Loosing inches, but no weight

So I started getting back into the gym and logging my food about 2 weeks ago. I go to the gym on my lunch and workout 30-40 minutes. On weekends I workout in the morning for about an hour or so. I burn between 200-450 calories each session.

I haven't lost any more weight but my clothes are starting to get a bit looser and I have also lost a half inch around my waist. How do I make my body loose the weight? I wasn't eating my exercise calories back and someone told me that maybe if I do that it will jump start it. Nope, I did that yesterday and today I weighed myself and I'm 3 pounds heavier.

I understand there is water weight associated but I have been taking a diuretic every morning as well as making sure I get a gallon of water in each day. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions to help me get passed this plateau?

What my daily food intake looks like

Breakfast: 1 english muffin-130 calories
1 large egg -71 calories
1 tsp margarine spread -60 calories
1 morning star sausage patty- 70 calories

Lunch: half a small hass avocado-125 calories
1 string cheese- 80 calories
2.5 cups spinach- 20 calories
1 whole roma tomato- 35 calories
3 large White mushroom- 15 calories

Dinner: 1 Large egg: 71 calories
2 slices wheat bread : 140 calories
1 banana- 110 calories
1 cup whole milk -160 calories
2 cups steamed cut broccoli birdeye - 66 calories


  • ChiliPepperLifter
    ChiliPepperLifter Posts: 279 Member
    Uh, losing inches usually means losing fat. Job well done! Who cares what the scale says if your clothes fit better?
  • MissMandyT85
    MissMandyT85 Posts: 19 Member
    What kind of workouts are you doing? Cardio or strengthening? Do you think it could be muscle that you're gaining? If you aren't loosing weight but you are loosing inches I'd tend to think it's because all the working out is making you gain muscle which is a good thing!

    I recently starting running and I've been doing it at night with the hopes that while I'm sleeping my body will keep burning some fat. That may help? I've also stopped eating after 7-other than running I don't do much physical activity at night so just sitting around is just making the food sit in my stomach.
  • ChiliPepperLifter
    ChiliPepperLifter Posts: 279 Member
    Also, your eating 1153 calories is too low especially if you aren't eating back your exercise calories. And you need a few months if logging and exercising to see trends, not two weeks. Don't get discouraged, don't eat under 1200 net calories, and in two months see where you're at.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited September 2017
    What kind of workouts are you doing? Cardio or strengthening? Do you think it could be muscle that you're gaining? If you aren't loosing weight but you are loosing inches I'd tend to think it's because all the working out is making you gain muscle which is a good thing!

    I recently starting running and I've been doing it at night with the hopes that while I'm sleeping my body will keep burning some fat. That may help? I've also stopped eating after 7-other than running I don't do much physical activity at night so just sitting around is just making the food sit in my stomach.

    The OP almost certainly has not gained muscle in two weeks eating at a deficit. However, new exercise routines often lead to retaining water. Also, the best way to tell if your body is burning fat while you sleep is to check if you are still alive. If you are dead, you are not burning fat while you sleep. If you are alive, you are all good and do not need to worry. The same goes for food sitting in your stomach, for that matter.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    I usually do 30 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of strength training or 15 minutes of stregth straining and 20 minutes of cardio. And I have lost 20 pounds but I took a month break because of vacations and such. The last 20 pounds is what I'm trying to get rid of.

    I don't eat after 8 each day and I usually eat breakfast at 6 am. I am trying not to get discouraged but it's so hard when you don't see the scale move after all the hard work.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    First congrats on the inches lost and getting back to the gym and logging your food!

    If you're really only eating approximately 1200 calories (as you've outlined in your log) and it's only been two weeks honestly you just need to be patient. When I was losing i'd sometimes go weeks at a time and then see a larger loss. I'd give exactly what you're doing another couple of weeks and if you're still not seeing a loss really evaluate your tracking. Are you weighing your foods? Are you using any additional cooking fats for those eggs, any splashes of milk in your coffee, a squirt of ketchup on that breakfast sandwich, any dressing on that lunch salad, etc.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    It's been 2 weeks. Any actual changes to fat are pretty minor. Keep at what you are doing for 6 weeks or so and see what the longer term results are.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    After only 2 weeks the changes in your waist are most likely due to changes in posture.

    Also, if you are measuring yourself it's hard to consistently get the measuring tape in exactly the same spot. It's hard even if someone else is measuring but more so if you do it yourself.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Do people see how your close fit or the number on the scale? Do you write it on your forehead every morning? Blurt it out before starting every conversation?
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    While some people can lose weight almost immediately by combining better eating with some exercise, the simple truth is your time-frame isn't sufficient enough for most people to see any real weight loss. The first few weeks are more about developing good habits than noticing gains in the gym or losses on the scale. Congrats on your decision and keep up the hard work.
    Other reasons could be the many listed above, including water retention, or not logging properly. It is doubtful that you gained muscle in that short time frame, it just doesn't work that way.