3 weeks no weight loss



  • gorillababyface
    gorillababyface Posts: 14 Member
    If your working out daily eat around 1000-1200 cals atleast depending on your size. Low carbs, higher in healthy fats and medium protien. I've lost 9.2 pds in a month with 5% carbs, 73% fat and 22% protien. Moderate work out
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Yes please eat. I ended up in the hospital from eating that little. I'm not hungry either, but I eat at least 1200 a day and I'm doing just fine. I don't weight myself though. That's too much stress for me. I can see and feel the difference.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    alicks11 wrote: »
    I did mean around 600 calories a day, I generally have a boiled egg near lunch and maybe snack on small bit of cheese or salami stick. Then I might have a shake (only had few times in last few weeks tho) which is low carbs low cals Like 200 then a meal in evening which will be meat with spinach or salad usually. I did think maybe not eating enough and body in starvation mode, but I just don't feel hungry and don't want to eat if not hungry. Also I need to lose about 2 stone to get to my perfect weight. Thank you for all your replies

    Try getting your calories up, if you really need to, with some of these foods:


    But first, make sure that you're weighing - not measuring - your foods accurately and using the correct database entries for them (and don't forget any drinks, oils, condiments, etc. - also count fruit and veg, which are not "free" as some other systems would have you believe), otherwise you have no real way of knowing how many calories you're truly eating.

    "Starvation mode", as you're thinking of it, is not a thing - read the post linked to in a previous reply for info. As others have said, if you were truly eating so few calories you'd be losing weight.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    are you weighing all your food? the stuff you listed that you eat in a day certainly sounds like more than 600 calories per day (depending on the quantity, it could be A LOT more)...and judging by the fact you are not losing it is more than you think.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    megpie41 wrote: »
    megpie41 wrote: »
    Not sure if you made a typo, but at 600 calories a day, plus vigorous exercise, your body is probably in starvation mode. Almost everyone has a BMR of at least 1000 calories (there are formulas to figure out your exact number).

    Just curious....what is so wrong with this statement given the woo votes?

    Woo means non sense.

    Starvation mode in that context does not exist.

    OP, eating 600 calories a day is one sure way to damage your health if continued.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    1. You need to eat. Log everythingand weigh it
    2. Plug stats into mpg eat what it tells you for 1 lb a week
    3. Give it at least 2 months following mfp . I and a lot of women have our monthlytime affect weight loss. If you don't give it at least 2 cycles you won't see the trend
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    alicks11 wrote: »
    I did mean around 600 calories a day, I generally have a boiled egg near lunch and maybe snack on small bit of cheese or salami stick. Then I might have a shake (only had few times in last few weeks tho) which is low carbs low cals Like 200 then a meal in evening which will be meat with spinach or salad usually. I did think maybe not eating enough and body in starvation mode, but I just don't feel hungry and don't want to eat if not hungry. Also I need to lose about 2 stone to get to my perfect weight. Thank you for all your replies

    That's not enough. If you truly aren't hungry on 600 calories a day, you need to see a doctor ASAP.
  • alicks11
    alicks11 Posts: 10 Member
    alicks11 wrote: »
    I did mean around 600 calories a day, I generally have a boiled egg near lunch and maybe snack on small bit of cheese or salami stick. Then I might have a shake (only had few times in last few weeks tho) which is low carbs low cals Like 200 then a meal in evening which will be meat with spinach or salad usually. I did think maybe not eating enough and body in starvation mode, but I just don't feel hungry and don't want to eat if not hungry. Also I need to lose about 2 stone to get to my perfect weight. Thank you for all your replies

    How did you gain 2 stone if you're not hungry eating only 600 calories, which by the way is less than a toddler needs on a daily basis.

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but it always perplexes me how people manage to gain weight, but as soon as they want to lose it they are all of a sudden not hungry.

    I've gained it over the last 2 1/2 years so it just crept up on me. Does it matter why, why does that seem to bother you so much. If you must know I suffered the lose of my baby boy. I was drinking a lot, stopped looking after myself drinking and eating whatever and not going gym I was also put on antidepressants which I think played a big role in me gaining weight.
    I come off them in June and am focused on what I want, know I'm ready to get myself back. I'm also working over 50 hours a week so generally don't have time to think about food too much. And I think if you go a couple weeks not eating much your stomach shrinks and you get used to it so that's how u can all of a sudden not be hungry.
  • alicks11
    alicks11 Posts: 10 Member
    are you weighing all your food? the stuff you listed that you eat in a day certainly sounds like more than 600 calories per day (depending on the quantity, it could be A LOT more)...and judging by the fact you are not losing it is more than you think.
    It's all measured out of packets I scan the barcodes and do it based on that..
  • alicks11
    alicks11 Posts: 10 Member
    I ate more today around 1100 cals, I will continue to do what ppl have suggested and see what happens in a few weeks. Thank you for all your posts appreciate it
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 234 Member
    Are you logging all beverages and alcohol intake?