Weighing all food and gaining weight

I am so frustrated. I've been strictly weighing everything that goes in my mouth. I had a short plate, followed by a quick 3 lb loss. Since then, I've been steadily going up. I did have one day of over eating, but have had several days with a large calorie deficit. I've been going to the gym (for 2 hours the other day!) And not eating back calories. What the heck is going on? I am a very large person, 277-279 lbs this last week (drastic up and downs each day). I weight naked in the morning after using the bathroom . Help please!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited September 2017
    What is your calorie goal? In general, the answer will be to eat less.
  • MelonColleyMom
    MelonColleyMom Posts: 11 Member
    My goal is 1200. At least 4 days this week I was under 600. By the time I got home (ridiculously busy with kids and school etc) I was more tired than hungry and went to bed. It wasn't intentional. Plus exercise calories, which again I don't eat.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Can you share the time frame here (when you started, how long your plateau was, how long you've been gaining)? Can you share how much you've gained?

    Also, is your exercise routine new or have you made it harder than normal? When you workout hard, your body will sometimes retain some temporary water weight to help your muscles repair.
  • MelonColleyMom
    MelonColleyMom Posts: 11 Member
    Started 60 days ago. Plateau was just over a week, then dropped suddenly. Then have been gaining about .4 to .8lbs a day, some days losing part of what I gained the day before. That's been going on for about a week. The scale read 279.8 this morning. I started working out a week ago, which is much more than I was doing before. I'm training for a 5k and then doing other cardio. Today I have my intro to the weight machines. My starting weight was 305.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    If all those facts are correct, see a doctor.
  • MelonColleyMom
    MelonColleyMom Posts: 11 Member
    What can I improve with my logging? I did have one day recently with a lot of eating out, so I tossed a big number in and called it a day. But aside from that I *think* I've been pretty on top of it. I would love to do better though if you wouldn't mind telling me how.
  • MelonColleyMom
    MelonColleyMom Posts: 11 Member
    So- in terms of not having enough. I hear what you are saying, but doesn't that primarily matter for smaller people? When I go to bed sans enough calories, my thought is that I *was* going to have a gastric sleeve. If I had, my caloric intake would be what I've had some days or less. It isn't magically safer for someone with a sleeve, so I thought that because I'm morbidly obese it was okay?
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    You might be near your time of the month! The body retains water then. Or you might be over exercising. Our bodies are not machines. Take a break from dieting, eat at maintenance then gradually reduce calories. Don't eat 600 calories and expect your body to function properly. When you don't eat your metabolism shuts down. I'm not talking about one or two days of calorie restriction because people do the 5:2 diet and they're fine. Remember we have hormones too. Restricting your body too much can raise cortisol levels and drop leptin levels. Not good for weight loss. Have a look at this article https://www.muscleforlife.com/how-to-speed-up-metabolism/
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    So- in terms of not having enough. I hear what you are saying, but doesn't that primarily matter for smaller people? When I go to bed sans enough calories, my thought is that I *was* going to have a gastric sleeve. If I had, my caloric intake would be what I've had some days or less. It isn't magically safer for someone with a sleeve, so I thought that because I'm morbidly obese it was okay?

    People who have weight loss surgery are medically supervised and required to follow a special diet with specific supplements to reduce possible damage. A friend of mine just went through it and she still had negative side effects. Our body can only use a certain amount of calories per pound of body fat per day. The estimate is between 4 and 6 calories per pound of body fat (the estimate used to be 10). Everything else is going to come from lean mass. So let's say you have 200 pounds of body fat your ideal deficit is between 800 and 1200 calories below your maintenance calories.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    You're not eating enough and retaining water. You want this to be a lifestyle, so you should aim for a 1-2 pound weight loss per week. That's 350-700 calories per day, including exercise.
    If you're hell bent on losing quickly, get WLS. Right now your body just thinks you're ill.
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    @usmcmp is spot on. She gives some of the best advice here on MFP. One look at her profile pictures should make you realize she knows EXACTLY what she's talking about. Be patient and follow the plan - the weight will come off.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    What can I improve with my logging? I did have one day recently with a lot of eating out, so I tossed a big number in and called it a day. But aside from that I *think* I've been pretty on top of it. I would love to do better though if you wouldn't mind telling me how.

    I saw a couple of quick adds (one of which you referenced), and it looks like you may not be weighing some pre-portioned/packaged products (things like hot dogs, string cheese, tortillas, etc) and some foods (.5 cup pineapple, for example).

    I *don't* think this is the cause of your weight gain, but it's something to think about if you do stall in the future.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    So- in terms of not having enough. I hear what you are saying, but doesn't that primarily matter for smaller people? When I go to bed sans enough calories, my thought is that I *was* going to have a gastric sleeve. If I had, my caloric intake would be what I've had some days or less. It isn't magically safer for someone with a sleeve, so I thought that because I'm morbidly obese it was okay?

    People who have weight loss surgery are medically supervised and required to follow a special diet with specific supplements to reduce possible damage. A friend of mine just went through it and she still had negative side effects. Our body can only use a certain amount of calories per pound of body fat per day. The estimate is between 4 and 6 calories per pound of body fat (the estimate used to be 10). Everything else is going to come from lean mass. So let's say you have 200 pounds of body fat your ideal deficit is between 800 and 1200 calories below your maintenance calories.

    Yep, my colleague who had gastric bypass lost the weight and most of her hair. Her doctor said that even with the supplements, most patients can't get enough nutrients absorbed. He said it will get better with time.

    She said most of the women in her support group confirmed that.

    OP, you are drastically under-eating. And by the time the effects are obvious, you will have done damage. If you're losing weight to be healthier, why would you do it in such a way that will yield the opposite effect?
  • MelonColleyMom
    MelonColleyMom Posts: 11 Member
    I'm really not intending to under eat. My go to food in the past has been fast food. I've done my best to eliminate that, but am not always able to replace it. I am a full time nursing student, part time teacher, mom and foster to puppies. I just bought an instant pot. I'm hoping that will help me get more quality calories in.