Hi i've just started AGAIN!!! lost 15 pounds and then went on holiday and piled it all back on! :( i want to lose 100 pounds altogether after having 4 kids. I'm considering Gastric surgery. Would be grateful for masses of encouragement!!! please add me


  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    Dont go to such drastic measures hun... we're all here to support you. Im in the UK too and i also have over 100lb to get shut of, feel free to add me... I do have a high degree of sarcasm and wit.... add at your peril (but you know you want to:))
  • klacoille
    I am trying to loose 100lbs as well. And I too have considered gastric surgery. I've been using the app on my phone since mid June and am down about 20lbs. It's really great to see the progress in my hand. Good luck on your journey.
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome! You can do it without surgery :)
  • gypsy0911
    gypsy0911 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't give up!! I know kinda in the same boat.... I lost 45lbs total since December and put back on 10,,, rrrrrrrrr ;(. And trying to get back on the band wagon is really hard for me. So, I know how it is. I want to get down to 140, I have a lot to go!!!! Good luck ;)
  • gingermelv
    Good luck - I would at least try this and then see how you feel. Set yourself a 30 day challenge, set up a forum and see how you do. Everyone is so lovely here. x
  • aliciastar
    I myself need a lot of encouragement. I have been trying to lose weight for the majority of my life. I have a very hard time at it. Majority of my family have weight issues and I am trying to get out of that situation. I just started today. I am currently in a weightloss clinic provided by my doctor and I lost 11 lbs. last month, but nothing this month. A friend turned me to this website, so hopefully it will help me. I want to feel beautiful inside and out and be happy for me and show my girls what a good role model is. So please feel free to add me and we can encourage each other.
  • Melinda77w

    Aussie mum, 33 also, although, 34 is approaching too soon......I consider myself a pretty weak willed person so i'm sure a bit of encouragment will get me back on track.......I'm welcoming to anyone that would like to share my journey with me, and me with you.....I only ask that you send me a message in the request so i know you're more than just a name and face :-D

    Best wishes to you all on your journey :-D
  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I have 87 left to reach my goal. The more friends, the better. The people on here have been great motivators! :flowerforyou:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hi, I'm also 33, also in the UK, trying to shift weight after having my third baby (nearly 6 months ago now). I have lost 30 lbs in just under 5 months, you can do it!!! :drinker:
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member

    I am in the UK, am 33 (next month) and have 100lb to lose too - are you me? LOL. I would never consider gastric band surgery - the though of never being able to eat a proper meal again would be torture! I'd rather cut back and eat healthily 90% of the time to get this weight off, but eat what I fancy on special occasions! I can do that with MFP! I previously lost and regained about 10 stone, that time it was with Weight Watchers, but this seems to teach me more about nutrition and encourages me to exercise. My friends had WLS and she was so sick. That was in Dec last year and she still gets sick sometimes because she eats a bit too much. When she first had the op I was scared she would die, she was so ill. That put the final nail in the coffin of the idea od WLS for me!

    Anyway, feel free to add me :)
  • mrsdollox
    WOW! You're all really nice!! :D i've used this site before but literally only to record the wight. didnt bother with all this part. i'm under a weight loss management programme with my doctor too. it could lead to weight loss surgery or not. choice is there i suppose. petrifies me tho. could talk all day about it but the kids are driving me mental!! back later.
    you've no idea how much this little string of posts has helped already. actually you probably do!!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Aw, so glad you've had such a great reaction, honestly this community has always been such a help to me, now if I'm feeling the urge to binge, I come here instead! :drinker:
  • kimly
    kimly Posts: 9

    I'm a mum of three and new to this myself - I also have over 100lbs to lose!

    Add request on the way!!
  • mrsdollox
    Thanks everyone. i feel loads better about the whole thing already. been a good day :)