Binge eating

Does anyone have this issue? I'm fine during the day but at night I'm constantly fighting cravings to eat everything. Anyone have any advice?


  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I can say I do this, but more like I do good during the week, and then comes the weekend and it goes south real fast. What can I say I like my Beer, wings and Pizza
  • mall23
    mall23 Posts: 2 Member
    As soon as I sit down after a busy day I crave something "sweet". I'm trying to save enough calories after my evening meal to allow myself a small treat. Denying myself something makes me crave it so much more. I'm happier including the treat into my calorie allowance and not stressing about it. You should try the same and see if it helps
  • GoGoMary4
    GoGoMary4 Posts: 33 Member
    I was a binge eater and a few different things helped me. First, I try not buy food I can easily go eat. I mostly buy whole foods that have to be prepared. If I do buy something that I crave, like potato chips, buy a small package. I also started intermittent fasting most days of the week. These worked for me but every body is different. Best of luck
  • kaotik2003
    kaotik2003 Posts: 21 Member
    BradyL_79 wrote: »
    Does anyone have this issue? I'm fine during the day but at night I'm constantly fighting cravings to eat everything. Anyone have any advice?

    Yes that happens to me. My solution was Intermitent fasting. Mainly I skip breakfast and only eat at noon to 9pm. Like that most of my calories are consumed from noon to bed and I can eat more