Looking for advice to shed the last 10 pounds... 5'8"

I've been reading some of the posts from other women who are 5'8" tall and weigh somewhere in the 130's. I'd really like help getting there myself! Can't anyone share with me what a typical day looks like for them? What are you eating? How much? Exercise?
Ive stalled and am looking for help!

My stats:
38 years old
5'8 tall
147 pounds


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    The last 10 lbs can be frustrating for some, you have to be more accurate with your calories (so using a food scale to weigh is a good idea if you aren't already) and have patience. Also water weight fluctuations are more noticeable the closer you are to your goal. So keep that in mind.

    I am a bit shorter at 5'7 but right now I am around 130lbs. It took me about 4 months to lose 8lbs. I eat a balanced diet with higher protein, lots of lean meats, dairy, veggies, also treats where I can..I don't cut anything out. I don't track right now but I would say over 2000 cals per day on average (when I was losing). I lift weights 3-4x per week. A bit of cardio and yoga in between. Very active day to day. What you do will look different obviously. You don't have to go crazy with the exercise, start with something maintainable/enjoyable and be consistent. And again, get out that food scale !
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'm 5'7", currently at 150lbs hoping to reach 135-130lbs. It's slooooow losing those last 15-20lbs, that's for sure.

    I'm sedentary, so my TDEE is only around 1800. So to lose a pound a week, I need to consume 1300 per day. It's tough to stick to, and most days I end up closer to 1600-1700, making my progress incredibly slow.

    You definitely need the dedication and determination, and fill up on high-volume low-calorie foods, track accurately with a scale, and work in some exercise where you can.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Lots of patience. When you are close to goal, your "window" gets smaller. The amount of calories you have to "cut" gets greater and it gets harder to lose the weight. You have to "perfect" consistantly and I'm sorry, that's hard.

    So...if you haven't been weighing your food, start. You may have to increase your activity to get the scale moving. Something to increase that deficient.

    I started back to lose 13lbs on July 31st. I started early because I know even the best made plans have road blocks. Currently I'm down 10 of those 13. Most days I'm between 1200-1300 calories, but I've had days where I've gone over maintainance. I planned for "special weekends". I have until Nov. 10th to get the 3lbs off and I feel that with my waxing dedication, I'll need ALL those weeks to do so. The first 10 was easy, I was inspired by how quickly it was coming off and the fact that my jeans didn't fit. But now things fit and feel good, those 3lbs aren't THAT important..

    But I'll keep on as much as I can. I've accepted that it will be slow.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited September 2017
    My diary is open. I lose 1kg (2lbs) per month on average.

    I used to lose faster when I was heavier. I'm 138lbs now, trying to get to 130lbs.

    I maintain on 1750 on average including exercise.
  • juleeahnah
    juleeahnah Posts: 6 Member
    Glad you asked-- I'm almost in the exact same boat! 32, 5 ft 8 in, 145 pounds currently (down from 167). Would like to get to 135-137. I hit 145 around July and have been hovering around 143-146 since. Admittedly, I have not been tight with logging (aka letting extra snacks and wine sneak back into my diet), which is almost always my problem when I stall for so long. I'm viewing the last few months as a break and getting back to measuring out everything this week. Also trying intermittent fasting and only eating from 2pm to 10pm as a rule this month as a way to cut back on the lunchtime snacking since I'm rarely hungry until mid-afternoon anyway. It's not magic, but it's helped cut out some cals (especially over the weekend) that I now realize I don't need. However it ends up coming off, it'll be slow! Keep at it and good luck!
  • Goingagain
    Goingagain Posts: 30 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm 38 - 5 7 and at the moment 136, I was 140 after holiday, I usually hover around 130 so looking to get another 5lb off.

    I'm eating 1300 and lift weights, Hiit, Metcons etc 3 x week and walk the dog

    A typical day for me would be roughly

    250 breakfast - 0% Greek yoghurt, nuts , fruit or porridge, or protein shake

    350 lunch, chicken/salmon salad, scrambled eggs toast, tuna mix with corn cakes or sandwich if I fancy one.

    Dinner 450 , meat veg, pasta, curry, rice, burger, stirfrys etc I have what I'm cooking for family portioned out

    I like to keep 250 for evening snacking, chocolate, popcorn, icecream or ricecake with peanut butter

    I haven't moved in a couple of weeks but feel better in my clothes so hoping it will catch up

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm 5'8.5". My goal is 145-150, currently at 160 (and not unhappy). I don't think 130s would look good on me. I can maintain at 2300, and am currently re-starting trying to lose at 2000 calories (average), plus I usually eat my exercise calories. I lift weights, ride bikes, and walk.
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    I'm 5ft 7in and currently weigh 141.8lbs (as of this morning!!!)

    My goal weight is 135 lbs. I was able to get down to 146ish lbs with logging and exercising and eating more than I should of on weekends but in August I decided it was time to get serious about losing the last 10 lbs. I started a 12 week cut and let me tell ya.. when these other folks say it takes dedication and consistency and patience.. they are not lying. I have been counting everything to a freaking T and still have weight stalls.

    How much I eat: 1650 cals
    Exercise: 3-4 days of strength training, 2-3 days of cardio
    Activity level: Sedentary since I work in an office 8-5.
  • silvy1013
    silvy1013 Posts: 6 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    My diary is open. I lose 1kg (2lbs) per month on average.

    I used to lose faster when I was heavier. I'm 138lbs now, trying to get to 130lbs.

    I maintain on 1750 on average including exercise.

    How do I see your diary?
  • silvy1013
    silvy1013 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5ft 7in and currently weigh 141.8lbs (as of this morning!!!)

    My goal weight is 135 lbs. I was able to get down to 146ish lbs with logging and exercising and eating more than I should of on weekends but in August I decided it was time to get serious about losing the last 10 lbs. I started a 12 week cut and let me tell ya.. when these other folks say it takes dedication and consistency and patience.. they are not lying. I have been counting everything to a freaking T and still have weight stalls.

    How much I eat: 1650 cals
    Exercise: 3-4 days of strength training, 2-3 days of cardio
    Activity level: Sedentary since I work in an office 8-5.

    Thank you!
  • silvy1013
    silvy1013 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5ft 7in and currently weigh 141.8lbs (as of this morning!!!)

    My goal weight is 135 lbs. I was able to get down to 146ish lbs with logging and exercising and eating more than I should of on weekends but in August I decided it was time to get serious about losing the last 10 lbs. I started a 12 week cut and let me tell ya.. when these other folks say it takes dedication and consistency and patience.. they are not lying. I have been counting everything to a freaking T and still have weight stalls.

    How much I eat: 1650 cals
    Exercise: 3-4 days of strength training, 2-3 days of cardio
    Activity level: Sedentary since I work in an office 8-5.

    Thank you!
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    edited September 2017
    I am 5'9" and started at 141 down to 137 so far wanting 130ish. You have to be serious at this point of the game. I have such a hard time with losing that last 10 lbs. I am 50 (ugh) and have a desk job. I work out 5 times a week. I aim for about 1200 a day unless i get some cardio in then I allow a bit more. I eat about 300 for breakfast usually a 100 calories snack. Another 300-400 for lunch and then another 100 calorie snack. That just leaves 400 for dinner and snack which is hard so I usually try to do cardio. I am doing happy hour tonight so just breakfast and lunch at about 300 each to leave 600 for tonight. Been over 2 weeks since I had wine. Good luck and be disciplined.