What's the best tasting milk, I can no longer drink cow's milk



  • gg2007
    gg2007 Posts: 71 Member
    I really enjoy cashew milk....however prob better you try a few to see what you like, there are so many varieties out there.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    We like Silk Soy Lite Vanilla.
  • natalieinjeans
    natalieinjeans Posts: 3 Member
    I second goat milk - it is naturally lactose free and has a pleasant, sweet taste. A bit pricier than cow milk.
  • jlmuise25
    jlmuise25 Posts: 45 Member
    My family and I have used rice milk for years. It's got the same consistency as fat-free milk with no flavor and no milky after tastes.
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    Lactose-free milk is pretty darn similar to regular milk (I drank Lactaid for years). I'm working towards giving up dairy and finally tried cashew milk- pretty good with cereal and in coffee! I don't drink milk anymore, but just can't give up my "lattes" in the morning and cashew milk froths up nice too :)
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Lactose free milk for us - can't tell the difference.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited September 2017
    amenok wrote: »
    Actually...if its because of lactose i highly highly recommend fairlife(their 2% is heaven to me). It is cows milk, but ultra filtered so there is no lactose. Also the macros on it is even better than regular milk :)

    p.s. in my opinion though, the chocolate milk is too much for me, since fairlife has a creamier taste than regular milk- and then the sweetness of chocolate is too much. but who knows maybe you'd like it


    I actually mix the chocolate with skim - it's perfect.
  • Cat3141
    Cat3141 Posts: 162 Member
    edited September 2017
    Nutritionally, only soy milk is a good substitute for cows milk. If you're just looking for something to make your cereal wet, and not really concerned about the nutrition factor, then it's going to be really subjective. I started out liking unsweetened plain almond milk best for cereal, now I use unsweetened plain soy for most things. Coconut milk (not the kind in the can) is nice and creamy, but higher in saturated fat, if you care about that.
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    amenok wrote: »
    Actually...if its because of lactose i highly highly recommend fairlife(their 2% is heaven to me). It is cows milk, but ultra filtered so there is no lactose. Also the macros on it is even better than regular milk :)

    p.s. in my opinion though, the chocolate milk is too much for me, since fairlife has a creamier taste than regular milk- and then the sweetness of chocolate is too much. but who knows maybe you'd like it


    another endorsement of Fairlife here. I'm not even lactose intolerant, and I swear by the stuff. Lower calories, more protein, tastes better, and has an insane shelf life.

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Another vote for unsweetened vanilla almond milk for my cereal. I used to drink soy but now try to minimize how much soy I take in. The only time I drink chocolate milk is after a workout as a recovery drink and for that I like the Fairlife. It doesn't bother me how sweet it is.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    I also vote for soy milk.
  • oxkateox
    oxkateox Posts: 3 Member
    There is a brand called Yup! that is lactose free and the chocolate is to die for. They also have white and strawberry varieties.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I like Silk unsweetened cashew milk, but it has a lot of added calcium. Regarding taste, my second choice is So Delicious brand unsweetened cashew milk. It's higher in calories, but doesn't contain so much calcium. It's found in the little quart boxes that are shelf stable.

    I mix a full cup of heated cashew milk with 1 cup coffee.
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    Depends what you want to use it for. I really like unsweetened roasted almond milk for cereal and coffee but I wouldn't use it for cooking or tea.
  • Daniellemh33
    Daniellemh33 Posts: 13 Member
    Rice milk has more of a mild flavor then the 'nut' milks.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I'm not a huge milk drinker, but I prefer almond milk or rice milk in my cereal. Unflavored/unsweetened soy milk tastes a little 'off' to me, but it's o.k. if I'm having it in something like a chai latte.
  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    My favorite substitute is unsweetened cashew which has a very mild flavor and lowest in calories, 25 per serving. I also use it to cook, Almond is good too.
  • msemiliejean
    msemiliejean Posts: 24 Member
    Cashew milk!! It's so good and creamy. I haven't had cow milk in probably 12 years so I can't really speak to how it tastes in comparison but I LOVE cashew milk
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    If you want it for cereal, consider "protein milk" (aka protein shake used as milk)...

    I usually avoid cereal as it is higher carb and doesn't fill me up much... Using protein milk helps!