Turbo Fire???

Has anyone tried this program? a friend of mine is sending it to me and I've heard it's HARD but gets great results. Just curious if anyone has had experience with it and if you have any tips for me. I don't really have a regular workout routine. I walk a lot, but that's about it.


  • ddkiniry
    ddkiniry Posts: 26 Member

    Ok, I absolutely LOVE the Turbo workouts. I started with her "Turbo Jam" DVD's, which I fell in love with! Then, once you got in *great* shape because of them, you started to crave MORE intensity and new workouts with new music. SO, to fix that, she came out with "Turbo Fire" later which is much more HIGH IMPACT than the "Turbo Jam" workouts. It has new music, higher intensity, and i think 15 different DVD's. There are workouts from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. There are core workouts, stretch workouts, and then the cardio ones. They're perfect for variation and cardio.

    BE AWARE that when you do them for the first time, they seem REALLY hard, and you kind of feel like maybe you'll "never get it". But trust me, you WILL get it after a few workouts, and you get so excited seeing how much you improve when you realize you went harder this time, or you lasted longer this time, etc.

    And, the fact that she doesn't start off to slow for you makes it so you can use the DVD's longer because they dont get borring when you start getting in good shape.

    If your friend has one, try it out! Maybe try her Turbo Jam ones first? Or jump right into turbo fire!!

    ALSO - she gives you a great schedule so you know which workouts to do which day so that your body improves and heals and gets stronger at the best rate. =)

    (i'm just so excited when people want to get into Turbo because i've been using it since 2006 (fire since this last year) and it changed my entire life. I went from over 200lbs to 150, and i owe it to diet and TURBO!).

    go girl!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    wow... THat's quite a recommendation!!! Thanks so much for the info. I can't wait to get started. I've lost 40 pounds, but I'm lacking the tone and definition because I'm not working out. I can't wait to shape my body and be a hottie tottie!! lol
  • ddkiniry
    ddkiniry Posts: 26 Member
    YAY! GOOD JOB! Thats incredible. How do you feel??? Working out adds even MORE good feelings - its great. I hope you enjoy TURBO JAM, or TURBO FIRE. =) I just introduced another friend to TURBO FIRE this morning. we did it together, he laughed at it but still did it with me, and thats all that matters.
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    Very enjoyable programs but like the previous poster said it will seem hard at first. Concentrate on learning the moves the first few weeks and you'll see some excellent results. Keep a towel near you'll be sweating for sure!