P90Xers: Will I EVER be able to do ARX?

Ok...Ab Ripper X is HARD! I can stumble through most of the moves and get some accomplished but others - like the ones when you're on your side with your arm straight and you have to lift up AND your legs have to go up, too - impossible to even eek out 1. Should I just keep doing what I can or do something else to build my abs a bit more first?

How long did it take YOU to be able to do it or is it just me struggling here. :blushing:



  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I'm actually only doing the Ab Ripper video (I mean I'm doing other work outs but only that from P90X). It's taken me doing it three times a week for about a month to feel like I can do the V-up Roll Ups, they are the WORST for me!

    The side ones for the obliques took me a bit. I found I was better off to do them without the video at the beginning, knowing I could do 25 and do them slowly made it easier to LEARN the move instead of trying to keep pace with the video.

    So consider writing down the workouts and doing them on your own so you can learn them better. It DOES get better!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Try doing ARX at the beginning of your workout instead of at the end, that worked alot better for me.
  • rider797
    rider797 Posts: 52
    Hey Shanna,

    Its a intense program as Tony will tell you and encourage you to take breaks....when I first started doing P90X my lower back really hurt during Ab Ripper, but the more I did it the more core strength I got and got better at it. I feel like I am in good shape...and it took me about three solid weeks of doing it 3 times a week to FIANLLY do it ALL all the way through...and i was SOOOOO happy lol! Just keep at it...it will come...and for me its Masons twist that kills me
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Take your time and pause the video and do ALL of the moves at your own pace...also, if you are doing ARX in conjunction with the Classic or Lean schedule, do yourself a favor and do ARX BEFORE you do Chest and Back, Shoulders and Arms, Legs and Back, etc. etc. I am entering the third phase of my second P90X round and I STILL do ARX first...

    I could barely do any of the video when I first started (Crunchy Frog, Fifer Scissors, and Mason Twists were my kryptonite), but as time went on I got better and better at it and now I do the video with an 18 pound weighted vest (all weights in front) and I use an 8 pound medicine ball on the mason twists. I also do extra moves between sets if I go faster than those on the video, and I do all of them in the hardest position (arms raised, heel close to butt, etc.).

    It DOES get easier as your core gets stronger. The only way you will build up the strength, however, is to do ALL of the reps! Just do them at your own pace with the pause button...THE REMOTE IS YOUR FRIEND...

    Good luck!!!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Great ideas y'all! I will do it 1st tomorrow and I will use that pause button like there's no tomorrow! I have renewed hope thanks to YOU!

    And I'm glad I'm not the only one... :laugh:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I am queen of the pause the DVD!! Let me tell you it really has helped. I think the first time I ended up adding 15 minutes to the length of the DVd (ok that might be stretching the truth a little). But now I'm only adding about 2 minute to the workout. I've seen a huge improvement using the pause button.

    I thank reepobob every time I do ARX for the suggestion :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Are Arx what Jillian Michaels calls 'side raises'? They are tough, but yes, start slower and go at your own pace. I struggled with these to start with, but can manage them fine now. It takes time and practice xxx
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Hey Shanna,

    Its a intense program as Tony will tell you and encourage you to take breaks....when I first started doing P90X my lower back really hurt during Ab Ripper, but the more I did it the more core strength I got and got better at it. I feel like I am in good shape...and it took me about three solid weeks of doing it 3 times a week to FIANLLY do it ALL all the way through...and i was SOOOOO happy lol! Just keep at it...it will come...and for me its Masons twist that kills me

    I can't even lift my legs up on those Mason Twists...YET!!

    Jo, ARX = Ab Ripper X (the Ab workout for P90X). :happy:
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    It just takes time to build up the core strength, but it also helps to do ARX either before your workout or separated from your main workout. I have no problem with getting through ARX (probably all the pilates and yoga really helped me out there), but even I struggle a little bit at the end when I try to do it right after a big workout. Don't be afraid to hit pause though, they go really fast through the reps. It does help to do all the reps though, doesn't matter how long it takes you.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Success!! I did ALL the moves and even got my legs up there on those Masons! It took me 27 minutes to do it, though!! Lol!! Now I'll be working on shortening that time. Thanks again for the detailed and thought out responses. I REALLY appreciate it!!

  • It's definitely a great workout, but I feel your pain on the one particular set when you're on your side (side raises??). No matter what, I just can't get myself to do it properly either! I had a back injury, so I think that is keeping me from being able to do it in the proper body form. But push yourself to get through the whole thing!

    My biggest challenge with ARX is the fifer scissors. I always feel like my gut will explode when I get to that point, but always feel so accomplished when you finish :-)
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Success!! I did ALL the moves and even got my legs up there on those Masons! It took me 27 minutes to do it, though!! Lol!! Now I'll be working on shortening that time. Thanks again for the detailed and thought out responses. I REALLY appreciate it!!


    WOOO HOO!! Congrats on your success!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Success!! I did ALL the moves and even got my legs up there on those Masons! It took me 27 minutes to do it, though!! Lol!! Now I'll be working on shortening that time. Thanks again for the detailed and thought out responses. I REALLY appreciate it!!


    Glad we could help you out...the last thing I want to see is a potential lifelong P90Xer lose faith in their ability to do the routines...believe in the mantras...Do Your Best and Forget the Rest! and Keep Pushing Play! You do both and you will see gradual improvements in ALL of the routines! I am in the last five weeks of my 2nd round and I still struggle with various moves...

    They include corn cob pullups (hate those!), towel pullups, chatarunga runs, diamond pushups, warrior 3, and half moon...