Concerned- any expert advice? Candida/raw foods

Hey there- I am concerned about how quickly i am losing weight- i see the general goal should be .5-1 lbs a week. I have been losing that on average almost daily. Here is what is going on.

I have CRC- candida overgrowth- and i am doing a natural cleanse/detox with herbs and the like. Because of this medical issue- and the fact i am also going 90% raw i do have a hard time finding foods to give me a decent amount of calories- dont bother looking at my food diary- its open but i havnt been filling it out- working on that.

Anyway- because of the CRC i am pretty much limited in what i can eat. No processed sugars, no carbs, no dairy, no mushrooms and no wine!! ( I am saddest about the wine!

So, basically i have been eating veggies, beans, seeds, a little meat, and only sweeteners Ive had are raw honey, some fruits and/or honey - and limited at that and in addition i have started exercising at least every other day since i started this- is my weight loss okay or should i be concerned. Dont get me wrong - i like seeing the scale go down- just dont want to lose too fast and lose muscle or possibly gain all back quickly.

Advise anyone? Is this a lack of sugar and the effect of exercising or is this me just not getting enough calories?


  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    If you aren't hitting your net calorie goal, the weight your losing isn't being lost in a healthy manner and you're right to be concerned. Maybe You should talk to a dr though and see what they say... they are going to know best above and beyond what anyone here can tell you... Better safe than sorry, right? Good luck!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I am guessing a lack of calories. I have been eating vegan for the past 11 months and began transitioning to a raw diet over the past two weeks. I am finding it extremely difficult to meet my daily calorie goal on days I don't even exercise, and impossible on the days that I do exercise. I have been losing weight as well, after maintaining since last October.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I don't know anything about CRC, so take this all with a grain of salt, but here is my opinion just general diet-wise:

    If the raw diet is new, you're probably eating a ton less sodium than usual. Also, a lot of people lose really quickly when they first start losing weight and exercising - it slows down eventually. I wouldn't worry unless it carries on for more than... 1.5 - 2 weeks at that rate, depending on how much you have to lose.

    However, do try to get your calories. Just eating veggies makes that EXTREMELY difficult, because veggies are so low calories. Try adding in avocado in your salads, and nuts / greek yogurt as snacks. Coconut water / meat is great too. Good luck!
  • IF you have candida then i would cut out the honey, and the fruit except for non-sweet fruits like tomatoes, avocados and lemons. The yeast thrives off sugar you you need to cut it out mostly all the way to kill it. I've found that the book "The beauty detox" has a great section and diet plan to help with this issue if you wanted to try that out. Plus if you think you're losing weight too fast then eat a little more nuts and seeds and that might help. Cutting out gluten is a huge thing that will help you too.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm no expert but from what I do know about going raw, I know it requires a lot eating and a lot of careful planning. I have heard that one of the main reasons the raw diet doesn't work for people is that they just aren't eating enough. I would really make a commitment now to start logging all your food and making sure you are getting at least your minimum calorie amount and also make sure you are getting a balanced diet. If you just started this plan and you have quite a bit of weight to lose, it's not uncommon that you lose the first 10lbs fast, but after that, you should really try not to lose more then 2lbs per week.

    Good luck!
  • I don't have any advice to give as far as candida and calories/weight loss, but I've had issues with candida overgrowth for several years. It caused me sores in the corners of my mouth (angular cheilitis) once or twice a month, every month, for a few years. Probably a host of other internal problems, but that was my external evidence.

    I'm sure you know that candida thrives on the body being too acidic. I found my "magic bullet" a bit over a year ago in the form of alkalizing drops that I put in my water. It was that simple. I've had very, very little problem with the mouth sores since a few weeks after starting to use them. I had tried many things, including strong oral antifungal meds. I really can't believe the wonders these simple drops worked for me. I can't say that they've helped me lose weight, but they've very obviously made my body less acidic.

    And no, I do NOT work for the company who makes the drops in any way. I get no incentive at all for telling people about them. I'm just a very, very grateful consumer who found relief from her misery and would love for others to find relief.
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    Thanks all! will work on cutting out the few sweets i had still, and on logging my foods- thanks for th avacado advice! will def have more of that, what a journey!

    I have heard the acid/alkaline issue too- i plan on buying a water alkalinizer- in the meantime i put lemon in my water to make it alkaline- great point to bring up thanks.

    I am definitely slowing or killing some of the candida already- i had a hand/foot rash or athletes foot type thing for a few months and all the natural and pharmaceutical stuff i was advised didnt get rid of it- but this diet has!
  • dhwatts
    dhwatts Posts: 32
    I am diabetic and sometimes have trouble with Candida overgrowth. I have found that adding yogurt to my diet helps a lot, I try to eat it every day when I am having a problem. I usually use the Dannon Light & Fit lowfat yogurt. I buy the 4 pack which is 80 calories per cup. I like it because it is not too sweet like some of the others. If this is a problem you have had for a long time it would probably be a good idea to see a doctor. Candida can affect your lungs and other internal organs as well.
  • Wouldn't lemon be acidic as other citrus foods are? I know it's astringent and cleansing, but my humble advice would be to double check on if it's truly alkaline, being citrus ...

    BTW, the drops I mentioned are inexpensive and have no taste if that factors in, which I imagine it does. :o) I'm sure far cheaper than a device to alkalize the water, but of course good to weigh all options.

    Great mention about yogurt. The probiotics are important to counter the overgrowth of the baddies. In the rare event that I do still get a bit of irritation in my mouth corners (which never, ever gets as bad as it did before the drops and rarely starts up at all), I put a little yogurt there as I'm eating it, and it helps. I've also started taking a probiotic powder mix when I remember.

    NO, you do NOT want candida to go systemic! Best to all!
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    Wouldn't lemon be acidic as other citrus foods are? I know it's astringent and cleansing, but my humble advice would be to double check on if it's truly alkaline, being citrus ...

    --it would seem that way - but they actually help your body to become more alkali throughout- I work part time at a wellness center that is where i learned of it- but google searches say same thing.

    I have done kifurs (sp?) but that has some sugar in the making and yogurts have dairy even more sugar- right? - i am sure somewhere there would be some non sweetened yogurts- still no specialty stores around here and then the dairy question again so i have stayed away- but thanks everyone- I appreciate the feedback!

    Yes systemic candida is BAD! I was told- (havnt researched so cant verify- that it is a precursor to cancer) And mine has become systemic which is why i finally am doing something about it diet -wise...:(