
AbigailCaulton Posts: 27 Member
edited September 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey. I’m not new as Iv had this account for a while but after stupidly going back to eating bad and not working out Iv put on a stupid amount of weight. So I’m back and I’m ready to get skinny!! Who’s with me? Iv been clean eating and working out for 2 weeks now and already dropped a dress size :) yay Iv only just started weighing myself though. Anyway I’m blabbering lol Would love some new friends to help keep me motivated and me for them :) stay fit


  • natruallycurious
    natruallycurious Posts: 359 Member
    Congrats! That's awesome progress and in such a short amount of time! I am always open to new friends, feel free to add me if you'd like :smile:
  • dianedemoss08
    dianedemoss08 Posts: 15 Member
    Great job! Keep it up!! Worth it in the end
  • robbobram85
    robbobram85 Posts: 1 Member
    Im new, i like a support group.
  • mike_qiez
    mike_qiez Posts: 6 Member
    Good Job!
  • wiitostar
    wiitostar Posts: 7 Member
    2 weeks ago was when it all changed for me and my family. I received blood work from my doctor indicating high levels of triglycerides. I decided to reach out to vegan colleagues at work who clearly take care of themselves, when I finally realized I wouldn't be alone in this process. This wasn't a diet as I thought it would be, "a lifestyle change" they proclaimed.
    For the well being of my health, my life, sons and love of my life, this IS my life!

    In the 2 weeks since the discovery of my good health, I've lost 12 pounds following the leangains protocol. A type of intermittent fasting designed to provide results.

    I'm all about providing motivation to others to do well in life. It was finally time to do the same for mine.
  • I really congratulate you on deciding to have a better life by healthy eating and exercise. You will feel better and start looking awesome. Keep focus on your goals, don't quit and stay healthy.