Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    I could go walking later in the evenings, but I am usually in bed before 9p most nights. When I do walk I normally go around 6 or 6:30 to get it out of the way, but when I go running I wait until 7:30 or 8. I am planning on getting up at 4:45a on Monday to start the C25K over. Its been 3 weeks since I have been running, since I hurt my leg. I hope I am completely healed!! I don't like going walking past dark by myself and I don't have anyone to go with me. My husband has to stay with our daughter and I don't have any friends or should I say friends that would walk with me. I'm doing this competely on my own.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Haha(ugh)! It sounds like we are all having the same struggles. I was also horrible yesterday. Decided to clean and move the 135 gallon fish tank ( hubby helped me move:). That was a flipping 8hour project! So, of course I ate left over camping candy and a Costco frozen chicken bake-then, topped it all off with four, maybe five pieces of pizza. WTF??? Gee, I wonder why I woke up with serious stomach cramps at one in the morning. I don't even want to go near the scale.

    Now, for the positive. I can fix this. I will workout today. I will drinks tons of water. I will eat clean, homemade meals! I have four full days to work so I don't show a gain on Monday morning. Are you all with me? LET'S DO THIS!!!!

    Seriously? As I finished typing that, the quote "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." popped into my head. Bawhaha!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hehe. Don't we all have good intentions??

    Sugar why not take your daughter and husband with you? A family exercise session would be wonderful. I wish my husband would go with me. But he isn't interested. I actually got a treadmill so I can run at home while the kids are a sleep I even put a "fence" around it so my toddler couldn't get to it while I was running. Then we moved and I lost steam so am trying to get back in the habit.

    Mamadaisy the chips taste like mustard and relish. I didn't think I would like them. If you want to see my journey with the book check out the thread in my signature. I chronicle the daily tasks it is 42 days of habit changing. I have noticed my actions changing. I actually took my sons half eaten popcicle that I normally would have just finished and threw it away. I was surprised I did that with out thinking about it. We can make changes. It is possible!!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    HA HA!! I couldn't get my husband to do it with me, unless I withheld all sexual activites and I dont see that happening. lol! I normally do take my daughter with me in the stroller, but its just too dang hot for her to be out there. I do have a treadmill, but its like an late 90's model and its horrible!! I can't even walk at a steady pace, its speeds up and slows down and its not supposed to do that! I'm not even going to talk about trying to run in it! NIGHTMARE!!!!:ohwell: lol! I am trying to get my husband to buy me a elliptical for my birthday! I mean is $200 for a cheap elliptical too much to ask for?!?!?!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    HA HA!! I couldn't get my husband to do it with me, unless I withheld all sexual activites and I dont see that happening. lol! I normally do take my daughter with me in the stroller, but its just too dang hot for her to be out there. I do have a treadmill, but its like an late 90's model and its horrible!! I can't even walk at a steady pace, its speeds up and slows down and its not supposed to do that! I'm not even going to talk about trying to run in it! NIGHTMARE!!!!:ohwell: lol! I am trying to get my husband to buy me a elliptical for my birthday! I mean is $200 for a cheap elliptical too much to ask for?!?!?!

    Hey-I forked out $600 for the one at Costco last fall, plopped that sucker in the living room so I had no choice but to workout and I LOVE it. It has paid for itself and I love the different workouts it provides. I mix it up and also lift weights as a circuit. You won't regret.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Ellipticals look like a lot of fun! I also want a spin bike...maybe just build a whole gym on my house, that would be really nice,:bigsmile: (Maybe when I win the lottery:wink: )

    Sugar for some reason I thought that your husband would go but he had to stay with the kid--sorry for my misinterpretation. :blushing: My husband won't even go swimming (which he loves) with us because he doesn't want people to see his body. I give him "the look" over that. He is also really busy right now working 12-14 hour days 5 days a week. So I am on my own usually. Tell your husband that you will be even more willing to please him if you feel fit from exercise--so the elliptical is the best "toy" investment ever...:tongue: Having the treadmill in front of the tv was the best thing I ever did-- much more motivation that way. I have yet to set it up again that way...time to motivate myself again!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Good morning ladies:). Hope you all are doing well. I have been doing fair to middle. Have had a few struggles with eating food lying around. Trying to keep busy. The good news is that the garden is starting to produce, so lots of zucchini and yellow squash, corn, cucumbers and tomatoes to eat, freeze and can. Of course that will be right when school starts and I am very busy. Oh well. Love having veggies in the freezer for spagetti and soups.

    Hope you all have an excellent two days before weigh in. Stay motivated: drinks lots (of water!), eat well, and exercise! Come on hotties!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I have been doing terrible about posting, but the last couple of days have been good eating. Still no workout though. Planning on going swimming today and the water park tomorrow though, so maybe that will make up for it.
    I sooo want to grow my own vegetables! Is it hard to get started? Prolly should plant in the spring though. I tend to kill plants, but if I plan to eat em, maybe I would be more devoted? lol I'm a dork~
    The equipment in the living room is a great idea. Can't let it slip your mind that way for sure! And you can watch your favorite shows without feeling guilty for sitting on your butt :laugh:

    My husband takes pain pills every day for his back. The doctor told him to workout his core and it would strengthen his back... and he STILL wont exercise with me. He also works 10 hour days 6-7 days a week, so I try not to give him a hard time about it. I sure would like to see him without pain or pills though :ohwell:

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend and stay active! Can't wait to see everyone's progress~
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hello, future hot moms! I noticed no one was tracking the 10 separate groups, so I thought I’d jump in! Basically, I love to track ANYTHING, I was bored today, and I want to instill some friendly group competition. Here are the group totals from 7/25’s weigh-in:

    GROUP 1 – Lost 14.7 pounds (6 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 2 – Lost 0.6 pounds (4 out of 7 members reporting)
    GROUP 3 – Lost 16.5 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 4 – Lost 11.7 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 5 – Lost 2.8 pounds (4 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 6 - No Check-Ins (0 out of 7 members)
    GROUP 7 – Lost 2.5 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 8 – Lost 2.8 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 9 – Lost 2.2 pounds (6 out of 9 members reporting)
    GROUP 10 – Lost 2.1 pounds (3 out of 4 members reporting)

    GRAND TOTALS – 55 moms checked in, 55.9 pounds lost

    Bragging rights go to Group 3 for losing the most weight! (Yay, team! That’s my group!!)

    But before you get too excited, I also calculated the “% to GW” totals for each group. This is important, as there are major weight differences between each group with each member having a different amount of pounds to lose to reach her goal weight. I also could only calculate this percentage for the members who reported a GW. Here are the “% to GW” totals:

    GROUP 1 – 2.62%
    GROUP 2 – 0.17%
    GROUP 3 – 6.3%
    GROUP 4 – 2.82%
    GROUP 5 – 0.36%
    GROUP 6 – No Check-Ins
    GROUP 7 – 1.46%
    GROUP 8 – 2.24%
    GROUP 9 – 1.18%
    GROUP 10 – 16.41%

    Bragging rights go to Group 10 for the highest percentage!

    Now you know how the other groups are doing.

    Will someone please, oh please, adopt Group 6? I’d volunteer my group, but I’m not a captain.

    Any suggestions for future updates? Did you find this helpful at all?? If yes, I can put all this info in an official chart and do it each week. Send me a message , and let me know! I included all the group names below, in case other captains want to check out what the other groups are doing….

    Good luck with Monday’s weigh in!!

    CC’d to the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- Hot Moms Group 6 (closed group)
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member

    Hello, future hot moms! I noticed no one was tracking the 10 separate groups, so I thought I’d jump in! Basically, I love to track ANYTHING, I was bored today, and I want to instill some friendly group competition. Here are the group totals from 7/25’s weigh-in:

    GROUP 1 – Lost 14.7 pounds (6 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 2 – Lost 0.6 pounds (4 out of 7 members reporting)
    GROUP 3 – Lost 16.5 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 4 – Lost 11.7 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 5 – Lost 2.8 pounds (4 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 6 - No Check-Ins (0 out of 7 members)
    GROUP 7 – Lost 2.5 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 8 – Lost 2.8 pounds (8 out of 8 members reporting)
    GROUP 9 – Lost 2.2 pounds (6 out of 9 members reporting)
    GROUP 10 – Lost 2.1 pounds (3 out of 4 members reporting)

    GRAND TOTALS – 55 moms checked in, 55.9 pounds lost

    Bragging rights go to Group 3 for losing the most weight! (Yay, team! That’s my group!!)

    But before you get too excited, I also calculated the “% to GW” totals for each group. This is important, as there are major weight differences between each group with each member having a different amount of pounds to lose to reach her goal weight. I also could only calculate this percentage for the members who reported a GW. Here are the “% to GW” totals:

    GROUP 1 – 2.62%
    GROUP 2 – 0.17%
    GROUP 3 – 6.3%
    GROUP 4 – 2.82%
    GROUP 5 – 0.36%
    GROUP 6 – No Check-Ins
    GROUP 7 – 1.46%
    GROUP 8 – 2.24%
    GROUP 9 – 1.18%
    GROUP 10 – 16.41%

    Bragging rights go to Group 10 for the highest percentage!

    Now you know how the other groups are doing.

    Will someone please, oh please, adopt Group 6? I’d volunteer my group, but I’m not a captain.

    Any suggestions for future updates? Did you find this helpful at all?? If yes, I can put all this info in an official chart and do it each week. Send me a message , and let me know! I included all the group names below, in case other captains want to check out what the other groups are doing….

    Good luck with Monday’s weigh in!!

    CC’d to the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- Hot Moms Group 6 (closed group)
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control

    Wow, you are amazing! I have thought about the other groups, but didn't want to sift through and find the group-and don't know an easier way. What.'s up with group 6? Did they rename themselves and we lost them in the thread? Thanks again, this is great- please continue. I think it will hold us all accountable.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I have been doing terrible about posting, but the last couple of days have been good eating. Still no workout though. Planning on going swimming today and the water park tomorrow though, so maybe that will make up for it.
    I sooo want to grow my own vegetables! Is it hard to get started? Prolly should plant in the spring though. I tend to kill plants, but if I plan to eat em, maybe I would be more devoted? lol I'm a dork~
    The equipment in the living room is a great idea. Can't let it slip your mind that way for sure! And you can watch your favorite shows without feeling guilty for sitting on your butt :laugh:

    My husband takes pain pills every day for his back. The doctor told him to workout his core and it would strengthen his back... and he STILL wont exercise with me. He also works 10 hour days 6-7 days a week, so I try not to give him a hard time about it. I sure would like to see him without pain or pills though :ohwell:

    Daisy, do you live where you have any plot of land to plant? Zucchini and yellow squash are bigger plants, but will grow through much ignoring:). you can grow tomatoes in big(er) pots. Yes, you will have to plant in spring, although I didn't plant til mid June here. I buy the plants already started at the local feed store, nursery, Fred Meyer-wherever. Then plant. Cucumbers you could plant in a pot too, just make a string trellis for them to climb. Kids love to help, and it gives them more buy in when it comes time to "eat their veggies" :).

    I hope your husband starts to exercise with you. Does he like coffee? Maybe you both could get up a half hour early and stretch and drink coffee and talk. Tell him you want just some alone time with him-that, and stretching makes you more flexible-men seem to be motivate always by that:). I have a friend who had back surgery several years ago, and she swears by stretching and core work. Says her back starts to hurt when she slacks off. Good luck, try ton think of something that makes him think it was his idea.

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend and stay active! Can't wait to see everyone's progress~
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    I have been doing terrible about posting, but the last couple of days have been good eating. Still no workout though. Planning on going swimming today and the water park tomorrow though, so maybe that will make up for it.
    I sooo want to grow my own vegetables! Is it hard to get started? Prolly should plant in the spring though. I tend to kill plants, but if I plan to eat em, maybe I would be more devoted? lol I'm a dork~
    The equipment in the living room is a great idea. Can't let it slip your mind that way for sure! And you can watch your favorite shows without feeling guilty for sitting on your butt :laugh:

    My husband takes pain pills every day for his back. The doctor told him to workout his core and it would strengthen his back... and he STILL wont exercise with me. He also works 10 hour days 6-7 days a week, so I try not to give him a hard time about it. I sure would like to see him without pain or pills though :ohwell:

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend and stay active! Can't wait to see everyone's progress~

    Sorry, look for my response within yours. I screwed up.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Helen you are awesome! I am horrible with tracking and numbers I am glad that you can do it!! It is much more motivation to see all the numbers.

    As far as gardens go, I keep trying but apparently have a brown thumb. My dad gardens a lot and has multiple large pots that he uses for everything from lettuce to peas, tomatoes, herbs, you name it. You just need to be sure the pot is big enough and to water it almost daily. If you stick your finger in the soil and it feels dry it needs water. I have a cucumber growing in a pot in my front yard, it is doing well so far. YAY! Best of luck!!

    I have been horrible on exercise too but just read up on the kettle bell I am going to get myself one. It is a full body exercise, cardio and strength, quick and easy. Just what I need right now. Have a good weekend and best of luck with the weighin on Monday!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Great job on the numbers! I love it!

    I am both anxious and nervous to weigh in tomorrow. It's been.... and odd week. But I'm feeling good. It's late and I should be heading to bed, but I am not...

    We have 5 lots, so about an acre. I know right where I would plant. My daughter already threw watermelon seeds there though. Prolly kill their chances by tilling first or something huh. I have heard they really take over anywhere they are allowed to grow, so you either grow watermelon alone or not at all. Next year maybe. I like the idea of doing them in pots. Then I don't have to mess with so much weeds...

    How about a new challenge this week? Whatever length of your workout last week, up it by at least 10 minutes and one day!~ Now, if you didn't exercise this week, (like me) you need to get up for at least 20 minutes on 4 days. Personally, I am going to aim for 5 :wink:

    And remember~

  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Great challenge. Exercise has been really hard for me to get in lately. So 20 min 4 days here I come!! I can't believe august is already here the summer is just flying by!! Let's make the most of the rest of it.
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    wooohooo... we are rocking it ladies!!!! :wink:
    To the G, to the R, to the O-U-P.....Group 3, Group 3..we are getting skinny!!! Yes, I am a dork! LOL BUT I am PROUD of you all!!!!

    I didn't post sat since we went to the waterpark and I am proud to say i did not eat the chips my dh insisted on bringing!!! I ate 2 sanwiches plus fruit, then we went out to eat afterwards and I did ok. I did drink water like crazy and I had water with a slice of cucumber at the restaurant!! the water tasted weird, but good, kinda crispy, I don't know how to describe it just different, I guess- hahaha either way, i drank it! Sunday I just bummed around since I got suburned!! *ouch!! better me than the kids, though!

    I am happy to report <drumroll...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr > 194.2
    not the best but still a loss!!!

    have a great day ladies!!! keep rockin it, keep sweating... keep killing those fat cells!!! :drinker:

  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Todays check in weight!---178.8lbs!!! I am so excited!!!! I haven't been out of the 180s for at least 5 years! I am only 3lbs away from my 175 birthday goal wich is in 23 days!:bigsmile:
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Nice job ladies!!! I did great on the exercise this week, but not super great on the eating. I think I may have exceeded goals last week by being SO good and losing all that weight. I weighed in at 178.8 this morning-so at least I am doing better than I thought. My final goal is 170, so I think my body is close to saying I am close to done-unless I go all 1200 cal. a day and I CAN NOT do that! I love food WAY too much...seriously-I love food. I am just glad that over the last few years I have started loving fast food less and good, homemade meals more. :) Speaking of-if you can get to my recipes-try the Pumpkin Protein Bars. Yummy and a low cal., homemade treat.

    Exercise here I come! I hope to hear from everyone today. Go group 3!!! Let's build some muscle, and with that exercise challenge of adding ten minutes-I challenge all of you to do five-yes only five-push ups sometime during each day. They can be on your knees, just keep the butt down and the back straight!!!! Let's build some back, shoulder, and bicep muscles!!!

    HAVE A GREAT WEEK! Keep posting-I enjoy seeing how your week is going. Daisy, great job with the pics-LOL, wish I had a fire under my butt some days:) And the locker room NO EXCUSES brings back memories of working out hard for a goal - with a team!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Mussmom! Thats awesome! You and I weigh the same! Doesn't it feel great to be in the 170s! I can hear 160s calling my name!!! I can't wait to be pretty again!!

    edit: Mussmom, how tall are you out of couriosity?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm at 187.6 today. So nice to see a loss instead of a gain. :bigsmile: It could have been better if I hadn't succumbed to certain foods this weekend. A new month and week today, Time to get crackin' I'm off to figure out some exercise for this morning. Then breakfast followed by an in depth house cleaning...boy my kids are going to be excited!! :laugh: Have a great day, lets bring it!