Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    My weigh-in ~ 195.6

    Will post our chart once everyone has checked in.
    What do you guys think of "dorky hot moms" when we start a new thread? A few of us have openly admitted to our dorkiness :shrug:
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Sounds good to me!
  • alp0918
    alp0918 Posts: 8
    Everyone is doing such a great job!!!!! Good for all of you ladies!!!

    I haven't had the best food choices the last few days, I did so good for a few weeks before and then *BOOM*, crap food. Need to suck it up this week and start eating cleaner.....So weight report, no loss, but no gain either, still at 189.
  • badbrat2005
    I forgot to weigh in this morning so I will first thing tomorrow morning. I am kind of scared because I have not been drinking well, but I have not been eating too much. Love the exercise challenge. And the name is cute because everyone is a dork whether they admit it or not haha. Will update and focus more tomorrow.
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member

    A few of us have openly admitted to our dorkiness :shrug:

    I'm guilty as charged!! but I'm a cute dork. lol
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Mussmom! Thats awesome! You and I weigh the same! Doesn't it feel great to be in the 170s! I can hear 160s calling my name!!! I can't wait to be pretty again!!

    edit: Mussmom, how tall are you out of couriosity?

    Yes! It feels so good not to have shirts so snug and nasty(and refusing to buy a bigger size, cause admit it-it looks frumpy). When I started this journey on April 3rd, I was 202 lbs. I have lost six inches from around my midsection. I am so happy I found you guys, I was all on my own and starting to stress about getting workouts and good food in when school and coaching and the boy's football seasons start up. I am so very fortunate to have an awesomely supportive and loving husband. Those early months may not have happened if he had not stepped in and cooked almost all the meals for him and the boys. That allowed me to make a habit of eating well and also figure out how to cook healthier for all of them. LOVE him!

    Gab, here I go again. I am with Daisy, might need a blog, lol. Pretty again? You mean prettier! Oh, and I am six two;).
    Daisy-yes we are goofy, but somewhere along the line, someone told me a dork is actually what a whale's penis is called. HAHA! I don't have a clue if that is true-you know you are all going to google it now! I am, and if it is, then maybe we should call ourselves the "Rambling Random HotMoms"?

    Bye! I am sure I will be back later:)!
  • badbrat2005
    Ok, so I weighed in this morning at 192 pounds. I gained almost 2 pounds back and I was expecting it because I have done terrible the past week. I am setting a goal for myself to lose 3 pounds this week. That would put me back in the 180s. It is a big goal but If I try I believe I can do it.
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    On one of the other HM's groups, one of the ladies did a % for all 10 groups. I think We need to have that posted to every group weekly. In a challenge type of way. I would do it, but I have no clue how to go about doing that. I emailed the lady that did it to see if she would be willing to do that every week but I haven't heard anything back.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    My weigh-in this week is 196.6. So I gained too! I also know EXACTLY where it came from -- my diet! Pretty much had zero willpower last week, and it showed up on the scale. (You do NOT want to know what my weekend numbers were.) I've re-committed to tracking EVERYTHING I eat and telling myself "NO!" when I hit my calorie limits, which is so, so hard for me. I'm also starting Day 1 for "The Beck Diet Solution," hoping to re-train my mind when it comes to food. AND I also joined another challenge in MFP -- Lose 10 lbs in August -- which has a Friday weigh-in. I'm hoping the two weigh-ins a week (Monday for us, Friday for them) will keep me on target.

    Courtney, that was me last week! I tracked all the groups, and I'm working on it again this week. People seemed to really like the group comparisons, so I'll keep it up every week. It really is sad to see the drop-out in check-ins. Group 6 took awhile just to get a captain, and no one checked in at all with the first weekly weigh-in. And in other groups, the captains never reached out individually to the members, adding them as friends or sending them personal messages, so those members dropped out as well. It makes me really glad to be in this group and to have such great captains.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    On one of the other HM's groups, one of the ladies did a % for all 10 groups. I think We need to have that posted to every group weekly. In a challenge type of way. I would do it, but I have no clue how to go about doing that. I emailed the lady that did it to see if she would be willing to do that every week but I haven't heard anything back.

    Wasn't it Helen from our group who posted weight lost and % for all the groups?
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Sorry I wasn't pay that close of attention to what group you were in. I saw it on the other group and assumed you were part of that group. I am dingy at time. :ohwell: :embarassed:
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Ok, so I weighed in this morning at 192 pounds. I gained almost 2 pounds back and I was expecting it because I have done terrible the past week. I am setting a goal for myself to lose 3 pounds this week. That would put me back in the 180s. It is a big goal but If I try I believe I can do it.

    Way to regroup! I also am struggling with trying to lose these last ten. I find water is the key to me losing weight, paired with eating better. You can do it!!!! Don't forget to exercise and feed the body afterward with good food. We are here for ya!!

    @Sugar-your a goober:)
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    YUMMM... I love Goobers!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I decided to change up the chart a little because we will be losing an entire ME before we are done with this challenge... at least that's the goal :drinker:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Helen let me know how the Beck Diet solution goes for you. It has been a very interesting journey for me so far. You can see it in the thread in my signature.

    I got my 20 minutes of exercise today Actually 25. It wasn't as painful as I had thought it would be. :laugh:

    I love the chart, thanks for putting it together Daisy. Way to go everyone! We are doing great!!!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Woo hoo! We all rock! Boo ya!! Keep it up and keep checkin in!!!! If you have exercised today-way to go! I have already tried to sabatoge (how the hell do you spell that?) myself with an impulse buy (Sourdough bread) I did brush olive oil and garlic salt on it instead of butter. It was SO good, but I didn't need four pieces. Glad I worked my butt off this morning with the workout so I hae enough cal. for dinner tonight:)

    If you haven't exercised yet today--get on it!!!!! TIme's a wastin--NO EXCUSES!! Even if you just walk two times for ten minutes!!! :0)
  • badbrat2005
    I am just terrible on diets. I really hate how I look, but I can not seem to find the willpower to stick to a diet. I like sweets and soda way too much and its going to ruin me. Anyone have any suggestions on what can help motivate me or what can help me to find the will power to do this?
  • badbrat2005

    July 25 should be the date for the second week....just a note
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am just terrible on diets. I really hate how I look, but I can not seem to find the willpower to stick to a diet. I like sweets and soda way too much and its going to ruin me. Anyone have any suggestions on what can help motivate me or what can help me to find the will power to do this?

    Check out my thread on the beck diet solution. I have a really difficult time sticking to what I plan or following through--couple that with hating the feeling of hunger and I have sunk several times in the past. This time is different though because of what I am learning about myself. Check it out! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/267451-the-beck-diet-solution-how-to-think-like-a-thin-person