For those of you who reached goal (or close to it) talk to m

Hey all-
I'm someone that has gotten to 15 pounds within my goal a couple of different times than I sabotage and go right back up 20 pounds. So here I am again and now I need to lose 30 pounds to get to my goal. I look at the before/after on here for motivation (love it!) I have no problem working out (love it!) but eat too much!! I just saw one before/after that I thought was extra awesome. She lost 60 pounds and is teeny tiny now and started her post by saying how it was the hardest 10 months of her life.

When I give in to temptation I tell myself that I'm not built to be skinny, that being on the upper end of my weight range or 10 pounds over is just fine for me. I'm not huge so it's ok and it's not realistic for me to "not have a roll" or to wear a bikini so be a little chubby and eat what youw want. Ok this is me on a bad day. So I think it would be helpful if those of you who have been succesful remind me how hard it is and how you struggled but you kept with it! Tell me you thought you were a girl like me but you pushed past it! When I went to give birth to my son 4 years ago I was about 250 pounds and in the following year I got down to 160 (currently at 170 down from 190 because I yo-yo! I'm 5'8 btw) It was a couple years ago I lost that baby weight and for some reason I don't remember struggling like I do now. I work out like crazy, but it's the food I need to control and because I'm not "that" overweight I tell myself it's ok when deep down I'm not happy and I want to be comfortable in my skin.

So tell me it was hard! Then next time I'm tempted I'll look here and say, see these people met their goal and it was hard, so push through it! lol :)


  • HeatherrSue
    HeatherrSue Posts: 106 Member
    I'm coming up on my 1 year mark. I'm 5'2", started at 185 and currently 138.4 When I first started, I just hoped to be in the 160's but secretly hoped I'd hit 150's...I got there and wanted to keep going. I too always thought, "I've been big most my life and people like me can't be skinny" I never ever thought I'd be sitting in the 130's with a final goal of 125. I can wear a size 6 pants now and a medium and small shirt. Its a long way from where I've gone. The thing that changed it for me was seeing Ali from Biggest Loser go from the size she was to the size she is now. Knowing she could do it, really showed me if you're a bigger person, you don't have to settle for that. We're all beautiful, no matter what size we are, but there's no reason to live unhealthy if we don't have to. I have most my photos on my profil if you want to take a look and I wish you the very best of luck along your journey!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Mainteneance requires just as much, if not more, than really is just changing the way you look at life. Every time I got to goal I set a new goal...first it was weight loss, then fat loss, then sheer fitness.
  • The hardest part for me was calorie counting. Two reasons: I love food. LOVE food. I love good food, I love fresh food, but I love it a lot. Also I have a hard time not obsessing about calories. This is the first time for me in my whole life I was able to calorie count and not go completely over the top with it so it was HEALTHY. And though I tend to have healthy options, the unhealthy ones were easier because I was working a full time job, doing internships at 16-20 hours a week, and finishing up my graduate degree while raising my sister's (now) 3 year old. It was rough but I forced myself to plan ahead. My fiance's on here as well, so I had to plan ahead for us both (he's down almost 40 pounds in 6 months, I am around 28 pounds and at my goal). Thankfully the kid loves the most random stuff (he's that kid that asked me for broccoli one night for dinner at 2 1/2 years old. lol) so he has been easy to handle with all this. So yeah, it sucked, but I did it and quite honestly am proud of myself.

    Also-- Because of said crazy schedule and said 3 year old, my runs start at 5:45am. As I start to train for my 1/2 marathon and my distances get longer, it'll have to go earlier. Now, I started running when i was 8 years old through to when I was about 19 and then quit and the weight crept up on me but I remember what those double sessions were like so I thought I'd be fine. Yeah no. It sucks. I like sleeping. But it's worth it. ;-)
  • I'll tell you that I had to get rid of 62 lbs when I started April 5, 2011. In 1 month I lost over 20 lbs. It has taken me 3 months to loose 23 lbs. It took me 23 yrs to get to the weight that I have been for a long time. Now I look forward to being High School skinny; to be exact, Freshman High School skinny. I am at my weight from back in 1992. I have 19 lbs more to go to be 1988 weight. I need to get there. I am not doing it just for myself; I am doing it so I can get a Life Term Insurance for the next 20 years to make sure that if anything were to happen to me, my wife and kids will have a bit of a cushion. Medically there is a bit of a difference between being the weight that I want to be and the weight that is considered 'medically healthy' and not overweight or obese.

    I'll tell you, it takes a long time to be where we have been. And it takes a lot of hard work and commitment to do what we are doing. In the end, it is all worth it. I know I am not recording EVERYTHING as I used to in the first 2 months; because I have learned to measure without measuring tools and now I know what is good and what is bad for me. What helps me loose weight and what makes me gain weight over a weekend.

    It's hard work. It takes time. It takes commitment. BUT, IT CAN BE DONE.

    Keep on working hard towards your goal.

    Good luck.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    I can absolutely relate to what you are saying about it being the food I need to control!

    I'm close to my goal (about 10 pounds, maybe 8 pounds, maybe 12 pounds - I'm not committing to an end figure just yet) and every pound is a killer to lose - it seems to take forever at this rate!

    I just keep super active. My 'goal' is set at the maintenance for a sedentary lifestyle. This way I know that if I have a day where I don't do much (very rare) as long as I don't exceed my 'goal' I cant put on weight. I only log exercise I'm sure made me sweat - but this means I'll even log a bit of cleaning if I put my all into it and wouldn't of otherwise got a cardio session in due to the time I spent on the cleaning since I have my kids at home with me - and I'll log about 1/3 of my walking each day because my goal is set to sedentary. I don't eat all my exercise calories - I keep a daily 300 kcal deficit or as close to it as I can.

    It's a strange mix up but it's currently working for me. Super active all the time, know the cut off point between no weight gain, and oops I've gone too far today!
  • cardglor
    cardglor Posts: 29
    Congratulations and thanks for the photos. They are truly inspiring! I'm just 3 weeks in and am feeling better physically already. I'm working at losing slowly and trying to keep my expectations realistic otherwise I get easily discouraged.
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    Currently, I'm 12 pounds away from the high end of my "recommended weight" for my height, aka - healthy BMI. This time around, since joining MFP, I've lost 24 pounds and prior to joining MFP, I lost 20 pounds. Every time I get "close", I think it scares me and I quit. I'm not quitting this time, I'm determined to lose AT LEAST 12 more pounds so I can be considered healthy for once in my life. I used to have the same thoughts as you, but now, the closer I get to that top end of a healthy BMI, the more I want to touch the middle of it. I get so excited when I can try on clothes right off the racks (still have to special order pants because at 5' 10", the lengths are not long enough), and do a happy dance in the dressing room because not only did I get them up without busting open the seams, but I got them buttoned, zipped, tied, AND I can still breathe!

    Just hang in there. Better days are ahead.
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