Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, Stimulants, Confusion



  • MrsGSR
    MrsGSR Posts: 88
    For every vitamin I've researched there have been loads of studies talking about how well at works, and as many saying it doesn't have any effect. The only thing I've read consistantly is that Vitamin A shouldn't be taken by pregnant women.
    I would love to find some impartial studies on Vitamins too, and some where diet was properly controlled. If you already eat enough of whatever vitamin is in the supplement you wont notice a difference!
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    thats crazy talk, take zinc for instance, very important for immune health and for men in general. you would have to eat a crap load of oysters to get the daily req't for it and that would overhaul your system with cholesterol. easier option, pop a zinc supplement once a day. you will never get all your vitamins and minerals from eating clean. not to mention, the ppl on here or probably working out and taxing their bodies so they require extra supplementation for stress and recovery.

    That's the reason I supplement. I'm working out so much now that I sure I'm going through the supplies much faster than I used to but there is no dash board to tell me when I'm running low on magnesium or whatever.

    Plus I'm still trippin' on Glucosamine. Stuff has been amazing for me. I'm starting (my normal routine of pills) again Monday because everything is hurting quite a bit worse at this point. I am going to continue to research this stuff and will hopefully trim it down to things that are proven to work and also seem to work for me. I hate wasting money!
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    it's been 5 years and I'm still wondering about all this. It was good to read it all again though. I forgot how much the glucosamine was helping.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    it's been 5 years and I'm still wondering about all this. It was good to read it all again though. I forgot how much the glucosamine was helping.
    The best, most reliable, science-based site to research virtually any supplements is
  • theabsentmindednurse

    The only supplementary tablets I would offer would be taking a PROBIOTIC daily.
    A probiotic encourages good gut health which can assist in a healthy biodome in the intestine. This in turn can assist weight loss.
    It is after all up to the individual.