Keto friendly beverages

What are some great tasting No Carb, preferably low calorie, (keto friendly) ALCOHOLIC drinks that you all are enjoying? I do not like Gin, I like Jager but it has too many carbs, I am very interested in Red Wine brands, preferably Malbecs.
Tell me what you all think?


  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    I mostly go for a Gin Rickey (it's gin, club soda and lime) if I have to have a drink.
    Realistically you're going to be kind of hard pressed to find low/no carb drinks, unless you're going with straight liquors.
    Even then alcohol is the FIRST thing to be metabolized by the body. Also while doing keto you may find you get drunk off of a lot less than usual, so be careful with it!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't drink anymore, but the obvious answer is hard alcohol straight or with just water, if you can (or diet soda, I suppose, although I never liked any of those drinks). Have a scotch.

    Red wine seems to be around 4 carbs, give or take, for a serving, but recall that MANY pours are well over a serving.
    BPRKEY Posts: 105 Member
    The best approach for me was not to try to make something fit into the framework. If I really wanted it, I just had it. It might mean I was less flexible during the day to accommodate the drink I had. But alcohol has carbs. Champagne tends to be slightly lower, as does red wine. But I don't think any of it can be called "low carb". Honestly, just have your drink and enjoy it. Once in a while isn't going to derail your progress.