50 lbs to lose! Looking for accountability!

kitkat_42 Posts: 16 Member
edited September 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey y'all! My name is Kate and I'm looking for others to help keep me accountable and vice versa! I'm looking to lose not just pounds but INCHES off my waist (I mean everywhere). Since having my kid and going through school I have *really* let myself go and don't even recognize myself anymore. I have got to lose this weight not only for my mirror's sake, but for my sanity as well! I'm committed to doing this and if you are too send me a message! :)


  • mktom29
    mktom29 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi I'm Mary Kate... I'm trying to lose inches off my waist too :)
    Feel free to add me!
  • EddiesKate
    EddiesKate Posts: 12 Member
    HA! My name is also Mary Kate, though I go by Kate. I'm just starting and would welcome friends to keep each other on track! This has become my obsession and I am determined to be successful. You are more than welcome to add me. :)
  • I'm Terra. Id love to have some accountability as well lol. I want to lose about 20lbs or so. I've got some extra hip weight that has been hard to budge since having my first child two years ago. I'm also quite new to the app, so it would be nice to have some friends lol.
  • AlexYachiru
    AlexYachiru Posts: 79 Member
    I'm AlexYachiru. You can add me and we can keep each other accountability together.
  • Aaron949
    Aaron949 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me!
  • frumpy2fitmom
    frumpy2fitmom Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Mom of 4 here trying to do the same. Love for some mom friends to help keep each other motivated! Feel free to add me :)
  • Coconut_Tim
    Coconut_Tim Posts: 63 Member

    I don't post too often on my feed but I am very active on mfp. I log all my food and answer all messages swiftly. I've lost a ton of weight and kept it off. If you looking for people for support and motivation you can feel free to add me and utilize me if you have any questions that you think I might be able to answer.

    Good luck =D
  • Josiejo0701
    Josiejo0701 Posts: 10 Member
    I was on here a few months back and lost 40 pounds. I want to lose another 40. I ran into some health issues and had to stop for a while, but I'm back and ready to pick up where I left off. I'm going to have to approach this differently than before because I found out that I have MS. These last few months I have had difficulty just walking across the floor let alone exercising. You cannot handle heat, cold, exertion, and your number one complaint is being exhausted all the time. So I'm going to have to do this very slowly. Before all this weight gain, I was a fitness instructor and then my health took a nose-dive starting when I had breast cancer. From there it went downhill. At that point, the pounds just started packing on until I reached 240 lbs. I know that if I want to be healthy I need to get down to around 150 or 160 again. That is where I feel my best. So can you add me to your group and let's all do this together???
  • Hey I'm trying to lose inches as well! I'll add you :)
    Also gonna add some of you other girls too if you don't mind! Could use all the encouragement I can get!
  • Steffy73
    Steffy73 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi..I'm also trying to lose not only lbs but inches. It's been hard so far. Looking for support and encouragement!!! Please add me!!!
  • ThembiBheka
    ThembiBheka Posts: 2 Member
    Hie would love to be a part. I need to lose all the love handles. How can we help each other? Thank you
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Feel free to add me