Here I go again for the last time (again)

Hello everyone! Let's see: I'm female, forties, fat, and .. married to a wonderful guy (couldn't find a word that begins with f). I am at the heaviest I remember being. Again.

I've "successfully" lost weight many times: Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, South Beach, NutriSystem. I've downloaded/deleted/reloaded/repeated this particular app several times.

Yet I never established good eating/exercise habits and I always fall back into glutton/sloth mode (note to mention many other vices).

So - no more dieting. No more special food/shake/pills/times of day. This time, I want to really change. I've set up a new profile so that I don't have to see my past weights - I want to focus on where I am now. I want to begin just using this app to journal what and when I eat, and see what small adjustments I can make. Try to take my dog for longer walks (if she lets me).

But most of all, I want to reach out to people more. I've used this app, but have never networked. I always thought I didn't have time for it. Or that, since my husband was always supportive, that was the only support I needed.

I know now that's wrong. My husband is wonderful and is supportive, but he's never been fat. He's never had the joy of getting rid of all the fat clothes, only to feel the shame of having to turn around months later and buy more (over and over and over again). I think I need to talk with people who not only support me, but that can also understand me. Also, I want to communicate with people who are not only supporting me, but that I can turn around and support too.

So, please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a woman of no wealth but an abundance of taste (fat and sugar especially). I look forward to meeting you and traveling on this "healthy" journey together - wherever it may take us.


  • wickinikki
    wickinikki Posts: 5 Member

    I am also on the journey for what I consider the 'last' time. I refuse to use specials shakes/pills/etc, also. I am losing 1-2 lbs a week through dedicated hard work - counting calories and exercising daily (I do 30 minutes of cardio through Youtube videos mostly 6 days a week and am eating cleaner foods). Thus far I've lost almost 10 lbs what I consider to be the 'right way'.

    If you'd like to add me you may - wickinikki. I log in frequently so I can be a lending ear if you need it or just a cheerleader!

  • HealthyAshes88888
    HealthyAshes88888 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Last timer here as well! I post a lot and openly log my food every day ☺ I am (back) down 20ish lbs since starting in July. Feel free to add me!
  • elizalove527
    elizalove527 Posts: 13 Member
    I been on this app so many times but then leave it.. Because I don't find it helpful only good is the food tracking.. But don't find people to talk and share thoughts....
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    If you have kids you could call your husband a "fecund fellow". The value in the Community here is that your issues are not unique, have been faced by others, and have been solved by others with solutions they are willing to share with you, solutions which you may not have thought of before, but which you may discover work for you. Read, ask, be honest, be patient, and succeed.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    A couple things I finally realized to help me in the long term.
    I eat at a 500 calorie deficit.......and some days I just don't, but what I like to make sure of is the bad days don't go over maintenance calories, so while that day I won't be losing weight I will at least not be gaining it either. So it gives you more leeway on days when you're just out of discipline or are just plain hungry. You can't be perfect all the time right? Also I have always been a night eater with amazing discipline during the daytime. I stopped fighting that and now I don't eat until 12 or 1pm everyday. I bank my calories until the end part of the day when I know I have the least control. I basically do intermittent fasting everyday, and it has worked beautifully for me. Don't fight your bodies normal hungry times, embrace them. Good luck to you
  • pepsi77mfp
    pepsi77mfp Posts: 8 Member
    I have done the same anyone want to add me maby we can help each other
  • melanomaly4701
    melanomaly4701 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone! It's a shame that I can't seem to Like your comments AND find them Insightful AND inspiring, etc, but I do find them all of those things. I'm still learning the app and how to do invites, so feel free to invite me if you'd like (I have figured out how to accept requests)
  • sherrygulledge
    sherrygulledge Posts: 1 Member
    Me too ladies, I want this to be the last time I lose this 50ish pounds. And I am learning how to use this app too. I'm sure we can do it. Thanks so much for posting it does help me to read what y'all are doing and thinking.
  • nerdherdshepherd
    Your story sounds a lot like mine (fat, 40s, and married to a great guy - except my downfall is salty not sweet!). My DH just doesn't understand my struggle either because he can just think about losing weight and he's down 5lbs. Me, I gotta work for it.

    I'm back again with a new profile too and looking for support from folks like me. I don't do any trendy diet or crazy workouts. Never works for me. I'm just trying to adjust what I do/eat to be healthier. I occasionally eat a protein bar, but most of the time it's what we normally eat, just better portioned. I got a kitchen scale and I'm not afraid to use it! I sent a friend request (I think - new to this part of the app).
  • melanomaly4701
    melanomaly4701 Posts: 4 Member
    excellent! I'm happy to meet you! Yeah - I once joined WW with hubby. Turns out, he just needed his thyroid meds adjusted - then he dropped 20lb in less than 2 months. Somehow I just didn't feel motivated after that. lol!
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome back and good luck on your journey.
  • mzyb
    mzyb Posts: 4 Member
    I too have been successful in the past and fell back into old ways and got back even more than I lost, but have a husband who has loved me through it all. I'm 45 and I'm thinking it's now or never. I don't have aspirations of being thin, but feeling better is my goal.

    I have never had an accountability partner/network, but I'm willing to give it a try as long as I can figure out this app.
  • kb115224714
    kb115224714 Posts: 8 Member
    You sound so much like me!! I am going to forget the FAD diets and just eat right and try to exercise more. I just sent you a friend request :)