110 pounds to life!

Hello, my name is Nicole and I was convinced to join by a friend. I have used the Nutrimirror site previously, but I love that this site has an Android app!

I need to lose 110 pounds and it's pretty overwhelming. I am really hoping that the weight loss will help with my pain issues (back, joints, head) and my depression issues.

Also, although it's not the MAIN motivation, I want to wear all the cute clothes I used to wear! I am in my 20's and want to enjoy them!

So, hello world.


  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205

    I'll send you a request.

  • Hi Nicole!

    You're in a very good place. It's so great to see you here on the MFP. (The android app is VERY helpful. One of the reasons I enjoy the site.)

    Whatever your motivation, it's valid. The overall weight to lose can be VERY overwhelming, but just focus on moving in the right direction. What do I mean? Don't look at the total to lose. Instead, look at moving toward that goal. I'm happy so long as I'm losing weight, and not gaining. Be consistent and be true to your tracking. You'll do great things!!!!


  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    good luck, love!!! you can do it you can definitely do it <3 this is a great place to start your journey!
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    Welcome! It may seem like a lot, but with every lb lost you are closer to where you want to be and further away from where you started. Good luck (you can do it!!!!) and feel free to add me as a friend!!:smile:
  • Hey! Im 5'6, 19 years old and I started out at 275 pounds. I started MFP on April 8,2011. And I had 100 pounds to lose. Ive lost 44 pounds these last so far. I currently weigh 231 :) IT CAN BE DONE. trust me. There will be hard times but stick to it, and if something doesnt go as planned just start again.
  • cardglor
    cardglor Posts: 29
    Welcome:flowerforyou: You've made an important start. Small steps often feel big in themselves so congratulations for signing in and asking for support. I am breaking my goals into small steps 5 lbs at a time. If I thought about my ideal total weight loss, it would feel impossible and discouraging for me. And I need all the positive encouragement that I can get including what feels manageable for me.
  • ashleyinthestars
    ashleyinthestars Posts: 107 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel and I am living proof that it CAN be done! To date I have lost 118 lbs and have another 55-70 lbs to go. I don't know exactly where I want to stop, I just want to be in shape and healthy!

    Also, I agree with JeanWalker109 - try not to look at the overall goal, just start out with small mini goals, like 5 or 10 lbs, and reward yourself with little things for that extra bit of motivation.

    Welcome! I'm sending a request your way :)

    (and I love the Android app, too!)
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    Try to break it down into smaller goals so you don't feel as overwhelmed. You might see several people with their mini goals listed in their signatures - set mini goals and reward yourself (with non-food rewards) along the way. It will make the journey much more attainable. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • you can do this, I have 60 more to go! Sent you a friend request.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    You can do it!! Im 27 and started at 298lb. Im down to 248 and still have 80ish to go. Like what pp's said, don't look at the big picture, look at smaller goals. I set goals every 20lb or so and focus on that, not the HUGE total. I'll send ya a friend request!
  • wedwithbabies
    wedwithbabies Posts: 17 Member
    You are doing a great job! First of all making the decision to start on this journey is great... just keep your head up & take it one day at a time! :)
  • thebuxompilgrim
    thebuxompilgrim Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to join our August 10 pound weight loss challenge! Read more about it here:

  • avarielle1215
    avarielle1215 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Best wishes to ALL of our collective goals! Raising my (water) glass to health!
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    Hello Nicole, nice to have a newcomber. I no u can do this.....
  • okrockon
    okrockon Posts: 25
    You can do it Nicole! This is a lifelong marathon, not a sprint, don't worry too much if you have an off day or fall off the wagon here and there, just always get back up.
    I can tell you right now, that I had the same goal, I'm down ~60 and I move much more freely and feel much better overall. You have all my support sis, let me know what I can do! Love you!! <3<3<3