Advice on how to stop being a slave to the scale

I'm not overweight but I seem to have this magical number in my head that isn't compatible with my goals. I'm attempting recomp starting today. I have trained hard with weights and hiit these past 3 days, while increasing my calories by 150 a day. Naturally, this will reflect an increase on the scale number and I k ow this so why am I so damn miserable that I'm 1 pound up from Fridays weight. I hate being a slave to the scale by letting it dictate my mood.

A few months back, I was so sick of the scale (weighed once a week for years now) because I looked and felt great but after seeing a gain on the scale, my whole day was ruined) that I stopped weighing for two months. When I wrighed again, I was up 9 pounds and this is where I'm at now.

Any advice/suggestions?

If it helps, my stats are:

5' 7
148 pounds
Workout intense 4x a week with weights and cardio


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    Take measurements and progress picture instead of using the scale if you're happy with how you look and know that your mood is going to be affected by seeing normal fluctuations on the scale.

    If you want to weigh less regularly but would be tempted to hop on the scale because it's there, could you leave it at a friend or relatives so you can only do it maybe once per month?
  • halimaiqbal00
    halimaiqbal00 Posts: 288 Member
    I don't know if I have the willpower to just throw it out altogether. I'm worried that I'll go out and buy another. Actually, I do like the idea of leaving it somewhere where I only can access it once a month. I'll do that. Thanks for the replies!
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm not overweight but I seem to have this magical number in my head that isn't compatible with my goals. I'm attempting recomp starting today. I have trained hard with weights and hiit these past 3 days, while increasing my calories by 150 a day. Naturally, this will reflect an increase on the scale number and I k ow this so why am I so damn miserable that I'm 1 pound up from Fridays weight. I hate being a slave to the scale by letting it dictate my mood.

    A few months back, I was so sick of the scale (weighed once a week for years now) because I looked and felt great but after seeing a gain on the scale, my whole day was ruined) that I stopped weighing for two months. When I wrighed again, I was up 9 pounds and this is where I'm at now.

    Any advice/suggestions?

    If it helps, my stats are:

    5' 7
    148 pounds
    Workout intense 4x a week with weights and cardio

    How accurate are you with logging? Are you logging? Are you weighing your food? Because with your stats, your TDEE is about 2250. You should not be gaining on 1900.
  • Johncalvinfields
    Johncalvinfields Posts: 179 Member
    Count calories , eat lean meats, plenty of vegetables, fruits and drink plenty of water
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    missh1967 wrote: »
    I'm not overweight but I seem to have this magical number in my head that isn't compatible with my goals. I'm attempting recomp starting today. I have trained hard with weights and hiit these past 3 days, while increasing my calories by 150 a day. Naturally, this will reflect an increase on the scale number and I k ow this so why am I so damn miserable that I'm 1 pound up from Fridays weight. I hate being a slave to the scale by letting it dictate my mood.

    A few months back, I was so sick of the scale (weighed once a week for years now) because I looked and felt great but after seeing a gain on the scale, my whole day was ruined) that I stopped weighing for two months. When I wrighed again, I was up 9 pounds and this is where I'm at now.

    Any advice/suggestions?

    If it helps, my stats are:

    5' 7
    148 pounds
    Workout intense 4x a week with weights and cardio

    How accurate are you with logging? Are you logging? Are you weighing your food? Because with your stats, your TDEE is about 2250. You should not be gaining on 1900.

    She's recomping at 1900 calories.

    OP, making peace with your scale will be something you do over time and when that time comes you will be able to use the scale as tool to assist you in your efforts and not let it be an end all to your success and how you feel about yourself.

    If you are on point with logging food, then the scale results are a mute point. You will get to your comfort zone, I like the idea of putting it out of reach or somewhere you do not have easy access to it, remove the batteries if you have too.. Good luck!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Up a lb is within normal body weight fluctuations - you didn't gain a lb a fat - don't let any one day number influence you; it's data point - add to progress pictures and measurements for a holistic view
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I think it is just about knowing that the scale does not tell you anything other than your weight. Using measurements, photos, the mirror, how your clothes fit, etc. All those things I would say are more important to track progress, especially when recomping.

    However.. for me, while I am not a slave to my scale, I have become a slave to what I see in the mirror. Which is not much better either to be honest. I think working on your relationship with your body and yourself and setting fitness goals (along with physique goals) can help too.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    ZoneFive wrote: »
    I've been able to take away the scales' scare-power by doing just the opposite -- weighing daily, and entering the data into Happy Scale. That way I see those fluctuations daily, and they don't build up into a Great Weekly Event. Happy Scale (or one of the other weight trend apps) smooths out the line of data points and makes a trend line, rather than an individual judgment of one day.

    This may not work for you, but for me it takes away the drama and makes it just an everyday thing, with a lot less angst.

    I was going to suggest this as well. Happy Scale for IOS, Libra for Android or for web site.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    As a daily weigher (who doesn't use a trending app), I got used to fluctuations. The first day I joined, I weighed myself every 2 hrs for *kitten* and giggles. I wanted too see how much my weight actually changed in the run of a day. It really helped put things in perspective.
  • halimaiqbal00
    halimaiqbal00 Posts: 288 Member
    Thank you for all your replies. I've downloaded 'happy scale' and like the idea of daily weigh ins that show you an average. I think that will help me when I'm feeling deterred!
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    Let me ask you this? IF you were in a toxic relationship with a person would you let it continue or would you end the relationship? I hope the answer is you'd end it. Because that is what is happening with the scale. YOu are allowing the scale to dictate how you feel or how your day will go. I think it best to kick it to the curb.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    I struggled with this for a while and used to get on the scale 6-8x each day...

    In the end I decided that the scale was not the enemy, nor there to ruin my day. I started to see the scale as more of an old friend, one that has helped guide me on this journey I've thrown myself into.

    This really helped me, while I still weigh about 4x a week... I've gotten much better about not obsessing over it
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I weigh myself daily, look at the number and move on with my day. I am not letting some bathroom equipment to dictate my mood.i have a goal weight number as well and very close to it, so I understand that the closer you are to your ideal weight the harder it will be. So don't let the number on the scale take over you. Look at it and move on.:)
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I literally just stopped weighing myself.
  • ___Charlene___
    ___Charlene___ Posts: 2 Member
    At 120lbs, I allow myself the window of 118-122 without panic. A couple of days in a row above or below that, and I'll adjust by 250 calories/day.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    missh1967 wrote: »
    I'm not overweight but I seem to have this magical number in my head that isn't compatible with my goals. I'm attempting recomp starting today. I have trained hard with weights and hiit these past 3 days, while increasing my calories by 150 a day. Naturally, this will reflect an increase on the scale number and I k ow this so why am I so damn miserable that I'm 1 pound up from Fridays weight. I hate being a slave to the scale by letting it dictate my mood.

    A few months back, I was so sick of the scale (weighed once a week for years now) because I looked and felt great but after seeing a gain on the scale, my whole day was ruined) that I stopped weighing for two months. When I wrighed again, I was up 9 pounds and this is where I'm at now.

    Any advice/suggestions?

    If it helps, my stats are:

    5' 7
    148 pounds
    Workout intense 4x a week with weights and cardio

    How accurate are you with logging? Are you logging? Are you weighing your food? Because with your stats, your TDEE is about 2250. You should not be gaining on 1900.

    You can't know someone's TDEE from a calculator. Those are just averages.
  • madirmfp
    madirmfp Posts: 24 Member
    I personally threw my scale away. I could tell it was becoming an obsession for me. For a while I only tracked my progress in inches and then I only used the scale at the gym. That limited me to only weighing myself 5 times a week instead of 14-21 times.