Keto Diet

Hi, im 3 weeks into a Keto diet, it's fantastic. The main reason I got into it was to lower my visceral fat. Although I'm a fit guy I do love my sweets.

Looking for individuals I can share knowledge on keto diet and best way to lower visceral fat

Thanks Zolan


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Consistent calorie deficit with or without low carbs/keto will lead to fat loss.
  • I'm just starting week 2. The first week I did vegetarian and this week I'm slowly adding back in meat but in lower proportion. It's great eating a lot more veggies.

    Currently, I'm looking for more varied breakfast recipes and snack recipes. I'm prone to cooking only eggs and veggies and I'm a bit bored of that.

    I weighed myself after a week and I've lost some kgs. My body tends to respond quickly with regular diet and exercise.
  • weightl0ss_beast
    weightl0ss_beast Posts: 15 Member
    Consistent calorie deficit with or without low carbs/keto will lead to fat loss.

    I agree
  • joycemmbanks
    joycemmbanks Posts: 3 Member
    I am beginning week three of Keto. I feel so much better, but am having food boredom. Heard a good talk about not obsessing. Just eat low carb and enjoy meat and salad or vegetable. I think I may be " over thinking" my diet.
  • tlmgallowayjw
    tlmgallowayjw Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting Keto diet tomorrow, any helpful suggestions would be great-thx
  • katestein20
    katestein20 Posts: 1 Member
    I started keto last week. So far, the adjustment has been hard on my workouts, but as I'm getting used to it, I'm feeling a lot better in general. I'm hoping for progress that will keep me motivated!
  • kbhobbs1
    kbhobbs1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi... I too am into Keto... Started about 5 weeks ago and am "enjoying." Contrary to those of you who say "consistent calorie deficit blah blah blah," I'm here to tell you not so true for me. I work out 5x a week- 30-45 min. cardio, 60 min. weight training, eat 1200-1400 calories daily, and weight stays pretty much the same or increases. So I am trying Keto to get weight down. So far 7# are off. I'm not "crazy" about my weight loss- I want to be healthy. So to you Keto people out there- keep it up. It's not THAT hard and definitely is healthier than sugar!!!
  • mark_asher
    mark_asher Posts: 6 Member
    Will be starting keto tomorrow. I need some tips and all to succeed this lifestyle. Add me up.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the following main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketophiles tend to hang out: