opposite end which find overly obese attractive).

    I like your terms, "primary and secondary motivators," it helps me think of my journey in a more complex way, you know? Kind of graying the black and whites. Thanks this really helped!
  • AuderyNaomi
    AuderyNaomi Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think its a bad reason at all. I think its an honest reason. Some people will be all high horsey and say "health reasons should come first" blah blah blah but its your life and your hard work, you have to deal with the consequences negative and positive of your own decisions so I say what ever motivates you should be utilized to the fullest.

    That said, as your here I assume your going to go about losing weight the healthy way and not some crash diet or starving yourself. Just because aesthetics are your main concern / motivator does not be your have to be unaware of health (which I don't think you are, just mentioning it because not losing weight the healthy was isn't a long term solution)

    Thanks for your opinion and concern! I'm definitely not doing the crash diet thing, I never was a crash dieter, for some reason. I'll try and find a happy medium, because (to pull an old hat acting term) vanity was my... MOTIVATION! Lol.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Is it wrong to want to lose weight in order to be more attractive? I ask this because it isn't really a long term or motivating goal. I've never felt ugly, just fat, because I am fat. That really shouldn't place a wager on my talent. Suffice it to say I just feel overwhelmingly self-centered to think: "Man, once I drop this weight those batches will gag!"

    What do you all think?

    It's really the only reason when you are 25 years old. :wink:

    Then you get a little older and you realize---if you could drop the weight--- jobs are easier to get no matter what field you are in, it's easier to shop, it's easier to be active, it's easier to find a mate, it's easier to fly on a plane, it's even easier to sleep!

    Then you get even OLDER and realize losing weight will help aches and pains disappear, it helps your digestion, it helps you MOVE, it helps you do all sorts of every day things easier, it helps you live longer.

    Do it when you are young. Then keep up the lifestyle so you can get really old in a really healthy way.

    You are already beautiful inside and out. Losing weight just enhances and polishes the finished YOU.

    check this out!
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