Staying on track at the State Fair!

Hello All!
My fiance and I, along with his mom and aunt, camp at the Iowa State Fair every year. We make it a big deal and it's our vacation, we save up for it all year, and we stay the entire 11 days! It's a blast needless to say.
What I am worried about is staying on track with my diet, I know that since it's vacation I shouldn't even worry about it, but I'm just so darn close to my goal and I don't mind if I gain a little I just don't wanna go over board. I just need some help, we do a lot of walking, so exercise isn't so much what I am worried about. Although, I wouldn't mind taking a jog here or there on a few days...What do you think? Obviously what I am most worried about is food. I mean, it's the state fair, I have to have a corndog and the alike. We usually only allow ourselves one "fair food" a day, for health and money sakes. Then we eat somewhat healthier up at the camper. I just dont know what to do....I seem like I have it all figured out, but I dont trust myself. Help....?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Maybe bring a cooler with some healthy snacks. You could sample the fair by sharing what you get with someone. It's better than eating it all yourself. But think before you eat. Don't think it is the last time you will ever have it so you have to have everything.
    The fair comes every year and there is always next time to sample more. Don't eat like you are dying.
  • sarahemily72
    Do they offer Roasted Corn? I usually love that at the fair!
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    We just spent a week at our county fair....I was worried about the same thing! BUt....keep the camper full of food. I was going to save one night for a funnel cake...but, it was so hot...I didnt even want it. I looked at all the trailors looking for a healthy snack...and it was hard! I did find a lemonade slushy....stand. I asked them what they put in it...and they said, fresh lemons....crushed ice and sugar water. SO, I walked away. of the girls I knew was working it and said.,....go back...they can make a SPLENDA one! Just have to ask. SO.....I was so happy that I had some sort of treat....A wonderful drink that was made with splenda! Wasnt advertised. YUM! MAybe they will have a frozen yogurt stand..... Anyway, I know it is it for a treat...and not your dinner. Worry about maintaining those days...and not losing. One thing is for sure WILL have lots of exercise from all that walking!!!! BEst of luck!!!!
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Try to eat healthy when you can.
    When you can't, add a little more exercise to the mix!
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    Roasted corn is a great idea!
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    I agree with the above post -- pack a little cooler with water and some healthy snacks, or if you can't have a cooler, grab some granola bars or whole wheat crackers and the like. If you graze throughout the day on healthy things, then share your fair food with someone, you won't be starving but you'll still get to have that corn dog or funnel cake (mmmm funnel cake!). I think you sound like you've got everything under control. :) I wouldn't be so worried because you seem to know what you're doing. Relax and enjoy!!
  • magz_weltha
    Thanks everyone! These are some good ideas! I honestly never even thought of just sharing my meal/snack with someone! And I can totally agree with the "Dont eat like your dying", because every year I seem to do just that! :)