new and need encouragement

Hi, I'm a UK college teen who's in desperate need of shedding a few stone (14 1/2 stone and 5'5) but I get stressed and comfort eat. If anyone has any tips, tricks or just general good wishes let me know, add me, and I'll return in sentiment! I'm also new to this app so I welcome all help!


  • Davidaw86
    Davidaw86 Posts: 117 Member
    Have you tried chewing gum instead of eating when you're stressed? It might help cut back on the extra eating.
    What I found that tends to work for me is remembering that my stomach is only as big as my fist. So I try to eat meals that would fill up an area the size of my fist.
  • thechiopodist
    thechiopodist Posts: 216 Member
    Try not to keep snack food in the cupboard so that you can't be tempted, or just keep healthy things like carrots and cucumber.
    Also, don't try to go too fast, a pound a week is ample, and you will go up as well as down, it's only natural. Excersize regularly doing something you enjoy and have small goals. Perhaps have your target weight loss at 1 stone, then when you get there, change it again.
    Always try to end the day with your calories in the green, but if you can't one day, try to make up for it the next day, or next few days.
    Good luck. :)
  • jlhflex
    jlhflex Posts: 107 Member
    All good advise. Need to find an outlet for the stress such exercise or some activity that focuses on "me time". Finding a healthy destruction during the tough times like when you're studying and stressing, try chewing gum is good advice.