Give it too me Baby!!!!!

Hey My Love's.. I would Like for each of you to tell me some "Self Positve thoughts" of yourself.. Maybe if you speak them out you will beleive in them even more.. I am a big Beleiver that self confidence and self respect is a Big factor when getting yourself healthy.. It's a Journey that begins from "WITHIN" first..
Each and every day we have Challenges we face but with a lil extra push and self reliance you can make it all the way.. I know this because I Myself am a prime example.. I knew when I was starting this Journey it was my last chance and I had to do it right, So by doing that I started to work on my inside and learned to Love myself so that pthers would too.. Hope you all Join me with these "self Positve thought" here are a few of mine... ((feel free to say as many as you want)) and when you feel like giving up just come back to this furum and read what you wrote about "YOURSELF" Beleive me it helps...

*I am as capable as anyone else out there
*I know with time and effort I can accomplish anything
*I know who I am and I am special
*Anyone who meets me will remember how fascinating I am
*I will accomplish any task set out before me, no matter how long it takes
*I always give my best effort and that is good enough
*I am smart, confident, and capable
*I love challenges and the gain from overcoming them
*I seek the best in other people and accept their weaknesses((my best one))

It may seem ridiculous to use positive self talk this much, but believe me, it is not! Take the time throughout the day to positively build yourself up. When you are happy, angry, sad, excited, depressed, or any negative thing. The emotional state you are in does not affect the amount of positive self talk you should be using. The only thing that determines how much positive self talk to use is one thing. And that one thing is using it all the time!

Please Share your "Self Positive Thoughts" I would love to know these about you all....

Thank you, your Friend,
~Rachel *muah*


  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I'm fu*king awesome.
  • sweetheart37
    I believe i can accomplish my goals
    I am a great friend
    I believe im beautiful on the inside and out
    I can grab my challenages and complete them
    And most of alll i started believing in myself
  • sweetheart37
    I believe i can accomplish my goals
    I am a great friend
    I believe im beautiful on the inside and out
    I can grab my challenages and complete them
    And most of alll i started believing in myself
  • sweetheart37
    I believe i can accomplish my goals
    I am a great friend
    I believe im beautiful on the inside and out
    I can grab my challenages and complete them
    And most of alll i started believing in myself
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I believe in myself.
    I am beautiful.
    I am capable of anything.
    I am worth it.
    I am a great friend.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Some may consider me obsessed, but I call it determined!! :)
    I'm starting to look and feel sexy!
    I'm an amazing motivator! Ask any of my MFPeeps!
    I deserve yummy treats every now and again :)
  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    I am worthy..
    I am beautiful..
    I am strong..
    I can and will finish what I start..
    I will be my own best friend instead of worst enemy.. << toughest 1 for me
  • sailorsbabydoll
    sailorsbabydoll Posts: 74 Member
    I am a great listener and friend.
    I am a woman with perserverance, strength, determination, and will-power.
    I am a fighter.
    I can do anything I put my mind up to.
    I am a super mom and an excellent nurse.
    I am beautiful on the outside, as well as within (I am working on this woman within).
    I will overcome!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm stronger than I think I am
    I'm a loyal friend
    I'm a good listener
    I CAN do more than I think i can
    I'm a fighter
    I am worth something
    I am becoming beautiful & sexy
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm a great person.
    I'm a good friend.
    I'm capable of doing more than I think.
    I'm independent.
    I'm strong.
    I will reach my goal.
    I'm a wonderful mother and girlfriend!
  • nastytater
    nastytater Posts: 64 Member
    I am what some folks would call stubburn...I call it pride...I don't give up very easily.
    At times,I am pretty witty...This southern accent of mine may fool you,but I am pretty clever.
    I am tough as nails,and can prove it too any one of you.
    My mind is uncontrollable at times,but can be backed up with these powerful arms of mine.
    I am a Handsome man,just ask anyone that knows me. Or just ask me....
    There are very few things that I don't do well,but thats just because I've never tried them.
    Again,I am Stubburn. And full of Southern Pride.

    Thanks CareMomma...I needed to hear those things myself,because it's been along time since I've herd any of them.
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    I have so much love to give!
    I am determine to reach my goal.
    I am smart.
    I consider myself more of a 'leader' than a 'follower'
    I feel sexy.
    I am beautiful inside and out.
    I am a loving and kind person
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I deserve to be healthy and Fit
    I'm a good person inside and my outside deserves the ability to reflect that
    I'm a good Dad
    I'm a good friend
    I compassionate
    I'm pretty intelligent
    I'm Funny
    My hair rocks ;P

    How is that Rach?
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    It may take a little time to figure out a way, but I can do anything I want to do....if you don't believe me, just tell me I can't do something.
    I've made a habit all my life doing things that doctors and others have said I'd never be able to do, why stop now?
    QUIT...hell, I don't know the meaning of the word.
    I may joke around and goof off, but when my family or friends need me they know 100% I got their back and I'll do anything to help them.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I LOVE it!!! You all are AMAZING.. I couldn't agree more with any of you.. Beleive and Acheive!!!!
  • teshaerwin
    *I am perfectly imperfect and I'm fine with that*(working on this)
    *I am beautiful on the inside and out* (working on this)
    *I can do anything I set out to do*
    *I always finish what I start*
    *I am a strong woman*
    *I am worthy*
    *I am a great friend, lover, mother, and wife*
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202
    * I am a fighter
    * I will not let anyone tell me I CAN'T do something
    * I do my absolute best.....ALWAYS!
    * I am worth something
    * I am a leader
    * I deserve to be happy and put myself first from time to time
    * I am dedicated, reliable, passionate, and intelligent
    * I am beautiful
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Love it!!!!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Love it!!!!