hello people that don't get anyone to reply to their posts.

yes, 54 years old. third trip to my fitness pal.my goal is to get healthy. I've been 50 pounds overweight in my lifetime, and lost about 6 hundred, have about 30 to lose. yet started at the gym lifting and cardio about a month ago, anyone care to respond. if not I will succeed on my own. good luck to you all on your journey


  • Let me be the first to say: third time's the charm (or so they say). Make it happen. You can do it. This is the place to be ....read, read, read! That's my advice. Lay low and find your rhythm with your logging and such. Good luck!!!
  • andreab861
    andreab861 Posts: 21 Member
    I've been on and off MFP several times. Never seem to get that streak past 30 days or so. But it is a great way to keep yourself honest. Good luck on your journey!
  • Kashinam28
    Kashinam28 Posts: 10 Member
    Helloo I believe this is my 2nd or 3rd attempt.. I loss 100 lbs a few years ago.. Due to depression..anxiety..and everyday stress i gained everryyyy single lb back + more :( ... I just want to feel Great Nside&Out...so with that Good Luck to everyone on this journey! We can do it! <3
  • rosyone1
    rosyone1 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm back for what I hope will be my second successful experience with MFP, though the first didn't last. I lost 58 pounds in 2011 and kept it off until a couple of years ago. I'm back to lose the 20 pounds that have gradually crept back on since then.
  • dzdame217
    dzdame217 Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first day logging in for my second try at this. I lost 25 lbs in 2010 using MFP and felt and looked the best I ever have. Then menopause hit and I stopped tracking and the weight crept back up. After talking with my doctor yesterday, I am going to give tracking another try. Best of luck to you in your second go at this!
  • leannan24
    leannan24 Posts: 11 Member
    I have also fell of the wagon so to speak and am currently at the heaviest I have ever been. Started with old ww points and am now tracking here as well. Down 11 pounds my first month. Hope to keep it going harder now that I'm 53. Add me if you would like