140 POUNDS TO LOSE | Looking for friends! ✧

Hi! I'm Khloe and I'm new(-ish) here. A couple of years ago I lost 50+ pounds. Fast forward to today and I'm at my highest weight ever. I have 140 pounds to lose. When I started losing weight a couple of years ago, MFP was a great tool so I'm back! Here are some random facts about me:
◦ I live in the Midwest.
◦ I like cats (but I have a dog).
◦ I'm a 20-something who works in higher education.
◦ One of my current goals that is unrelated to fitness/health is to read more.
◦ I love traveling but haven't been out of the States in five years.
◦ I love true crime.
◦ I'm a picky eater.
◦ "Khloe" is an alias ;)

I'm looking for friends for motivation and accountability—If you want to be friends, add me! Also, feel free to leave random facts about yourself! <3


  • Cbeltran86
    Cbeltran86 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Khole!
  • Cbeltran86
    Cbeltran86 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm newish here as well. My goal is to loose 150 pounds as I'm at my highest weight I've ever ever been!
  • Cbeltran86
    Cbeltran86 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not sure how to add friends on here but feel free to add me! Looking forward to speaking with you!
  • heyitskhloe
    heyitskhloe Posts: 10 Member
    I added you!
  • Fillygirl2000
    Fillygirl2000 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks so much! Congratulations on returning to your weight loss journey. You've got this!!!!
  • windywakefield
    windywakefield Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys, I'm brand spanking new and I ALSO want to lose like 150 pounds! Still trying to work my way through this app, it seems super helpful. Here's some info about me:
    I live in PA (but was born and raised in Chicago)
    I'm kind of a nerd
    I work with adults with developmental disabilities
    I just bought a pair of goats (because I like to oretend I'm a country girl)

    Good to meet you!
    PJ100LBGOAL Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, any of you ladies can add me! I am 30 and need to lose 100+ lbs. Can use some friends!
  • heyitskhloe
    heyitskhloe Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! I've added you all :)
  • Hi Khloe!
    I'm restarting after having success years ago. I lost 60+ on MFP and then life happened. Now I'm back at it.
    Fact: NerdHerdShepherd is also an alias
  • AlexYachiru
    AlexYachiru Posts: 79 Member
    You can add me
  • heyitskhloe
    heyitskhloe Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Khloe!
    I'm restarting after having success years ago. I lost 60+ on MFP and then life happened. Now I'm back at it.
    Fact: NerdHerdShepherd is also an alias
    :D Bahahaha!

  • Idk how to add but you can add me
  • Aaron949
    Aaron949 Posts: 86 Member
    Everyone can add me, i'm just starting over again.
  • mktom29
    mktom29 Posts: 57 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Josiejo0701
    Josiejo0701 Posts: 10 Member
    I was on here a few months back and lost 40 pounds. I want to lose another 50+. I ran into some health issues and had to stop for a while, but I'm back and ready to pick up where I left off. I'm going to have to approach this differently than before because I found out that I have MS. These last few months I have had difficulty just walking across the floor let alone exercising. You cannot handle heat, cold, exertion, and your number one complaint is being exhausted all the time. So I'm going to have to do this very slowly. Before all this weight gain, I was a fitness instructor and then my health took a nosedive starting when I had breast cancer. From there it went downhill. At that point, the pounds just started packing on until I reached 240 lbs. I know that if I want to be healthy I need to get down to around 150 again. That is where I feel my best. So can you add me to your group and let's all do this together???
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I just completed my treatment for breast cancer. Health and exercise is a huge issue for me too. Iwould love to join a few people who are in the same boat. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Welcome back to MFP, Stay stick your calorie goal, be active and keep tracking your calories!! All the Best, Feel free to add me!!
  • ImagineNYC
    ImagineNYC Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone!!!
    I have 80 pounds to lose and I'm looking for motivated gals to do this all together! In the past, I've lost 65 pounds by my own and now, I find myself again, at one of my highest since I gave birth almost 10 years ago. Let's do this together!
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • Soann
    Soann Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Khloe! I'm a returnee on MFP and have 125 pounds to lose. Have added you.