msstillion79 Posts: 142
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone!!! Glad i started this group I look forward to getting to know each and everyone here I am dedicated to give all the support and motivation I can give to everyone We are in this battle together we may be wanting this change for different reasons but it has brought us together.Cheezy i know lol well anyway this is how we decided to start. We have every other day checkins and we talk about different things each day. Then we have weekly goals to support each other in accomplishing they are as follows.

Monday- is our weigh-ins (noone should be ashamed of this we are in the same boat here) and we will make a personel goal for
ourselves to go along with the group goals something u feel u need to work on (like mine is going to be logging in my food
Wednesday- is one of our days to vent anything and everything that we want to it can deal with weightloss issues or whats
happening in our lifes it all adds into one anyways we are here for each other!!!!!
Friday- so we can get to know everyone tell us something about you
Sunday- is a check in day tell us how u did on the weeks goals what u can do to make it better any questions or concerns and
finally suggestions about the following weeks group goals !

August 1 to August 7 Group Goals:
1. each of us try to get in at least 8 servings of water ( a serving is 8oz)
2. Try ur best to get 20 minutes of cardio in a day of ur choice ( or just move at least ten mins above ur normal activity)
3. Get 10 situps a day in

I think we can no I KNOW we Can do this with the help of friends thats why we are here! Good Luck

Everyone is welcomed i do not want to turn anyone away just keep track of ur totals and if u want to make it easier and i think more accountable open up ur diaries to ur friends i have but that is a personel choice K c-ya all tomorrow :drinker:


  • Excited!!!:wink:
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member

    We can do this and the fact that we are starting a new month tomorrow just gives us a fresh beginning. I can't wait to take this journey with all of you. I know we can do this and even more, we deserve this.
  • I agree we do deserve this and can do this see you guys in the morning i have to get to bed i have school in the morning by the way i was wondering where everyone is from i live in alledonia ohio good night heres to a new begining :drinker:
  • Exciting :bigsmile: Looking forward to some added accountability. I'm in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii so I'll probally be hours behind the rest of you. First day of school tomorow for the demon spawn :drinker: here's hoping I can get some dedicated exercise in. I'm a zumba person, Monday's and Friday's but it would be nice to be able to do more than just twice a week.
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    I live outside of Rochester, NY. I'd love to try Zumba too. I did at an overnight lock-in with the Girl Scouts but I'm still recovering form a spinal injury. It didn't really help but it was fun the few minutes I tried it. I loved to dance when I was younger. I think it's really important to find an activity that you can be passionate about and enjoy doing to help with weight loss. I used to do martial arts and wish I could do it again. However, my ex and his new wife are still active and there are no other styles I like around. So, I'm trying to find other outlets. I'd love to get into bicycling too. I live int he Finger Lakes Region and there are so many nice trails here.

    I can't wait for the kids to go back to school. They are at the point of boredom and its been too hot here for them to play outside for too long. I definitely will need to get them more involved with summer programs next year.
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Hey! I am Jana. I am forty-one and live in Texas. I am married and have three daughters. The oldest two are from a previous marriage. I am a teacher who is about to go back to work, so I wish summer would last a little longer. :-)

    I have been heavy since the 2nd grade. After my divorce I gained 50 pounds. After my third daughter was born I gained 50 more pounds. My best friend was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer in October, 2009. During her illness and death, I gained 30 more pounds. Add that all up and you get 180 plus pounds to lose. In honor of my friend...for the love of my husband.....and the devotion to my children, I am READY to make some changes. I am tired of being the biggest wife, mom and teacher.

    What do I get out of the weight loss....well, let's see....... Tying my shoes without cutting off oxygen to my brain. Being able to sit in a chair without a little voice in my head asking "Does it look sturdy???" Trying on clothes that fit and I LIKE. Not thinking of myself as a bad mother/role model. Not having people stare at me. Not having 4 and 5 year olds in my class innocently ask "Why is your tummy so big?". Going on vacation and doing all the fun stuff (Segway, zip line, horseback riding, etc...) that I weigh too much for.

    Most of all, I want to easily get up and down off the floor so I can play games and do puzzles with my six year old. I want to ride roller coasters with my 11 year old. I want to be able to garden without my knees and back hurting with my 12 year old. And I want to walking holding hands with my husband without my feet swelling and hurting. I would like to ride on his motorcyle, too. I haven't done that since I found I was expecting baby years ago.

    I look forward to getting to know you and support you. :flowerforyou:
  • Good Morning Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! I to wish my kids were going back to school it has been very humid here too so they are starting that "mom im bored what do i do" stuff so its time for them to go back to school. I have the most respect for u teachers to try and get the kids to sit down and listen and learn what they need to is way more then what i could handle thats why i am a nurses aide and take care of the elderly and disabled and im continuing my education in nursing in the fall right now im goin after my ged yeah i know 32 yrs old i should have it but life fell in the way and i didnt finish high school i had my babies my oldest is 13 and i have a 11 year old daughter and my baby and last is 10. i wieghed myself this morning and i weigh 279.6 so i havent gained any in the last week but havent lost either.I can not wait to start our goals this week but most of all i cant wait to go though this part of my life with new and supportive friends all of my friends either dont care about their weight or r them women that wiegh 100pds wet lol So here we go im getting ready for my class now but i will be back on to check in with everyone!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!! oh the personel goal im setting for myself this week is to log in everyday my food and exercise diary. ttyl:drinker:
  • Im a new and I'm excited to join in with the weekly goals.
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Rebeca and I'm from maine. No kids, not married but have been with my boyfriend for 10 years! I have 2 kitties that are my children. I started here in jan. Have lost 43lbs so far. My goals this week soda and burn 500 at least 4 days this week. Good luck everyone!
  • Hi! This is the first time I am doing groups. I'm in another one. They are using the chart below to keep up with weigh-ins. Thought I would run it by the group to see if we might want to use the chart also? Take a look, see what you think.
    I have two grow children. My son is 23 and has a 3 month old boy. My daughter is 20 and will be starting a two year college at the end of this month.
    I'm hoping this group works for me. I did my weigh in (255 lbs.) and gained 3 lbs from last weigh in. I've not been walking as much as I should be and I'm still not eating to good. I don't do any sit up or other exercises, just walk on my treadmill...My personal goal is to stop eating the wrong things and start exercising..
    Looking forward to getting to know everyone. Have a great day.
  • Hello Everyone, I weighed in at 299 lbs today. My Goal is to get on my treadmill everyday,no more excuses for not walking.
    I also would like to set a goal of eating the right foods this week.I would like to lose at least 2 lbs a week.
    I am 38 years old and I do not have any children.If anyone from the group wants to add me as a friend , you are welcome .
  • Good Morning! My name is Michelle, I am a single mom from Omaha, Nebraska. My daughter, Emilee, is 2 1/2. She's my world and the reason why I am trying to lose weight is to be a better example for her and be around for her for a long, long time. I've been on MFP for almost 2 weeks. In that time, I have gained a lot of motivation and energy! On my 33rd birthday, I set a goal for myslef to lose 100 lbs by my 35th birthday (7/17/13). My ultimate goal is to lose 125 lbs. I know I can do it -- other people have done it -- and I need to prove to myself that I can too. I weighed in this morning at 255.8. That is down 9 lbs from when I started 14 days ago. I'm proud of myself. I know this is going to be long, tedious journey -- but with hard work, patience and perserverance, I WILL get where I want to go.:bigsmile:

    My goals for this week:
    1) At least 12 c. H2O/day.
    2) At least 30 minutes of cardio/day.

    So excited to be on this journey with all of you - if I haven't sent you a friend request yet, feel free to add me!

  • Hi!!! I'm Amy... I'm in Richmond, VA! I lost 5 lbs last week (my first week here at MFP) and have many more to go! I'm hoping to loose about 2-3 lbs a week! I have always been very active until a horrible pregnancy back in 2006 and then an automobile accident in 2007 which both put me on bed rest, the pregnancy for 8 months, the auto accident for 3 years causing me to gain a lot of weight. I'm miserable and ready to do whatever it takes to get back down to 140! My first goal is to loose 72 lbs by our disney tripe (December 26th) and my second is to loose 60 by the end of the following year, 2012 (as I know the last part is the hardest and slowest to come off)!

    Feel free to add me - Always looking for more people to hold me accountable and always love the tips, nutritional ideas, and the conversations!
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Good morning! I got on the scales this morning. I weighed 328.6. :noway: This my first week on MFP. Let the skinniness begin. :wink: My goals this week are to avoid Dr. Pepper ( my go-go juice) and to drink 10 glasses of water every day. :drinker:

    I will also begin my summer is almost over ritual. I will go to bed by 10:00 PM this week and get up no later than 8:00 AM. I will do one more deep cleaning of my house and organize my closet.

    Have an awesome day.

  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I'm here.....I'm Jen. I just went to Walmart and bought scales--haven't weighted yet. I've been working at it for two months and wish I had weighed then but I don't want to be obsessed with the numbers.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    I want to join also! I am a 34 year old mother of two, wife of one and teacher of 22ish. I have never been on a 'DIET' in my life, because that would be like admitting that I was fat. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am 279.6 (is that fat?) down from 283 two weeks ago. I want to change the way I live. Up until now I have not cared about what goes into my mouth. Since I have started MFP I have realized that I was eating anywhere from 3000 to 6000 calories a day. WOW! What an eye opener! This is the largest I have ever been in my life. I could blame it on the birth of my children (especally THE BOY!), or the death of my dad (who's greeting for me till the day he died was, "Hey, little fat girl.", or I could blame the food I eat. But ultitmently it comes down to that I didn't care. I didn't care if I was big. As long as I was happy. I am not happy anymore so I need to do something! My kids are getting a little older and I don't want them to think that eating 6000 calories a day is is okay. I want to do activities with them and not worry about the weight limits! I want to motivate my husband!

    Thanks for starting this group. I want to join in also. I am setting mini goals for myself of 4 pounds. My first goal is to get to 279.0.....ALMOST THERE! I know I need to lose more than 100 lbs but for now I just need to lose 4. :wink: I like the sound of that much better!
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    Situps here I come!!!! No cokes today! Only water! :laugh:
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    Morning! Bridget from St. Louis, MO here. I am girlfriend, mom, and teacher. I have been on MFP for about a month and have lost 6 pounds so far! I want to be more fit for many reasons. My best friend's wedding is in the spring and I'm determined to look good in my dress...I want to have more energy for my family...I want to buy clothes from a regular store and have them look good!!! My personal goals this week are to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and stay away from soda this week. I only drink diet, but cutting it out for a week will certainly be good for the body! Good luck to us all!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    My name is Karen and I'm from Texas. I've been on a roller coaster with my weight and ready to start going down again. My weight is currently 272.
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    At weigh-in this morning, I am 306. I already have broken one of my goals though...I was REALLY thirsty at the grocery store and all they had were flavored waters at the checkout (which make me nauseous) so I went for a Pepsi Max...crap...first day of the challenge and I already failed!!! LOL Water or non sweet tea only the rest of the week!
  • I know Monday's are weigh ins but I do mine up at the hospital on Wendsday so :tongue:
    Bridgit don't beat yourself up over a soda slip up, log it and move on. If the line at Walmart had been any slower last night I totally would have caved and answered the siren call of the almond joy on the bottom shelf, as it is the hubs bought himself a bag of skittles blenders and I ate a handfull. PS. Totally not worth it, flavor combos are totally yacky. Ah non-sweet tea, thank the Lord there is only one resturant on our island that serves sweet tea and they don't have a drive through. That evil concotion became an addiction the 14 months we lived in VA.
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    At weigh-in this morning, I am 306. I already have broken one of my goals though...I was REALLY thirsty at the grocery store and all they had were flavored waters at the checkout (which make me nauseous) so I went for a Pepsi Max...crap...first day of the challenge and I already failed!!! LOL Water or non sweet tea only the rest of the week!

    Yeah, I'm right there with you about the soda. I had one without thinking about it. I'm so hot and soda is always so refreshing, it makes me want another. One choice at at time though and tomorrow is a new day.
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    I weighed in yesterday at 265. I normally get up on the weekdays sometime between 4:45 & 5:15 so adding another step to my morning routine is a struggle. It's usually a chore just to get ready and out the door because I'm up so late the night before.

    I'm looking for opinions on water bottles. I've been dying to try the one that FlyLady sells, but I have to use see through containers at work. 20-32 oz work best for me. What do you use? We have an ice machine at work so I'd like something I can get ice into. But I also don't like drinking from a straw.

    Great goals for the month!! I'm not able to do the sit ups though, I have a protruding disc in my lumbar. I had three but it's just one that's actually against the nerve root. I'll ask my physical therapist what she thinks, but she's given me other exercises I could just substitute. My own personal goal is to be able to walk 2 miles at the end of the month at a speed of 2.0 mph.
  • :smile: here i am setting my goals as no pop and only water and what i do went though mc ds and ordered kids lunch on my way home and ordered me a large diet coke habits are hard to break and its 5pm and i have had only 4 servings of water no more today of the pop Its crazy when u think about how life is just a habbit u do things without thinking nine out of ten times lol but the great thing about being in this group is that reading all ur posts i know im not alone and that helps alot. I also dont want to get caught up on the number i can tell by the way my clothes fit if ive lost or not the weigh in for me is cause my dietian told me to do it once a week and thats all. Hey majikwon1961 i like the weigh in chart but how do u add that to ur posts i have no clue about that stuff on here yet i would love to do that and write my goal weight and dates to like some people do Everyone is doing great this is our first day and there is always tomorrow thats why we are here to improve our lifes we didnt get this way in a day and its going to take at least that long to get where we want to be Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart::drinker: chll2803 i havent done mine yet im waiting on my fiancee to get home in case i pop something lol do what u can dont over do ur self we dont want anyone to hurt theirselves
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    :sad: I started my not drinking coke yesterday. So far so good! Only water...blaaaaa. I had one in my had earlier, realized what I was doing and put it back. It helps that I have a 5 year old telling mommy, you said you were not going to drink coke today. I usually have one about now and one right before bed. I'm doing okay for now, but tonight will be hard. I am going to do my situps now. I'll let you know how that goes.....
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    situps...check (20), running in place (20 min.)...check, wii boxing sortof--it's a bear game that you have to catch fish (same concept)(20 min.) check! I'm done for today. Silly little bear. I now have a negative calorie count. hmmmmmmmmm.:ohwell:
  • 120 oz. H20 = DONE
    30 minutes of cardio = DONE
    10 sit-ups = DONE

    I haven't done sit-ups since 8th grade gym class! LOL :tongue:
  • 120 oz. H20 = DONE
    30 minutes of cardio = DONE
    10 sit-ups = DONE

    I haven't done sit-ups since 8th grade gym class! LOL :tongue:

    OMG good for you!

    I've only got 5 glasses of water today... but I'm drinking another now and may get another before bed and I had a v8 juice for part of my breakfast.

    my sits ups are done...

    my cardio was done chasing my 5 year old around martins this morning... i think they wanted to call the cops on me after he ran outside twice, hid from me, and continued to run away.... bad mother of the year award right here ya'll! And I beat my kid in public :shock:
  • 120 oz. H20 = DONE
    30 minutes of cardio = DONE
    10 sit-ups = DONE

    I haven't done sit-ups since 8th grade gym class! LOL :tongue:

    Make that 144.5 oz.....I am sure I will be peeing all night!
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    I just did the most pathetic sit-ups know to man... They can only get better. :ohwell: Got my water in. Does school shopping with three kids in really hot weather for two hours count as cardio??? I know my blood pressure was up.... I will double up tomorrow, just in case.

    Sweet dreams!
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