Where are you imprecise with your measurements?



  • nikkipoooo
    nikkipoooo Posts: 33 Member
    I'm picky, so I would never weigh single serving meals (because I know there's always something I'm not actually eating, like the onions and all of the gravy attached to them) so a few calories difference isn't going to change anything. I don't weigh eggs, bread (which I rarely eat), or liquids. I don't eat condiments or dressing, in general, so that's not an issue for me. I usually just eyeball veggies. The things I am really meticulous about are dairy (like cottage cheese or non-single serve yogurt or cheese), meats, pasta, rice, and fruit. I'm also bad at logging exercise, and pretty much just use the FitBit adjustments even when I know that I did a strenuous circuit or something that actually burned more calories than just the few they give you for steps.

    I also have a lot to lose, which means as long as I stay within 100-200 calories of my goal each day then I'm still going to lose consistently. For people with just a few pounds to lose, or people who are more concerned with getting to a low body fat percentage it's probably more important to be really precise.
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    I don't track my coffee creamer. I use sugar free creamer and I estimate that I only use 50-60 calories worth. Right now I have a ton of calories and I'm not seeing a difference, as I lose and my calorie limit his down I'll tighten that up. I'm tightening up everything else though.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I just go by the second size on prepackaged foods. Yes, I might be off by 19 calories. I'm losing weight eating 3,300 a day so I'll accept the imprecision.

    I don't enter wine. There are no calories on the label, so I don't even know how to ballpark it. And plenty of months go by without wine, so, again, it's just not a big deal.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Tonight I'm going to have a sandwich with precisely weighed bread, meat, avocado, onion, and peppers. I'm going to have a "slice" of provolone cheese, which is imprecise, because I'm disinclined to do any further research if the dadgum Nutrition Facts doesn't list a gram value for a slice. I'm so persnickety about some things that, for example, I will get 60 grams of kale in my morning smoothie if I have to pinch a little fragment of leaf away from a 61 g bigger leaf.

    Well, I did have the sandwich and I did weigh the cheese. It was 18 grams and the package did say it should be 19.
  • jlval1989
    jlval1989 Posts: 89 Member
    I don't measure cooking oil, herbs, spices or little things like garlic and ginger.
    I drink a few cups of tea every day at work - each with a sweetener and splash of milk. I never worry about logging those, either.
  • Anna_137
    Anna_137 Posts: 167 Member
    I don't weight things that are packaged in single servings. I eye ball really low calorie food like spinache things which are difficult to weight like cooking oil and butter.

    I have quite an aggressive goal of 1000 calories below maintence so 100 cals here and there is not going to make a lot of difference. When I get to a lower weight and have a smaller deficit of -200 to -300 calories maybe I'll get more accurate.
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    I overestimate portions and try to leave 50-100 cals uneaten daily. I dutifully measure my paltry half teaspoon of sugar for coffee, otherwise I eyeball. As long as I eat the right foods it works for me.