How many bones have you broken?



  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I have broken my:
    - right ankle
    - 3 middle bones in rt foot (completely in half)
    - 2 ribs
    - left wrist (twice)
    - right leg above knee
    - several toes

    Also have torn the cartilege in rt knee, all the ligaments/tendons in rt ankle, ACL in rt knee.

    Weird side dad and his 2 brothers all broke their nose at least 4 times and I have never broken mine once.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    too many to´s all part of my second job.

    Oh you mean on ourself. Oups
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    The week before kindergarten, I broke (pretty badly..the bone was sticking out) my right arm while roller skating. On my 11th birthday, I was pogo-sticking (birthday present) and broke my left wrist. In 5th grade, I broke my left ankle 3 consecutive times (like, within a week of having the cast off) by running. (And yet, stupidly, I now run multiple times a week..haha). Also I'm sure I've broken a finger and a toe, but I never went to the hospital for those.
    Thats some suckish luck you got therrrr.
    The only one I went in for was the ankle since I couldn't walk LOL. But the nose and other things I just knew were broken and left it. : D.
    Good luck with your runs!
    Lol, I know..always with the bad luck. My mom didn't believe me the first time I broke my ankle because I could still walk (with a pretty pronounced limp). She said "you just sprained it, you're not even crying." So...when she wasn't looking I hit myself extra hard in the ankle so that I would cry (sick, I know, but worth it). Nothing was more satisfying than when the doctor came out with the xray to say it was broken.
    Haha that makes sense!
    Aw dangit, I should of done that for when my brother tore the ligaments in my wrist when I was 12(it hurt really bad), as punishment my mom wouldn't take me in to get it checked out(he could of broke it for all we know...: /)
    Hope your lucks get better as you get older : D
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    pinkie toe - 3 times (being stepped on my horses)
    3 fingers - horse pulling away from me
    2 bones in the top of my foot - horse tried to kick the horse I was riding and kicked my foot instead
    tailbone - FIVE TIMES. FIVE!!! you guessed it - getting unloaded by *the same horse* 4 times, and once by my daughter as she was on her way out.

    Moral of the story - horses and babies break bones :tongue:
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    pinkie toe - 3 times (being stepped on my horses)
    3 fingers - horse pulling away from me
    2 bones in the top of my food - horse tried to kick the horse I was riding and kicked my foot instead
    tailbone - FIVE TIMES. FIVE!!! you guessed it - getting unloaded by *the same horse* 4 times, and once by my daughter as she was on her way out.

    Moral of the story - horses and babies break bones :tongue:
    Have a feeling maybe you should find a new horse...XD.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    pinkie toe - 3 times (being stepped on my horses)
    3 fingers - horse pulling away from me
    2 bones in the top of my food - horse tried to kick the horse I was riding and kicked my foot instead
    tailbone - FIVE TIMES. FIVE!!! you guessed it - getting unloaded by *the same horse* 4 times, and once by my daughter as she was on her way out.

    Moral of the story - horses and babies break bones :tongue:
    Have a feeling maybe you should find a new horse...XD.

    Oh that one is long gone!

    Professional hazards... I only get paid to ride the "bad" horses :wink:
  • cherrycake26
    Cracked a rib running drunk on ice needless to say i went base over apex.....and a few weeks ago broke a toe, well assume it was broken cos the pain was extreme and it still hurts now. Aside from that I am a tough old bird
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    1- Left arm- fell out of a tree when I was like 8 or so

    2- Left ankle - Playing paintball, stepped in woodchuck hole while running full out for a tree line.

    3- 4 front teeth, fractured jaw in 3 places, fractured right arm, broken right wrist - Fell off a cliff while on a night attack when I was in the army. 20 foot drop and I landed face first on my machinegun which broke my face, wrist/arm I think broke from me hitting the escarpment I landed on. This break sucked as I had to march out a good 4 miles while carrying my pack and my assistant gunners M4 carbine while he carried he machinegun. Dont know what hurt worse- my wrist or the 4 broken teeth with exposed roots.
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    1- Left arm- fell out of a tree when I was like 8 or so

    2- Left ankle - Playing paintball, stepped in woodchuck hole while running full out for a tree line.

    3- 4 front teeth, fractured jaw in 3 places, fractured right arm, broken right wrist - Fell off a cliff while on a night attack when I was in the army. 20 foot drop and I landed face first on my machinegun which broke my face, wrist/arm I think broke from me hitting the escarpment I landed on. This break sucked as I had to march out a good 4 miles while carrying my pack and my assistant gunners M4 carbine while he carried he machinegun. Dont know what hurt worse- my wrist or the 4 broken teeth with exposed roots.
    The teeth make me cringe :D. Well, for all that pain, it's a good story for the grandkids, right?
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Have fallen off of dirtbikes going 60 or so mph.
    Have had a quad roll over me as we both tumbled down a hillside.
    Have flipped a dune buggy... and broke the u-joint...on the dune buggy.
    Have fallen two stories into a boatswain's locker, got my arm tangled in the ladder.
    Have fallen off several horses while training them.

    I've broken one kneecap... while walking. Tripped and landed on nothing but the kneecap.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    a metal plate and 6 pins later, airport security is a blast!

    I feel you, after 2 plates and 8 screws and pins later it's exciting to see what sounds I hear :wink:
    I'm flying tomorrow, so maybe the beeping will wake me up in the morning :laugh:
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I've broken both of my pinky toes from getting them caught on corners/furniture (I never wear shoes around the house, no different as a reckless klutzy kid haha), the first time I went to the doctor but they said there was nothing they could do for it so I didn't even have it checked out the second time... Both of my little toes have kind of a weird shape but I don't really notice it...

    My jaw was slightly fractured due to pressure during my impacted wisdom teeth removal surgery... Nothing major, I ended up taking antibiotics for almost a month though and sometimes my jaw is a little sore for no reason.

    Otherwise no breaks, I've sprained both of my ankles in the past, the right one twice so it's a little weak. I'm really cautious as an adult because I can't afford to break anything on my arms/hands being an art student, if something runs the risk of broken fingers I just sit out, lol.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    None and hope it stays that way! :D
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    None that I know of.
  • Funnybunnyboo
    bone in my foot, when i crashed my ex's car, driving too fast in the rain..he told me i was going too fast!!!
    right arm(ulna)while i ws running accross the hospital(yes i know)carpark, my boot laces got caught on each other, and i flew through the air, smashed my head on my car, and crunched my arm!! carried on with the hairdressing though!!
    right wrist once, just after finishing my massuese course, tripped of a paving stone in the road that was up, and landed on my right wrist badly, then 2nd time, i fell, i just managed to scrape all the skin off the elbow bone, nice scar now though!!
    completely ripped both ankles on a scooter when i was abt 5 yrs old...still have weak ankles....our welsh cob(horse)trod on my right foot, and squished it, broke my little toe.. i think thats about it!!
    oh, when i was in junior school, i was bullied, by this kid, who pulled me by my rainhood cords, i hit the ground, and knocked my 2 front teeth out!!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    1. Fractured skull at age 6. Whacked in the head by a #1 Wood. (SOME people say this explains a lot. :grumble: )
    2. Nose 4 times. Swingset, football and fighting.
    3. Open compound fracture of the Left femur requiring rod placement. The bone popped through a brand new pair of heavy Levis.
    4. Open compound fractures Right Tibia and Fibula with Kneecap shattered into > 8 pieces. Plate and 11 screws there...
    5. 12, yes, twelve teeth. (All of the ones in the front.
    The legs and teeth were the result of my PoS Pinto hitting a 1980 Cadillac in the engine compartment at 60mph. Shortened the car by three feet. Little butthead tried to beat me across a highway intersection, then decided he couldn't make the crossing, so slammed on his brakes. I still occasionally dream about it and can remember most of it vividly to this day. I don't have issues with airports, but if I am laying in direct sunlight for long enough, the plate in my shin warms up uncomfortably..
    Is that enough??
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Sternum: I went over the handlebars of a motorbike at 70mph and had the bike hit me on the back of my head; slamming my head forward onto my chest, breaking the sternum with my chin.

    Nose: by an SUV (that's a very long story)

    Elbow: was side-swiped by an idiotic blind car driver and was knocked off the motorbike I was on.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    14 through various falls, fights, stupid decisions, car/bike crashes, and run away mules. I should prolly be more careful, though it has been almost three months since the last one.
  • Kelly4877
    Kelly4877 Posts: 35 Member
    2 :( One arm and one leg. Ages 7 and 9. Both from falling off my bike!:noway:
  • Kelly4877
    Kelly4877 Posts: 35 Member
    14 through various falls, fights, stupid decisions, car/bike crashes, and run away mules. I should prolly be more careful, though it has been almost three months since the last one.
    Those mules will do it to ya' every time! LOL