To record, or not to record weight gain?



  • fabulous1690
    fabulous1690 Posts: 44 Member
    For as long as I can remember my weight has yo-yoed. This time I want it to be different. So I'm doing it different. I have made myself a graph chart and stuck it on my bedroom wall. I see it each morning and night but also coming and going from the bedroom. Not all of us have iron will power and discipline and I find it difficult to deal with people who go on about "you just have to be strong" " just have will power". Well it's not that easy. So here is what I'm doing different this time round. I'm looking at it long-term. Not just 6months. And when I look at it like that a few days here and there of over-eating are small change. If you don't want to record here on MFP do it on your own chart. Make your new start weight your current weight. A new start weight is a new start. Don't beat yourself up for how you got to it. Start fresh again tomorrow and watch your progress from there. Your weight can only come down starting today. So you had a binge. It's ok. It's not the be all and end all. Tomorrow is another day. Another new chance. So cut yourself some slack, take a deep breath and remember why you started. Find a new reason to start again tomorrow. And forgive yourself. Losing weight and getting healthy is not a race. It's personal to you. And will happen at your pace. Don't get demotivated just because you have gained. You still get a chance to start again. That's the beauty of tomorrow.
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,045 Member
    I've been in the same situation twice, the first time I recorded the gain but got depressed at how slowly I was getting back to the lower level and ended up giving up yet again. The second time I cleared my history and started again with a clean slate and new starting weight. I've now consistently lost weight and got to below where I stopped the previous time, seeing my progress without the previous attempt has really encouraged me to keep going so that clearly worked for me this time.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I would prefer to Change your weight that way when you do start losing weight again you can see it go down!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I weigh in multiple times per week, but have one day that I log my weight on a trend app. I'm in maintenance, but I did the same while losing weight as it helps to view the overall trend over time and not get so wrapped up in the weigh in to weigh in number.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    edited September 2017
    So, I played a little bit with different ways of logging, using old data I had laying around in various apps, and I realized I was using only recording positive progress as a crutch. Which, as much as I hate that expression most of the time (why, when we use it as a metaphor, do we make it out like you don't NEED crutches when you have a broken leg, and you should just be able to will your bones better?), it fits here. I needed it for a long time. Seeing a higher number than the previous day's logged was discouraging enough that it would usually send me into a relapse within a few days. But I'm in a better situation now - I'm living with someone supportive, preparing for huge life events that need me to be on top of my situation, and seeing a therapist; continuing to rely on an incomplete picture for encouragement will stop me from healing further.

    That said, I'm now looking for an app that shows a trendline along with the data points I input. Seems like the best way to split the difference and remind me that even if I fluctuate upward or get off track for whatever reason, I've still made a lot of progress from when I was at my worst. I've seen a few like this; I just need to find one I like.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I have tried trendweight and weightgrapher. They are pretty similar.
  • waltzingmom
    waltzingmom Posts: 27 Member
    An alternative that I sort of adopted without thinking about it is to not record gains immediately, but to do so retroactively, after I've started losing again. I couldn't bear to record the almost 10 pounds I regained until after I lost it, and then I went back (the system lets you do that) and recorded the 3 month-long regain-spike. I also often avoid recording day-to-day fluctuations nowadays if I've gained a pound, if I lose it in the next day or two. I guess it just works for me.
  • SammiG01
    SammiG01 Posts: 105 Member
    I log weight gains because what is the point of not? Who would you be hiding it from? You already know! We have to try to let go of shame, that keeps us sick. It is what it is and today is a new day.
  • descene
    descene Posts: 97 Member
    I only record true fat/muscle gains. If it's water weight (meaning I went over only in my sodium/carbs and I'm still at a deficit), I'll wait.
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    I log weekly, usually Weds. As someone else said, it's data, and I can spot and stop upward trends vs yo-yo-ing.
  • Andy10725
    Andy10725 Posts: 68 Member
    edited September 2017
    For starter I can't relate to your disorder because I never had anything similar to it. So the following is just my opinion on recording a weight gain or not. If this would impact your recovery from the disorder, please disregard it.
    I would/do record weight gain. It helps me stay on track even though it would make me feel frustrated and disappointed of myself. The spike will always be there because you have already seen it. You will continue to see it every time that you went on a scale. Even when later you have drop back to your previous weight, there will still be a hidden spike on that flat line. So what does it really matter aside from a slap on dignity.
    I think data is important so I weight myself everyday. It helped me understand what worked and what didn't work. Going prolong period of time without weighing would feel like walking blind for me.
  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    I weigh everyday and record my weight on a personal calendar. However, I only record my losses on MFP.
  • MeemawCanDoIt
    MeemawCanDoIt Posts: 92 Member
    Andy10725 wrote: »
    For starter I can't relate to your disorder because I never had anything similar to it. So the following is just my opinion on recording a weight gain or not. If this would impact your recovery from the disorder, please disregard it.
    I would/do record weight gain. It helps me stay on track even though it would make me feel frustrated and disappointed of myself. The spike will always be there because you have already seen it. You will continue to see it every time that you went on a scale. Even when later you have drop back to your previous weight, there will still be a hidden spike on that flat line. So what does it really matter aside from a slap on dignity.
    I think data is important so I weight myself everyday. It helped me understand what worked and what didn't work. Going prolong period of time without weighing would feel like walking blind for me.
    Your disclaimer at the beginning of your post is completely respectful and so supportive. I'm sure that's great for the OP and anyone else reading who may be in a similar situation. Thanks!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    i waited and gained more so waited gained more then finally logged lost did not log gained again as I didn't log the loss it didn't really say I gained. Now I log weekly the only person I was trying to fool was myself everyone else knew my pants were getting tight. ;)