How many times a week to work out?



  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Usually 5 times but from this week:

    Mon PM Crossfit
    Tue AM Strength
    Wed AM Functional PM Crossfit
    Thu PM Crossfit weightlifting
    Fri Rest
    Sat AM Weightlifting
    Sun Rest

    I have a full-time job and I'm studying part-time so I get where you are coming from. You need to decide for yourself where you are going to fit exercise into your list of priorities :) Good luck :)

  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    edited September 2017
    7 to 10 times a week in BJJ/MMA and some random strength and conditioning stuff thrown about 3-4x in addition, but I am more flexible with the schedule for that.

    I have two kids (which I am fully engaged in caregiving), a full time professional job, and a mortgage. If you want it you can do it. I am not caught up on the latest hot new show and I don't obsess over fantasy football because I choose to devote that time to fitness. There are some HIIT apps that are free or a nominal price that you can download and get a good sweat going. In 15 minutes. You don't have to drive to a traditional gym every time.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    You guys are show offs
  • sadmaker
    sadmaker Posts: 19 Member
    6 days per week. One of or some combination of P90X, body beast, insanity, t25
  • Calichusetts
    Calichusetts Posts: 100 Member
    Everyday. I don't watch TV at night so I like to stay active while cleaning and doing house work.
  • SoCaLi4mTheVali
    SoCaLi4mTheVali Posts: 17 Member
    I have very similar goals, and have a busy full schedule this month, including travel. I see my trainer 2 times per week, and workout -6-7 times per week. When I had a long day and don't have the time, I have a circuit routine I follow & go hard, only takes 15-20 mins and makes me feel so much better! (sleep better too).
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I walk 30 minutes at lunch M-F during the work week. I do Zumba Mondays & Wednesdays and alternate Saturdays, treadmill the other Saturdays, Pound class on Thursdays. I am hoping to add a couple strength training days in there on Tuesdays & Fridays.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited September 2017
    Purposeful exercise (exercise solely for getting exercise) about 2-3 days/hours per week right now, but it varies by season. In summer, not at all.

    But I do exercise level activity nearly every day. A truly sedentary day is a rare treat.
  • dithompson1
    dithompson1 Posts: 15 Member
    I do something everyday. MTWTF- Elliptical 45 minutes. Saturday 3 mile walk. Sunday 20 mile bike ride.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I do something active just about everyday. Nothing too intense though.

    - Cardio: daily (walking or walking/running intervals).

    - Strength training: 3 - 4 times per week (weight, bodyweight, TRX).

    - I also take a pole fitness class, do Youtube workouts and use fitness dvd's as well along with activities.
  • Rosemary7391
    Rosemary7391 Posts: 232 Member
    I run 3 times a week, and do a little (15minutes) of ballet beautiful every day. It seems odd to me to count walking as that's just the default a to b for me, but since other folks are counting it - 25 minutes twice a day Mon-Fri, plus other random bits when I go anywhere other than work.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member

    scvreenen wrote: »
    Well done to those who train on a regular basis! I however, started attending the gym a month ago after a 3 month layoff..I have them quite often! Just a quick question to those folk who manage to train more than 3 times a week, how did you manage to train more often,
    and how long did it take you to commit to training so frequently?

    I started at 3/week and moved up after about 2 months. I do powerlifting mainly and you can make great progress on something like Starting Strength or Strong Lift. Both of them are 3/week programs. This gives a great foundation and motivation for more.
  • canarysal
    canarysal Posts: 118 Member
    6 days of various classes usually and make sure get in an hour of walking on rest day.
  • YOLO145
    YOLO145 Posts: 98 Member
  • Kwoconnor
    Kwoconnor Posts: 39 Member
    I do my Daniel Craig workout 5 days a week - and then Saturday is my any workout day.

    So, 6 days a week in reality.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I exercise strenuously probably six days a week.
    When I was younger I generally exercised every other day. I think I made better progress with more rest.
    In fact, I am rather suspicious that we all tend to work out too much.
    But, then again, I walked a LOT more when I was young than I do now that I am tethered to a desk.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I exercise 60 to 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week.
  • MarylandRose
    MarylandRose Posts: 239 Member
    scvreenen wrote: »
    Well done to those who train on a regular basis! I however, started attending the gym a month ago after a 3 month layoff..I have them quite often! Just a quick question to those folk who manage to train more than 3 times a week, how did you manage to train more often,
    and how long did it take you to commit to training so frequently?

    I started going to one class/week, then two. I really liked that second class (bodypump) so I wanted to add more of it to my week. The only reasonable way I could do this was to go before work on Fridays (0540) and early Saturday (0700). I did this for about a month and felt I wanted to add more structured cardio to my life (I work so much better in a class than on my own, and running is murder on my knees) so I decided to add indoor cycling. Again, finding time was tough...until I looked at the mornings, again. So I ride at 0530 before work two days/week. This lets me have my after work time for myself. When it's nice out, this often includes a walk in my neighborhood, but if it's frigid and drizzling, I don't have to worry about it because I already got my workout in. I've been on this 5x/week schedule since about November of last year and still enjoying it because I enjoy the activities I'm getting up to do. If I hated these classes or if I was just going to get on an elliptical every morning, there's no way it would work for me.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    every day. 7 days a week 2 to 3 hours a day
  • macclone
    macclone Posts: 85 Member
    I work out 5 days a week since my company has an awesome fitness center. I do 35- 45 minutes on the stationary bike since I can watch Netflix on the screen and the time flies by. Then I do kettle bell and free weight exercises for another 30 minutes or so. If I am below my calorie burn goal of 650/day I will row until I hit it.