The Diamond Challenge: Week 3 (Little Diamonds)


Happy Monday My Brilliant Diamonds!

What an amazing week! You ladies kicked butt last week, but this week you OUTDID yourselves. You managed to lose five more pounds than you did in week one. That is unheard of! GO DIAMONDS!

In terms of pounds we did lose to the DITR, but the team leaders are currently making plans to convert to a percentage based system. That may not roll out until the end of this round, but you deserve to be very proud of yourselves for a 31.4 pounds lost! GO DIAMONDS.

The White Diamonds were once again victorious with a 13.4 pound loss, but the Red Diamonds are on their tails with 12.2 pounds lost. Black Diamonds lost 5.9 pounds, but Diamonds specialize in come from behind wins!

...and our Individual Biggest Losers ARE:

Brandie lost 2 pounds for the Black Diamonds! Go Brandie!
Jessica lost 3.8 pounds for the Red Diamonds! WOOP!
Michelle kicked some serious butt this week and dropped 5 pounds! Wow!

Great job ladies!

Of course, we celebrate EVERY loss here! So, a big applause to the following ladies:

Amanda 0.3
Angie 1.4
Anne 0.2
Barbara 0.6
Brandie 2
Cassie 2
Christi 0.6
Falicia 0.4
Jessica 3.8
Kelley 1
Kristin 2
Krystal 0.5
Laurence 1
Lisa 2
Logan 2.8
Lora 4.5
Michelle 5
Nicole 0.5
Valerie 0.8

This week's QOTD assignments:

Monday: Elle
Tuesday: Kristin
Wednesday: Nicki
Thursday: Nikki
Friday: Lora

Next Monday: Laura


  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Congrats to all of the losers this week :) Way to drop those pounds!! And a special congrats to the White Diamonds!! WooHoo!! We did it again this week!
  • LittleDiamonds
    Thank you Elle for the QOTD:
    If there is a new thread already - I apologize....just got home from camping :)

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    For me, I started MFP at 219. I was 183 when I was 20, at the time I found out I was pregnant with my first son. I have been lower than that only once during the last 20 years. So I set my initial goal for 180...then changed it to 175 to get out of the obese range on BMI scale. I have decided to see how I feel once I reach 175lbs - and go from there.

    I definitely set my goals based on my clothing. I do watch the scale because I can actually see it change (unlike my reflection in the mirror). However, I can tell when I am reaching a goal based on how well a pair a pants fits... or if I am able to get the pants on at all! HA HA!

    Now that I can wear some of my old clothing my goal is to be able to buy some new clothing because my current clothing doesn't fit. I cannot wait until I have to say, "I'm just too thin for all of these clothes... time to go shopping!' LOL!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    If there is a new thread already - I apologize....just got home from camping :)

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    For me, I started MFP at 219. I was 183 when I was 20, at the time I found out I was pregnant with my first son. I have been lower than that only once during the last 20 years. So I set my initial goal for 180...then changed it to 175 to get out of the obese range on BMI scale. I have decided to see how I feel once I reach 175lbs - and go from there.

    I set my goal partially on previous weight and partially on previous clothing size. Before having my younger 2 children (1 & 3 yrs old), I weighed 130-135 and was a size 6 to size 8. My goal is to get back down to a size 6. I guessed at my goal weight but will re-evaluate at that time based on how size 6 clothing fits my body...which changed after the two c-sections...weight is distributed differently now.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    My ultimate goal is based on BMI and just an idea of what sounds great to me. I was 187 when starting MFP. My ultimate is currently 125. I have wondered whether I should shoot for 115. Right now, I will see how I feel once 125 gets closer. I am sure I will feel awesome, but I might decide to keep going.

    My minigoals (always close together because it keeps me excited/motivated) are based on getting to the new tenth setting (179, 169, etc) and 10 lb losses from my starting weight (177, 167, etc.) I reward myself for reaching mini goals, and I plan to reward myself for reaching ultimate, whatever that might be.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    If there is a new thread already - I apologize....just got home from camping :)

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    Congratulations to my fellow white diamonds!! Way to go girls! And a special shout out to my partner Michelle (ladybyrd77) at your fabulous weight loss this week!!!

    I also want to acknowledge all of the Little Diamonds on our fantastic week. We should be proud of ourselves girls!

    OK - QOTD: I based my original goals on a few things: what the BMI says is healthy for me, what I weighed 12 years ago before being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and just what I thought would be a good, healthy weight for me. I'm not sure if it is a final goal for me. 120 seemed so far away a couple of months ago when I was 178. Now, it's feeling a little bit closer but I still have a long way to go. So once I get closer, I will reevaluate and see how I feel about myself in general and decide from there what I want to do.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    My goals are based on weight. I am trying to get to my high school weight of 130ish, but thanks to being a mommy I'm not sure my hips will be a size 4 again! I am not 110% set on finishing at 130. If I get stuck at 140, I'll be happy with my body. Likewise, I may drop a little lower. No matter what, I'll look and feel better...
  • thebutteredtoast
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    I base mine on weight. I'm trying to get back down to my high school weight and then go from there to see what I have to tone up / trim down.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Monday Question of the Day -
    how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    Mine are based on a combination of all that, previous weight & clothing sizes, and finding out what's "considered" healthy body fat & size.

    Mine will be my final goal, I'd like to get below it and then maintain back up to it. Because I know from personal experience if I "stop" going for it (weight loss) when I reach my "desired" weight, I maintain a few pounds above it, so I want to get below it and then "maintain" (and be in my desired size range). For me it is more inches & clothing size as opposed to actual weight as I am very solid (@ 5'4" I don't jiggle at 145+ pounds! just for example) I would prefer to be a size 2+/4, but I think I may have to settle for a 4/6 (small 8) for something I can comfortably maintain =)
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    For me, I'm aiming to get to my ideal weight according to BMI - between 110 and 125lbs. I'm 180lbs now so got a long way to go. I'd also like to drop to a size 12 or 10 in clothes. I don't know how I'll decide when I'm done, probably when I feel happiest in myself.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Monday Question of the Day -
    how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    When I decided to lose weight this time around I was 192 lbs. Close to my highest weight. I initially set my goal at 165 lbs and when I reached that goal I decided that I wanted to get back to the smallest I have been which was 158 lbs in 2006. I am now 155 and still would like to still lose 10 more lbs in order for my BMI to be healthy instead of overweight. I have my MFP goal weight at 140lbs but I'll see how I feel when I get to 145.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    Well, I initially set my goal at 135, which is just under the top of my "healthy BMI" range for 5'2". I did weight watchers several years ago, and that was my goal weight then. I was able to get down to 127, but felt like I was starving myself. I started gaining it all back, plus some :(

    With MFP, I feel like the pounds are coming off pretty steadily and it's not too difficult to maintain this "diet" so I dropped my goal to 130. I'm currently 142ish, and I feel like I still have a layer of fat on top of my better toned muscles that I'd like to get rid of. I don't think 7 more pounds would do the trick. I'm hoping 12 more pounds will leave me without the belly roll that I detest. I really would like to be able to walk into a store and try on any size 6 and have it fit!!!!
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    I set my goals just to lose a pound a week. I'm considered morbidly obese, so I want to get down to be considered healthy. Before I joined the military, I weighed 90 lbs., and wore a size 5. While I was in Basic and AIT, I got toned, and was then able to wear a size 0 or size 3. I got pregnant twice while I was in the military and gained a lot of weight. After I had my two kids, I didn't lose the weight. Got pregnant once again and gained more weight. Didn't lose any weight that time either. Then I just had my fourth child and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. After I had my son, the doctors said I still had diabetes and my cholesterol levels were through the roof. So, I want to lose the weight so I can look good and feel good. Since it took me a long time to gain the weight, I'm taking my time to lose the weight, because I definitely don't want to gain it back.
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?
    I started at 245, so my goal for right now is to get to 150, almost 100 pounds down. Once I get there I will keep losing until I am happy with how I look and I feel good in my body.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Well done to all the winning losers this week, and white diamonds... we rocked again (or rather you did as I maintained)

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    For me I chose a goal which I felt realistic and I knew I would be happy it, I started at 174 and chose my goal as 147.... then when I hit that goal I lowered it to 140 (my weight when I got married) and now I have made that goal too, so have gone for 138 (currently weighing 139). I think now it is more about being fit and toned than what the scale says. I am much more aware of eating a nutritionally balanced diet daily than I was and tend to make better choices on the whole (excluding the choc brownie I had tonight!)
    I just really want to be completely comfortable in my skin and be able to maintain my weight without swinging up and down by 10 pounds all the time... I also want to have a second baby in a year or so and would like to start the pregnancy at a much lower weight than I did last time.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Well done to all the winning losers this week, and white diamonds... we rocked again (or rather you did as I maintained)

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    For me I chose a goal which I felt realistic and I knew I would be happy it, I started at 174 and chose my goal as 147.... then when I hit that goal I lowered it to 140 (my weight when I got married) and now I have made that goal too, so have gone for 138 (currently weighing 139). I think now it is more about being fit and toned than what the scale says. I am much more aware of eating a nutritionally balanced diet daily than I was and tend to make better choices on the whole (excluding the choc brownie I had tonight!)
    I just really want to be completely comfortable in my skin and be able to maintain my weight without swinging up and down by 10 pounds all the time... I also want to have a second baby in a year or so and would like to start the pregnancy at a much lower weight than I did last time.

    Ladies, you should all know that Nikki has been with the Diamond Challenge since May (...or was it earlier, forgive me if I'm off), and is definitely one of our stars. Congratulations chica on being just one little pound away from goal! You inspire me :-)
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Congrats to all the white diamonds I'm very proud of you - sorry:embarassed: I wasn't any help this week I gained:( But the good news I'm finially feeling better.
    Congrats to all the little diamonds we probably would have won if it was by percentage.

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    I set my goals by weight and feeling healthy. when I started with the diamonds last challenge I was 178 and previously from joining ww I had gotten down to 150 size 10 and I felt great. So I wanted to get back down to 150 and be realistic with being able to enjoy eating while not depriving myself. I feel that if I continue with keeping my tracker and exercising I'll just keep losing until I won't lose anymore and that will be what is normal for me.
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Congrats nikki you are an inspiration . All the diamonds are great and a special shout out to Loraellen for the great pep talk ! thanks
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    I originally set my goals based on weight (I wanted to lose 25-27lbs); however, right now I'm not sure what my goal weight is. I have lost a little over 6lbs since Feb, but have made significant changes in my clothes fit better and I have gotten a lot of compliments on changes others have noticed (basically, i've lost inches). With that in mind, I am going to continue watching what i'm eating, exercising and keep watching the changes - once I get to a comfortable body shape I will decide from there what to do.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Posting a little early...

    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    For me it is most definitely a traditional Thanksgiving dinner - roast turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, cranberry sauce, and crescent rolls. And pumpkin pie for dessert :) Actually pretty easy to make healthy - with a few substitutions. Turkey, baked sweet potato, mashed potatoes made with skim milk/no butter, steamed green beans (or asparagus), whole berry cranberry sauce made with splenda. And a pumpkin custard dessert with skim milk. YUM!
  • cassiejoyy
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    At first it was based on weight, but I could get down to the goal weight, and still not be happy with how I look. So now I kind of changed it, where I more to how I feel, how my clothes fit, ect.

    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    I'm not really sure! When I make new kinds of cupcakes, that I've never made before I look forward to eating those! That isn't really a meal but yeah. Haha.