I am desperate for help, support, and friends. I've got to c



  • mtc1971
    mtc1971 Posts: 22
    I am sorta new here also but am very shy about posting. I live in the middle of nowhere so no neighbors or anything. Family are the only people I talk to, no friends to speak of 'cause hubby doesn't trust anyone so we don't have any. He wants me to stay home all the time, even when he goes out of town for work. He is always calling to make sure I am home. I had breast cancer close to 5 years ago & I need for me to lose weight so I can feel better about the surgeries that happened to me. I read others post & get help from them. I hope you can get as much help as I have. If you want you can count me as a friend. You will be my first. :indifferent:
  • kaffmc
    kaffmc Posts: 20
    I`m new to this too, only been doing it a week and so far seems to be working well for me :) We are all here for the same thing Hun. Feel free to add me if you like :) x
  • Jlreinhardt
    Jlreinhardt Posts: 1 Member
    Having just fully joined the MFP community this past week, I can still identify with that overwhelming feeling of how much work I will have to put forth in order to lose weight and the sadness that my weight impacts my daily life and the extent to which I can do certain things--in my job and otherwise. There are so many of us that feel the same pain and the same haunt of past unsuccessful attempts to gain weight. BUT....positive self-talk and creating a positive, versus defeatist, attitude toward losing weight can really make a difference. Telling yourself, every step of the way, that you can do it, celebrating smaller accomplishments such as entering your food everyday or meeting your goal for exercise for the day or week. One of the most important things is to establish a support system, and you have taken steps toward creating that. I have some other things I can share with you, that have worked to keep me motivated, invested, and encouraged this first week. Contact me if you would like to know more. At the least, count me in as part of your support network! :happy:
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome go MFP! I can relate along with many others on here. You can do this!! I would recommend logging on each day and also giving support to others and reading the success stories!! Very inspiring!!

    Good luck to you!! Your one step closer to your goal!
  • kittybells
    kittybells Posts: 63 Member
    Remember, you have to start somewhere and the fact you are here looking for support is a tremendous step. I work in a hospital and I imagine it is a lot like a nursing facility: very difficult to maintain healthy eating while working! Go figure. Everyone brings in doughnuts and candy to share and patients and families give you sweets as a thank you all the time. When you are strapped for time it is tempting to just snack through the whole day, or worse, order a pizza to get through. What has helped me is to bring everything I am going to eat all day and only eat what I bring. Think ahead and bring plenty of heathy, filling snacks to have around if you get really tempted. And the hardest for me, was to learn to say no when people offered me brownies or cookies or order in food with the group. Keep logging your food intake, move around a little more each day and slowly you will see big changes! Feel free to add me if you need more support.
  • karatsd
    karatsd Posts: 35
    I'm not exactly a social butterfly and have allowed friendships to fail"
    I am the same way but I'm learning that it is worth the investment because daily support and encouragement to be our best selves only comes through God and dear friends. I requested you as a friend.
  • I have a nutrition club where we help people lose weight with good nutrition. I lost 42 lbs in 8 weeks without exercise. I felt so good about the results I started helping others do the same. My wife lost 32 lbs in 6 weeks and went from a size 18 down to a size 10. We have a "Weightloss Challenge" where we meet once a week for 30 minutes to weigh in and have a nutritional education class on how your body metabolizes food, what foods to look for, how to shop at the grocery stores better, and even how to go through a drive thru when you have to. I don't know where you are located. I am in Tyler, Tx at Nutrition Destination. I have several colleges who have nutrition clubs all over the U.S. Email me at shakeup@att.net so I can refer you to one and you can check it out for yourself for free.
  • well, i am new here and don't know much . so maybe we can help each other
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    You'll be okay.
    I know I wasn't losing any weight until I started using this site. It really helped exceptionally well.
  • Sounds like you're heading in the right direction already! This site is a great tool as long as you are honest about what you eat and how much you work out. Feel free to add me, and good luck!
  • lle56
    lle56 Posts: 8
    I agree with everyone else..........we are all in the same boat one way or another some of us just have more weight to lose than others but we all need support and encouragement along the way.........keep me in mind if you need a friend. I am sick of the roller coaster dieting and could use the support from others too.......those who love me keep telling me I am fine just the way I am but I don't feel fine and want to change the way I look -- so if we all stick together we CAN and WILL make this happen! have a great day
  • poshy
    poshy Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there,

    Well you have certainly logged on to the right place, here at MFP we support each other with whatever works as long as you are willing, lets be honest we all need encouragement from time to time. Sounds like you have already started with wanting to get healthy end develop healthy habits. It IS possible, just check this awesome site out, people do great and when stuck ask for help and were all here for each other. So here is to you and a super start becuase WE CAN DO IT!!!....I will definately add you.

    Have a super day and drink lots of water......:flowerforyou:
  • jjbell34
    jjbell34 Posts: 37
    You can do it! We will all be here to support you! I have been over weight pretty much my whole life and I recently had a baby so now i have an extra 10 pounds added on ( I gained 25 pounds with my pregnancy and have not been able to budge the last 10, not even a little bit!) I have about 110 pounds to loose, but this site is great! I also work in the healthcare field at a nursing home actually as an occupational therapist. Healthcare can be a very stressful career and at least for me I tend to eat when I am stressed or when I am charting on patients at the computer in the afternoon. You can add me if you want. :happy:
  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    MFP has been a huge help for me losing weight on my own. MFP friends have been really encouraging. Add me, I could always use more MFP friends.
  • Nessi37
    Nessi37 Posts: 47 Member
    Please feel free to add me. The more the merrier! I'm sure you will do well! ;0)
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    Do your best. Listen carefully to the experts and do your best to follow what they tell you on the path to a healthy life. When you have an occassional stumble, be kind to yourself. Brush yourself off and start again. You did not get unhealthy in one day, so you cannot fix all problems in one day. But you can BEGIN NOW. Very, very exciting for you. Go get 'em girl.
  • Welcome! Sounds like you have a plan in mind and know you can and will do this. There is nothing we can't do as long as we try. So you got this!! We are all here for you. Take one day at a time. Good luck! I'll send a friend request your way.
  • I love to hear about people like you that have a plan to change because I've been there myself.

    I'm 16 years old and weigh about 45 pounds more than I should. I've failed countless times, but I just have to get back up and keep going.

    I would love to be a motivation and supporter to you because that is exactly what I wanted when I started my weight loss.

    Wanna hear a secret? Weight loss is 8x more effective when taken in small increments. I was just planning on decreasing my goal to a more reachable one today and it might be beneficial if you do the same :) Don't get me wrong; losing 190 pounds is an AMAZING goal, but sometimes it can be depressing to not see the results as large as we would like. Just an idea!

    Good luck and I hope and know you will do FABULOUS with the help of myfitnesspal!
  • Good for you and welcome! This place is amazing! I'd be more than happy to offer all the support you need! Taking the first step says a lot about who you are, so you're already making progress!
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    You can do this! You already made the first step. :)
    Feel free to add me!