Hi everyone! Newby here, looking to lose 170lbs! Would love friends :)

My name is Carmen, I blew up in weight after being ran over by a truck as a pedestrian. I sustained multiple injuries and I am finally able to get back out there with minimal restrictions. This is the heaviest I have every been and the task feels daunting, but one step at a time right? Looking forward to seeing everyone's journeys. Thanks for keeping me inspired and motivated!


  • bigjonb4116
    bigjonb4116 Posts: 155 Member
    wow Carmen, i think you will be inspiring everyone on here having survived being run over!! good luck to you with your weightloss, feel free to add me.i'm in the uk.
  • jlong8604
    jlong8604 Posts: 4 Member
    It's possible if you put your mind to it and make small goals and gain one small victory at a time!! You can do it!!
  • kempy4270
    kempy4270 Posts: 9 Member
    You got this
  • Bubbaistrying
    Bubbaistrying Posts: 454 Member
    You can do this :)
  • larryc251
    larryc251 Posts: 143 Member
    You can do it! And I'm glad to hear you're okay after that. I've lost just shy of 100 lbs and wanna lose another 50 or so. It takes time and hard work but definitely achievable and worth it!
  • attitude90
    attitude90 Posts: 42 Member
    That's the right outlook to have one step at a time it goes one pound at a time

    I have currently lost 94lbs I still have more to go feel free to add me can motivate each other
  • JLPadron86
    JLPadron86 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm just starting but add me :) I just turned 31 yesterday. I have a 9 year old girl, 7 year old boy, 15 month old girl, and 3 month old boy. I'm the biggest I have ever been. I'm 215 and 5'5". My goal is 145-150. I'm the heaviest I have ever been besides when I was 9 months pregnant lol
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me