Weight loss, overall want fat loss/muscle tone

I wish I had a buddy to help me stay motivated. I had one, but she got prego and the past 6 months I have lost all my muscle and have packed on the fat. We used to hold one another accountable. I was 140 lbs, now at 160 lbs. At one point I was 120 lbs, but don't think that was healthy. Had no muscle. I'm 5'4. Want to be around 130 lbs with some lean muscle. Who doesn't??? Going to try tracking macros, meal planning, and working out good again. Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone else need a motivator that has a goal similar to mine?


  • Caro_getsfit
    Caro_getsfit Posts: 11 Member
    Hey if you need a buddy I'm in. I'm actually looking for people to team up with for motivation
    Add me as a friend.