Where are you imprecise with your measurements?



  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited September 2017
    Raw or steamed vegetables/fruits. I usually ignore but will add 100 calories to my meal if I have a substantial quantity or if I eat a piece of fruit for a snack.

    Store-bought bread and english muffins. At 90 calories per slice and 160 per muffin, even if they're off by 30% it's still not a significant amount of calories relative to my daily totals. Plus, differences can go both ways so things should even out over the long term. Ditto individual pieces of Canadian Bacon (20 calories per slice) and eggs (90 calories per egg for the jumbo ones).
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I don't weigh prepackaged food, slices of bread, etc. All of this is an estimate, anyway, so it is close enough that it doesn't affect weight loss.

    I also don't weigh ketchup or log gum.

    I think that's about it. I weigh the rest.

    Except lettuce. I usually don't weigh lettuce because it's like 10 calories anyway.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Leafy veg doesn't get measured, just eye balled. I also don't measure vinegars in my salad dressings. It's so low cal, it doesn't matter.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Tonight I'm going to have a sandwich with precisely weighed bread, meat, avocado, onion, and peppers. I'm going to have a "slice" of provolone cheese, which is imprecise, because I'm disinclined to do any further research if the dadgum Nutrition Facts doesn't list a gram value for a slice. I'm so persnickety about some things that, for example, I will get 60 grams of kale in my morning smoothie if I have to pinch a little fragment of leaf away from a 61 g bigger leaf.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    edited September 2017
    I wasn't particularly precise with most things...I weighed out calorie dense things as well as meats...never weighed or measured something that was pre-packaged...if my egg container said 1 egg was 60 calories, that's what I logged...stuff like that. I typically used measuring cups for things like oats, rice, etc. For veggies and salads and whatnot, I just had a number that I would use...I did weigh most fruit. Never bothered with things like ketchup or mustard, etc, but when I use those things, it's typically not very much...

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Fresh squeezed lemon juice is a freebie I give myself. Oatmeal (old fashioned) just gets scooped out with a 1/2 cup measure spoon because every time I weighed it it was within 1 gram of expected. Tomato juice is 50 calories for 8 oz and my glass overflows at 8.75 oz so I eyeball that. Baby spinach is eyeballed. Onions may be eyeballed or weighed depending on my mood, but I'm never off by more than 25 calories so I may not bother anymore. Pot roast is weighed, but can't portion that raw, so it is still a guesstimate. And if I'm feeling generous to myself or if I swam that day, pineapple or cantaloupe are eyeballed.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I just eyeball most non-fattening condiments like sugar-free ketchup, salsa, and lemon juice. Actually, those are the only non-fattening condiments I eat. Oh, and sugar-free syrup. Sometimes I don't log them.

    I leave some exercise calories on the table for my loose logging, for example, my creamer is always logged as 2 tablespoons, and while I weight it, some days it's over by a few grams, some days it's under. I figure it all balances out over time. Sometimes I lick spoons or take tastes that I don't log. This is all stuff the extra exercise calories cover.

    If I weren't getting the results I wanted, I'd tighten things up.
  • Archcurl
    Archcurl Posts: 239 Member
    I don't weigh single servings when pre packed. Also I don't weigh the oil when cooking my dinner. Most of it stays in the pan and I've been steadily losing
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I'm with others on not weighing pre-packaged single serving things. I also stopped weighing my bananas. I eat a banana almost every morning and I'm okay with assuming that my banana is about 110 calories on average. I also don't weigh spices or small amounts of low calorie produce/condiments.

    Basically anything that is very low calorie, more or less uniform in weight, and/or pre-packaged single serving is probably not worth my time to weigh.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Archcurl wrote: »
    I don't weigh single servings when pre packed. Also I don't weigh the oil when cooking my dinner. Most of it stays in the pan and I've been steadily losing

    I can guarantee you that most of your cooking oil is not staying in the pan.

    You might be losing now, but that will catch up to you.

  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    I don't weigh single serving packs. Or salad greens, spices, anything that low calorie. I also don't weigh store bought bread unless it is a new type to compare it to package info.
  • cyclone48
    cyclone48 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't weigh most things and often estimate my fruits and veggies (medium apple, medium banana, etc). But I'm early in my weight loss and losing 1 -2 lbs per week. I know that as I get closer to goal, I may have to tighten up my tracking. Right now I'm focused on tracking everything I eat and getting into that habit, plus adding exercise to my routine.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    edited September 2017
    I don't log or measure spices, splenda, vinegar, lemon juice, k cups or tea bags.
    I don't weigh pre sliced bread or pre- measured single serve foods.
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    I eyeball, and err on the side of caution, by guessing up if I'm not sure.
    For instance I had ground chuck in my dinner tonight. It had a set 4oz serving in the database, so I went ahead and recorded I had one serving. But I know I had less than 4 oz, just not sure by how much.

    My alcohol is always weighed, no exceptions
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    I eyeball almost everything. I keep a log more as a guide for what I've eaten and rely on the scale and a trending app to tell me if I need to make adjustments. I've lost 35 lbs since early February which I'm very happy with. I have about 15-25 to go. So far it's been working I think mostly because I've been ok losing a little slower than I might have if I were more rigid with tracking.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    I eyeball most things. It doesn't impede my weight loss. Eating too many boxes of snack-sized chocolates impedes my weight loss more.
  • bingo_007
    bingo_007 Posts: 101 Member
    I only measure high calorie food like complex carb protein and fat. Vegetables I just estimate it roughly same as fruits. I am only maintaining and this works for me. Should I gain weight or want to loose n I am not able to do so I can change my approach. I use a teaspoon for oil as a measurement though its not very accurate but I don't want cooking to be a hassle
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    If I'm the only person eating a dish (I'm vegetarian married to a meat eater, so that would be my mains) I won't weigh out the portions. If the casserole serves 4, that's four meals. And if one day I'm having 27% of the pan and one day 24%, in four days 100% of the pan will be gone so I don't care if it's not precise. I do weigh out the ingredients ahead of time; my days of '1 medium carrot, 3 large beets' are behind me.

    On the Jewish Sabbath, precise weighing and measuring isn't permitted. (No scale, no measuring cups with marked lines, though 'knowing' my ladle holds a cup and giving myself a ladleful is okay.) Neither is writing/typing. I pre-log my meals and will often weigh out 3/4 cup of rice, etc before Sabbath starts. However, one 'rule' is that you begin the meal with uncut bread which is sliced at the table. For that, I overestimate, limiting myself to two slices, trying to make them about the thickness a bakery slicer would get them, and pre-logging 4 oz of bread.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    The majority of the time I don't weigh pre-packed food like protein bars, crisps etc, bread, eggs, spray oil or anything that is very low calorie like diet soda or sweetners. I know as I get closer to goal I will need to tighten up, but even at my initial goal weight I will be still be in the "Overweight" section of BMI so hoping not to need to be too accurate.

    My eyeballing is a lot better at this point, I test myself from time-to-time with things like cereal, pasta & chicken. Any one else do that?
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    cyclone48 wrote: »
    I don't weigh most things and often estimate my fruits and veggies (medium apple, medium banana, etc). But I'm early in my weight loss and losing 1 -2 lbs per week. I know that as I get closer to goal, I may have to tighten up my tracking. Right now I'm focused on tracking everything I eat and getting into that habit, plus adding exercise to my routine.

    That's pretty much what I did when I was first starting out, although I started logging a while before I even got into a deficit. I am a big fan of taking one's time and starting out simple. If more people acknowledged that they probably will need to tighten up their measuring when/if their weight loss slows or stops, these forums would be a lot quieter!