New to this lifestyle change

Hi, my name is Kelly. I'm 27 and I just started to eat better around the beginning of August. I'm not much into diet and exercise, never really have been. But I'm ready for a lifestyle change! Last time I was weighed I was at 215 lb. I'm not sure how much weight I've actually lost as I don't have a weight scale to measure and keep track of it, but I know I've lost weight due to the fact I am actually wearing smaller pants. I just downloaded this app today and because of that I actually did my first real exercises since I changed my eating habits. I'm hoping I can keep this going to get down to a more reasonable size for my height. I hope I'm actually able to keep going and keep this change in my life because I like the person I am becoming.


  • Meroncha
    Meroncha Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck! I'm also starting my new eating healthy lifestyle. Stay motivated and keep on going!
  • HeatherScottTN
    HeatherScottTN Posts: 65 Member
    I'm getting back to eating right and moving more. You don't have to HOPE you will keep it going. Hope is not a strategy. You CAN keep it going, one choice at a time! Small choices, add up... day after day...and will move you toward your goal and health. Let's DO THIS!
  • KKowalski2008
    KKowalski2008 Posts: 7 Member
    Everyone is amazing here, thank you so much for your support!
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Hello, Welcome to MFP!! Tracking your food is so helpful, Log everything accurately, you can do this!! All the best!! Feel free to add me.