Race timing

I have a race timing question I'm hoping for some insight on. I have run several "chip timed" races where there is a mat at the finish, but none at the start. When I finish and see the time displayed at the finish (gun time), it is always longer than my watch says (which I turn on at the start line). When I get the official results, the time is shorter than the displayed gun time (usually very close to my watch time). I've always assumed that, despite not having a mat at the beginning, there is another way they are recording the chips at the start, and the official time posted is a true "net/chip" time.

Today I ran a 5k with about 500 runners. I am a middle/back of the pack runner and lined up accordingly. When the gun went off, I took my sweet time walking/wandering with the pack to the start line before running. I am so bummed to find that only gun times are posted. I took so much time to get to the start!. I might be slow, but I work really hard on improving and racing against myself. I know not every race will be a PR, but to waste so much time to just start is such a bummer!

Now it's got me wondering, All the other races without start mats, is there another magical way that timers record chips at the start without a mat? I figure they must, how else would I have so many adjusted times for the other races...but everything I'm reading seems to show that mats are required?


  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    The reader can be placed in several locations. It was probably on the sides of the start line.

    To prevent cheating, there are often hidden chip readers on courses that runners are not aware of. This way if they cut the course and do not pass all the readers, they will be flagged. If they are in a qualifying race (like a Boston qualifier), then there results will be scrutinized.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There might be some other sensors at the start line, but many smaller races use chips to record time at the finish line, but do not have true mat-to-mat timing. That means the timer starts for everyone when the gun goes off, not when you cross the start line.

    I found this out 4 years ago. I am the race director for a local race and we decided to go with chip timing. When they were setting up I noticed no mat at the start line. That's when I learned that it was "chip finishing" timing, not actual "chip timing". I don't think they were trying to be deliberately dishonest--it was a newer company and they were still finding their professional legs, so to speak. Needless to say, we never used them again.

    I'm sure other small races also don't know to ask, or else they may not have the money to pay for full service.

    In any case, it is something you need to double-check when entering.
  • jenno369
    jenno369 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you both for your replies, I feel better now that there can be other readers lurking, even if there is no start mat.

    This particular race was put on by the same folks that put on larger local (about 6K runners) race earlier in the year, using the same registration, timing company, etc. It didn't occur to me that it might be a gun time-only race. Now I know that if I'm at a stage where time matters to me, I will double check!

    Even though the results are posted online, I haven't received an official "the results are in" email, so I'm holding out some hope that maybe they will be adjusted, although I am pretty sure I paid $25 to do something I could have done for free (wish it was a charity run!)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I've always had timing mats but have friends for whom timing has malfunctioned occasionally. It's always nice to have your watch timer but last week I forgot to push it when I crossed the finish line lol!
  • jenno369
    jenno369 Posts: 24 Member
    Totally, I am right there with you! I forgot to stop my watch at the finish! My husband had already finished, and came flying over to me while I was trying to get out of the way of the finish line. The finish line was at the top of a hill, so between trying to catch my breath from my "sprint" to the finish, and get us both out of the way of the other runners, my timer kept going for quite a while after. So, I have a ballpark at best estimate of my time.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Congrats on finishing strong @jenno369 !