Were you "THE FAT KID"?



  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    bweath2 wrote: »
    Have you ever had BF testing done. I did the dunk tank test about 25 yrs ago in college and I'm really curious how much my lean mass has changed.

    @bweath2, no.. I had never even heard of that until joining mfp. I don't have that energy anymore, but I'm still really strong for a girl. My sister in law is 5'10 and I'm 5'1.. My brother has to get me to help him with heavy lifting because she has zero strength what so ever. My 18 year old son can't lift as much as I can and it irritates him. I haven't lived on a farm since I was 17 but I never lost the strength. The lightest I have been is 128 when I was pregnant at 18. I had no strength then.. but I could walk forever and was limber. Back bends, front flips, splits.. Trying to reach that again without loosing that strength.

  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    I was.

    But somehow I ended up a thin old guy.
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    Mez79p wrote: »
    For as long as I can remember I was always the fat kid at school and all my young adult life (being close to or over the 100kgs mark). You never forget being called things like "beach whale" or people quoting "i feel the earth move ♩

    Yes, especially the things that get repeated. As a kid, almost everytime I got in an argument with someone, they would say, "What are you gonna do, sit on me?"
  • twinkles4
    twinkles4 Posts: 124 Member
    My mom wrote, "Too pudgy" in my baby book when I was 3 - so yeah, my weight has been a life-long battle (I'll be 49 on Saturday).

    Kind of sounds like we had the same mother. Although, mine was a bit more hysterical. Literally screaming insults, locking my door so I couldn't come down for supper, padlocking the cupboards. Things like that.

    Yeah, we don't have a good relationship. :| I count myself lucky though, I had a very select group of friends at school and I can't recall ever being picked on for my weight.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Oh yes I was the "fat kid." I became the obese kid, then the super morbidly obese adult. When I say "kid," I can acknowledge from the age of about 3 on I was always overweight. Heck, when I was in first grade a doctor tried to put me on a diet. That went well....(except it didn't). The crap that was dished out to me as a kid and teenager left some pretty permanent scars. I learned to cope with food.

    The good news is that you can snap out of it at any point in your life. It takes a lot of work to replace a lifetime of bad habits but it truly is possible. Sometimes you'll slip up (I know I did) but if you keep at it, you can undo a lot of the damage you've put your body through. I'm in the best shape of my life at 43 and am LOVING my life. Sure I still have osteoarthritis and a limited range of motion in my legs thanks to that OA, but I accomplish plenty. We walk a family 5K each month. I do (sprint) triathlons. Sunday I'll be doing a half Ironman relay and leading my kids by example. I do this in hopes they don't have the same issues I did...but they know better than to harass other children. Those same kids that tortured me are likely miserable adults...and to be honest I don't feel the least bit sorry for them.

    HW 387. CW 147. You CAN do it.
  • KeepOnMovjng
    KeepOnMovjng Posts: 44 Member
    Yes and no.
    Until I was 7 I was slim and tall.
    Afterwards the weight started going on. By the age of 9/10 I was being bullied and at the age of 11, I was classed as obese.

    When I got to secondary school, my bullies cousin and friends then started bullying me. Which led to a whole class and people who were in the year above me bullying me including two lads who were larger than me. The bullying became under control but the odd few still carried on until I was 16.

    The reference to my bullying was always due to my weight. I always got told I was fat, when I was slim I was referred to a dr for being fat even though dr said my weight was fine.

    As I left school and gone through the rest of my education I've had no bullying but the problem with my weight has continued. Which I have used to help me be a stronger person. Ironically though a lot of the ones who bullied me are now as big as me and tackling weight issues themselves.
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    You rock.
  • madisonmorehead3
    Yes!! I was overweight through most of my childhood and I got teased a ton. Girls would bully me and boys would make jokes about asking me out and then laugh about it in front of everyone. I had major anxiety and would binge and emotional eat. The very end of middle school I grew upwards and stretched out (I'm now 6'1 lol) which I paired with a nutritionist and some excercise. I'm now 21 and in college and I've gained back some weight. I'm trying to lose around 30lbs, but I still really struggle with binge eating and major insecurity from when I was younger. I feel like it made me grow up with so much bad energy around food and body image. I now will restrict myself a lot and lose weight too quickly, then will go through cycles where I pack back on the lbs. I feel like no matter what weight I am it sticks with me. It's hard growing up like that
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    @KeepOnMovjng Bullies suck and as @madisonmorehead3 said, it gives us "so much bad energy around food and body image." I'm ready to get rid of all that bad juju.
  • Rabbitsocksgardener
    I think I still am the fat kid haha. I've genetically got a bigger build (I'm tall, wide hips, sturdy frame etc etc) so even since I was a kid I was always just larger than everyone else. Not necessarily fatter but bigger for sure. All the bullying and self-esteem issues probably contributed to weight gain in additional years. Even if I lose all the weight I want I still truly believe I'll still look 'larger' than everyone else. So unless I get model skinny that's something I'll just always have to deal with. Sometimes it's ok but I certainly still feel bad about it sometimes! But either way it's about how I feel not how other people see me, so it's all good! Chins up, friends!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think I still am the fat kid haha. I've genetically got a bigger build (I'm tall, wide hips, sturdy frame etc etc) so even since I was a kid I was always just larger than everyone else. Not necessarily fatter but bigger for sure. All the bullying and self-esteem issues probably contributed to weight gain in additional years. Even if I lose all the weight I want I still truly believe I'll still look 'larger' than everyone else. So unless I get model skinny that's something I'll just always have to deal with. Sometimes it's ok but I certainly still feel bad about it sometimes! But either way it's about how I feel not how other people see me, so it's all good! Chins up, friends!

    I can relate to this too! When I see photos of myself with my friends, even though I am now at an average weight I am still bigger than everyone. I am generally a lot taller, my arms are longer, hips wider, etc. I have occasionally been really surprised (in ways good and bad) when I see pictures of myself alongside other people.

  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Nope. I didn't start gaining until 30's. I was the skinny, lanky kid.
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    I was seriously obese my entire life. About 5 years ago i had a meltdown with how i was handling my body and knew i wouldnt live long if i continued on with the way i was living and ended up joining mfp. I lost over 150lbs over the course of 2-3 years. Fast forward to last spring, i ended up moving halfway across the country to start fresh and lived with family for the last year. My sister is big on making a huge dinner every night with meat, pasta or potatoes, fresh bread, and hardly ever adds veggies. Which was a complete opposite of how i was used to eating. I gained back probably 25-30lbs and am disgusted with myself. I finally moved into a new condo with a couple of guys that NEVER cook lol. So the temptation is gone from the sparse fridge. And i also now have full access to a gym, hot tub, and pool. Im ready to restart my journey of losing that weight i regained plus an additional 15-20. If anyone wants a friend to motivate or help each other out along the way, please send me a friend request! Cheers!
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    That's so awesome you lost that much. Glad you were able to change your living situation. You got this!